Saturday, 26 August 2017


Sarmishtha Sanyal Few months back was flipping through a book about India written by an Indian, a JNU prof at Boston public library which doesn't mention the name of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose in the chapter of prominent Indians. ..felt sad and surprised. ..

Sugata Bose Why, Sarmishtha, you must have felt indignant as well, did you not? I, for sure, am feeling it on being made aware of this blatant betrayal of our hero by these 'so-called heartless intellectuals', to use the description which the Swami Vivekananda made of these corrupt cases of colonial consciousness, the remnants of their perfidious past, the hangover of their inebriated indulgence in the field of their diabolic dance.

Sarmishtha Sanyal I am indeed.

Sugata Bose Sarmishtha, read on as I write a fuller account of what we ought to do by way of countering these, what I call 'seditious moves', for they much malign through such deliberate neglect our brightest stars in the firmament of world history and, so, go against genuine national interest where it comes to estimation of our national worth in the eye of the international community.

Sugata Bose Why, Sarmishtha, you must have felt indignant as well, did you not? I, for sure, am feeling it on being made aware of this blatant betrayal of our hero by these 'so-called heartless intellectuals', to use the description which the Swami Vivekananda made of these corrupt cases of colonial consciousness, the remnants of their perfidious past, the hangover of their inebriated indulgence in the field of their diabolic dance. Moreover, it is not good enough any more to merely feel indignant as well, for these wrong representations will have to be effectively countered by newer narrations of an old history, a retelling of the revolutionary saga in the light of their actual consequences on the winning of freedom. Here, we have a work at hand and we must diligently apply ourselves towards setting the records straight such that future generations the world over and especially in our benighted nation are not deprived of the real history of all that has been glorious and much that has been inglorious in our national life.

Netaji may be neglected by noxious elements, ignored by ignoramuses masquerading as intellectuals and it will not cost the hero much, for all are aware but choose not to admit for dubious political purposes the worth of this seminal being who virtually transformed the history of the world through his thorough undermining of British imperialism in India and in South-east Asia, but there are other lesser luminaries but no less sacrificing souls than our supremo who have been obliterated from the pages of history books by deliberate denial of their role in the unshackling of colonial bondage. Unto these we owe our freedom in a large measure and unto these may we dedicate the remainder of our lives now that we know that there are forces at work for a very long time now that threaten to thwart the growth of our country to its fullest stature by diverting the attention of its citizens to a peripheral reading of its history by a consistent denial of its core values, be they in the sphere of the freedom movement or in that of the cultural consciousness of this great nation which in times of yore has been veritably the cradle of human civilisation at its highest. Jai Hind!

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