Friday 13 July 2018


Excessive taankaari or sargam in Hindustani vocal music is pedestrian and hardly embellishes a raga or enriches performance. Shortcomings of voice or ability need not be thus camouflaged. At any rate they ruin performance by attempting to bulldoze their way through to the heart of the audience. But the discerning listener is not caught napping by such premeditated effort on the part of the singer and can see through his show of musical strength.

Art is a refined culture and music the quintessential form of art. Pretence plays no part in it save to degrade the aesthetic element in it. If a singer is deficient in some respect, he has every right to cultivate his other stronger aspects of rendition, but to try and hoodwink the uncultivated audience by gimmickry is blasphemous. The audience needs to be trained to appreciate good music and it is the responsibility of the performer to present such music as represents the tradition of Hindustani classical music in its truest essence. Else, the trend of the decline of culture will continue unabated and the pretentious performers will continue to rule the roost till classical music in its essence is an extinct art.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan

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