The future of the nation belongs to Netaji and Swamiji and this will be borne out by successive generations of Indians who will see through the trickery of these vile politicians who divided the country to suit their ends. Nehru and Jinnah did it with Mountbatten's help for portfolio's sake while Mountbatten did it to perpetuate British influence in the fractured sub-continent, although, in typical British fashion he posed as one who would rather have not had the Partition or who would have hoped that one day the two nations would come together. Gandhi, likewise, put up yet another insincere and untruthful display of his perfidious politics of saying one thing and doing quite another. He had said that Partition would have to be effected over his dead body but when the pertinent time arrived, he wished to live on! He meekly disapproved of the dismemberment of the motherland but then equally meekly accepted his dear Jawaharlal's fallacious arguments that were foisted on the nation to suit the latter's selfish end of attainment of the Prime Minister's chair.
Gandhi --- the arch architect of the destruction of the nation the day he plotted the downfall of Subhas Chandra Bose that led to the latter's dismissal from the Congress and eventually his eviction from India, for he no more could operate under Indian skies with the dual plotters in Gandhi and the British working against him --- fasted ever at the drop of a hat for a variety of reasons of greater or lesser national significance, but when it came to stalling Partition through this psychological ploy so very craftily employed by him on diverse occasions, he desisted from doing so. He fasted to stop communal rioting but did not fast unto death to stop Partition itself which was the seed cause of it all, for he evidently did what he did on the basis of cold calculation and never on ideological grounds or on the basis of lofty idealism. Contrast his fake 'fasts unto death' with Jatin Das' actual exercise unto it which cost him his life in Lahore Jail.
Gandhi --- shrewd politician and fake Mahatma, for here the whole nation was duped by his supposed holiness as opposed to his dubious moral character tainted with unholy adventures in advertised 'continence' about which the lesser said the better, for it will set up the foulest national ideal of impurity going completely against the grain of our holy heritage rolling like the purest streams of the Ganga down the high Himalayas, and it will corrupt the youth beyond recompense --- did what he did to hold on to his dictatorial reign in the Congress while being throughout an extra-constitutional authority of it, for he was not even a four anna member of the Congress at any point of time. And when it came to meeting the challenge of the young eagle, Subhas Chandra Bose, who was way ahead in political acumen shorn of the perfidious part for he was a true patriot, intellectual brilliance, ideological clarity, philosophical soundness and, most importantly, moral excellence and purity of character, the spinner of yarn spun around from his posturing of truth and non-violence to his true element of falsity and violence to shame Machiavelli in ousting Subhas from the national scene and, thus, sealing the fate of the motherland for good.
And this man is being celebrated as the Father of the Nation when he effectively ended all prospects of the re-emergence of undivided India from the shadows of her colonial past. And his cronies, spineless and debased, all fought foul to flay India's premier patriot but for whom these apologists of theirs would have been under the soles of these soulless Englishmen for God knows how much longer.
Nehru. One does not feel inclined to discuss the hyper-hypocrisies of this utter sham of a man who could indulge in dalliance with the wife of a married man and that too that of the last Viceroy of British India. Such a man, totally devoid of character as his many perfidies with respect to his erstwhile comrade-in-arms, Subhas, have beyond doubt proved, need not be discussed here to avert the severest diatribe he will receive form this pen. Suffice it to say that he lacked the moral fibre to be in charge of a nation's destiny to which he plotted his way through, courtesy his perfidious patron in the spinner from Sabarmati.
Only one grudge I hold against Netaji and Tagore, that they could not on account of assumptions of Gandhi's holiness, or would not out of pragmatic considerations of maintenance of Congress unity to thwart the British of any undue advantage, unmask the real man hiding behind the garb of the Mahatma. Tagore was naive in naming a deceitful politician 'Mahatma' and Bose was pragmatic in dubbing him 'Father of the Nation' at a time when he was far away from home and required to pull in all of the might of Indians living within the mainland or beyond her shores in order to evict the imperial monster from the motherland. He, to all intents and purposes after Tripuri, had discovered the ruthless megalomaniac in the Mahatma and was only playing well his political cards to foster national unity to outwit the wily British in their designs to divide the freedom movement. Thus had he named his INA brigades after Gandhi, Nehru and Azad.
This deliberation has spontaneously flowed from this pen and threatens menacingly to prolong ad infinitum. But I have made my point amply clear by now and, hence, rest my case here for the while. Jai Hind!
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