Sunday, 15 July 2018


1. It is death to live amidst unsympathetic souls. Love holds the key to life.

2. To live by one's own wit pays but familial compulsions take a toll on that. One has to comply with the foolishness of others. Sad!

3. One feels that one is born either too late or too early when one finds family never compliant with one's wishes.

4. Man manipulates everything in life to achieve his ends but cannot take the straight road of selflessness to end his miseries.

5. Persecution may reach a point when the persecuted can bear no more and death releases one as one's final friend.

6. If only the foolish people of the world stopped leading the wiser ones, the world would be infinitely better off.

7. If liberation will not be, then death will temporarily release till a fresh bondage binds one to earthly life.

8. Let this form dissolve in the music flooding the soul. There will not be a moment more meet than this.

9. The whole of life is but a moment of realisation.

10. Pandit, Ustad and Vidushi --- the whole of it is self-manipulated, self-proclaimed and self-averred. Whither music?

11. One must have musical talent in order to qualify as a platform artiste. Mere practice or parentage is not enough.

12. The biggest names in Hindustani classical music today do not stand a chance before the stalwarts of bygone years.

13. For establishment of self must one sink to any level? How about establishment of culture for a change?

14. I constantly listen to classical music and find it baffling how these 'besur' pandits and ustads dominate the musical scene.

15. It is the duty of every classical musician to uphold the dignity and class of the music itself by seeking perfection in performance.

16. Pretence is at the very highest level of Hindustani classical music. It seems endemic in the Indian mind today.

17. We as a nation must learn to be more scientific in our thinking, rational in approach to life's problems and sincere in articulation.

18. It is intellectually dishonest to shift stance constantly when unable to address a certain question and, so, answer it evasively.

19. Let me see what Thakur does. I can only remain resigned to His will. In a shifting world of evanescent dreams He alone is real.

20. It is needless to practice politics in every movement of life. Let some transparency be as well in your actions.

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