1. The poor man dreams of a heaven after this life and the rich man aspires for a never-ending heaven on earth. How Maya dupes all!
2. Who says dictators are no more in the democratic set-up? Tyranny is in every house. The predator-prey relation dominates life.
3. As the words flow out, there is the release of emotion strongly felt n recoiling unto oneself with no other channel of expression.
4. Oh, how cruel can even a mother be who has held the babe in her womb and in arms to be able to so tyrannise!
5. There is no help for the helpless, no hope for the despairing, just no ray of light for the one cast into the dungeon of life.
6. The way the poor people die for want of medical care, I wonder why we, devotees, do not help RKM build more health-care units.
7. Of what avail is our piety if it is not instrumental in improving the life-conditions of the poor?
8. The end to human life is terrible, the appalling crematorium conditions!
9. There is no better way to live than to learn, love and serve.
10. The mother loses her daughter. Her tears have vanished in the pain.
11. Tell me, what is the worth of the poor man who whole life toils to die uncared for in his premature end?
12. Is this a Govt. hospital where the patient, denied a bed, falls off the trolley at night to die on the floor gasping, helpless?
13. Remember with gratitude every little good deed done to you and forget all evil done unto you but draw the lessons.
14. Seek not honour from brother man, honour thyself.
15. A house devoid of culture is no house at all. It is a pack of playing cards piled up, any moment to fall.
16. The mother forsakes the child! What more is left to be achieved to deserve the descent of the Avatar.
17. Innocence appears as the babe and evokes spontaneous love in our hearts. Save the babies of the world from this heartless world.
18. Do not insult your Guru. It is the most grievous sin.
19. Chase money and become a brute. If this is spirituality, then what is God --- the World Bank?
20. The essence of a raga, the image it seeks to portray, is ever so elusive that it requires divine grace to render it effectively.
3. As the words flow out, there is the release of emotion strongly felt n recoiling unto oneself with no other channel of expression.
4. Oh, how cruel can even a mother be who has held the babe in her womb and in arms to be able to so tyrannise!
5. There is no help for the helpless, no hope for the despairing, just no ray of light for the one cast into the dungeon of life.
6. The way the poor people die for want of medical care, I wonder why we, devotees, do not help RKM build more health-care units.
7. Of what avail is our piety if it is not instrumental in improving the life-conditions of the poor?
8. The end to human life is terrible, the appalling crematorium conditions!
9. There is no better way to live than to learn, love and serve.
10. The mother loses her daughter. Her tears have vanished in the pain.
11. Tell me, what is the worth of the poor man who whole life toils to die uncared for in his premature end?
12. Is this a Govt. hospital where the patient, denied a bed, falls off the trolley at night to die on the floor gasping, helpless?
13. Remember with gratitude every little good deed done to you and forget all evil done unto you but draw the lessons.
14. Seek not honour from brother man, honour thyself.
15. A house devoid of culture is no house at all. It is a pack of playing cards piled up, any moment to fall.
16. The mother forsakes the child! What more is left to be achieved to deserve the descent of the Avatar.
17. Innocence appears as the babe and evokes spontaneous love in our hearts. Save the babies of the world from this heartless world.
18. Do not insult your Guru. It is the most grievous sin.
19. Chase money and become a brute. If this is spirituality, then what is God --- the World Bank?
20. The essence of a raga, the image it seeks to portray, is ever so elusive that it requires divine grace to render it effectively.
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