Thursday, 24 August 2017


Sugata Bose  Secular, indeed, we are. Indira Gandhi's government that brought in the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution was innocent of the English language. But so what? Mrs. Gandhi's advisers may have been innocent of English, but not so the rest of the populace and the political parties. They quickly became true adherents of secularism and turned the 'Punya Bhumi' (Holy Land) into land profane devoid of values in public life. Now none can say we were not accurate about our interpretation and application in life of 'secularism' for we have been perfect representatives of it. That is what you would call 'Satygraha' (enthusiasm / aspiration for truth) retrograde style.

Sugata Bose Which community Chandra Babu? Name it. Why this diffidence? Ah! I get it. You are thinking, 'What's in a name?' Right?

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