Saturday 26 August 2017


1. Partition was betrayal of the nation and became unavoidable only after the Tripuri traitors had driven Subhas Chandra Bose out of the country.

2. This sense of alienation from the culture of the land progressively brought about by a persistent refusal to use the mother tongue in an appropriate way without frequent interspersing of it with English words is a debilitating tendency in the urban middle class that is symptomatic of a decadent race suffering from temporary amnesia of its roots. A retelling of the true history of the nation with proper emphasis on its glorious attainments without indoctrination of any sort will go a long way in countering this cultural corruption and relocating the people of this land in their traditional terrain with a memory of the past, an imagination of the future and a fusion of the twain converging to creative output in the present that will shape the destiny of this supreme civilisation of the world.  

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