Tuesday 22 August 2017


Scholars and savants are so often spiritually so impoverished and hardly know the inner way. Strange is this stratification in the realm of knowledge where the intellect truly dares not peep into the secrets of the heavens nor can raise itself sufficiently to get a glimpse of the beyond, for to do so will be to erase itself altogether. Small wonder is it then that the Vedas unambiguously give utterance to this organic incapacity of the material intellect to transcend the meshes of matter and ramble in the realm divine. The emphasis has ever been that the Absolute is beyond the reach of the finite mind and its articulation thereof. The Indian scriptures in this sense have dug up their own graves and the graves of all other scriptures as well. Truth does in no way suffer, though, for it subsists in its own glory, self-existent, supreme, without a tinge of personality affecting it to seek the ratification of the latter for its survival. Truth simply abides and all things abide in it as pale parallels of it. Meanwhile, scholars have read more in the interim period that has passed and their ignorance about matters of the Spirit have become worse confounded. Strange stratification indeed!  

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