Monday, 7 August 2017


1. Politics, perhaps, is a rough tool of present organisation to be replaced in the long run by the operation of higher spiritual law. However, duality dictates that the show must go on and amendments and adjustments will only alter the process minimally, alternating between the maxima and the minima in an ever-undulating oscillatory progress in a cyclical flow. But the flawed structure of phenomena fetters the soul within finite bounds and no amount of politics may release it. It is the awakening of consciousness, spiritual and divine, that strikes off the shackles of Maya and releases the soul in the infinitude of its being. Politics remains a shadow of the real, ever merged in self-interest and scarce conducing to world-welfare, for in the present scenario, nationalism, regionalism, racism and outright barbarism in the form of tribal religious cult are ruling the roost, leaving hardly any space for the free flow of the spontaneous in man and ordaining his temporal destiny by the injunction of archaic scripture or retrograde philosophy, or even worse, by the modern demon of technology wedded to gluttony that threatens to wipe off civilisation.

2. The problem in the establishment of truth is that most of the influential people like to dictate terms to others in their bid to bolster their bearings. Truth goes unheeded thereof.

3. One-sided discussion is dangerous. Counter-arguments must be given to lend credibility to the discourse.

4. Varna is a social institution quite distinct from the Sanatan Dharma. It i an outflow of the imperatives of the times and needs adequate amendment for its relevance today.

5. The cow is sacred but so is all life. The Hindu i one who reveres life as the pulsation of the One whose shadow this universe is.

6. This simple mantra OM anyone may chant. It is the sonic symbol of God, the seed of all manifestation and its ultimate repose.

7. If humanity has to survive, it will have to adopt the all-embracing Hindu way of living. Dogmatism has had its day. Om!

8. Truth shines by its own lustre and needs not the sheen of the PM to make for its splendour. Netaji stands supreme despite all.

9. A day will come when Swamiji and Netaji will rule the history books of modern India along with that other great, Rammohan Roy.

10. The greater the personality, the slower his acceptance in the public psyche but the more enduring it is. So also with Netaji.

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