Dear friend,
Calling someone a pest for whatever he may be is not appreciated here. The person your adversary spoke about derisively was so civilised in his response. It is time to learn from your leader a bit of refinement of rejoinder. I am not endorsing and I have never endorsed offensive statements about or aspersions cast on Netaji or anybody else for that matter, neither do I consider linguistic refinement used in malefic mode very civilised, but to hear that a human being is a pest, goes against the tenor of my temperament, against the sense of my soul and I pity today's youth who can indulge in such invective.
It is futile talking to someone like you, quite beneath my dignity, for, by self-admission, you are an arrogant brat and deserve no better of my attention.
Are these then the liberators of the Liberator of India, followers who have no sense of respectfulness to any whatsoever? Are these the ones who will bring justice to Netaji's cause? I feel sorry for the nation. A young man should know how to address older people with respect and however great an activist he may be, he must not violate other people's private space by questioning encroachment questionable at that, for that will be deemed transgression of the citizen's rights and will be blameworthy.
Are these the ones that question me as to where I ought to be on the day of a rally? Have all people written off their life's duties for following the fancies of a few? To pass judgement like this on me is proof as to why our country is going to the ruins and needs an effective return to our roots of civility if we are to rise as a people.
Would you, dear friend, have stayed up whole nights for nearly four years now to nurse my mother and have stayed indoors for nearing five years now to do some such duty? No, you would not have done so, for, after all, she is my mother and it is bounden on me and not you to do such joyful service to the exclusion of all else.
I have dedicated my whole life to the regeneration of our nation along the lines of Swami Vivekanand'a thinking and find it utterly repugnant to hear such open accusation as to my failure to discharge my national duty by failing to participate in the Netaji Rally risking terrible damage, perhaps death, to my helpless mother?
And this is not the first time that such an accusation I have played host to. On an earlier occasion some months back a lady of estimable governmental executive employment verbally attacked me forthwith without any prior provocation, likewise questioning my commitment to the cause of seeking justice for Netaji on the premise that I was culpable to negligence of national duty when I expressed my inability to organise a rally on Netaji at the Maidan on her behalf. My present inability to do so on account of my mother's desperately failing health she brushed aside as so much excuse on my part, for even her motherly apparently is ailing, and squarely blamed me for being hypocritical in awakening public interest in the disappearance activism and, yet, keeping aloof from the same on such flimsy ground of mother's illness. My horror knew no bounds then and is accentuated by today's happenings and it makes me feel utter repugnance at such shallow activism on behalf of the man who was the toast of the world and an epoch-maker in modern world history.
When I hear from you, dear friend in combat, that Arjun had questioned elders like Bhishma and Drona on pertinent points of statecraft and life and, therefore, it is fine for a self-styled Netaji activist like you to be disrespectfully questioning of the intentions of elders like me in the conducting of our life's affairs, I am impelled to conclude that Duryodhan is being confused by you as Arjun here, in which case I am sorry to arrive at a rather roguish inference about your own superimposed supposed mythological identity. Then I begin to wonder whether the so-called keepers of conscience of the country today, such as you seemingly in self-delusion believe yourself to be, are at all well-versed in our scriptures or mythological lore to which I, the butt of your criticism, have dedicated a lifetime in thought and reflection.
I am being told by you, my ardent adversary in this rather rancorous deliberation, that I ought to get it straight that you are the follower of Netaji, and Netaji alone, and none else in this wide world but Netaji. Well, in that case let me counter-claim that I am straight enough, for I have practised rectitude all my life, to quite comprehend your ideological leanings and bearing at that.
Perhaps, you have forgotten that I had openly praised you for the RTI act of yours some months back in an article of mine written expressly to congratulate you and you did not even acknowledge it openly in a like manner in any forum, for after all you must have thought I was giving lip-service on a social medium, utterly insincere or, perhaps, even attempting to bask in your newfound glory. However, more eminent personalities than Your Highness have been courteous in acknowledgement of the same when I have written on them. Perhaps, they value my writing and you do not, for you pass me off dismissively as a dabbler in facebook talk, even a la facebook revolutionary of silicon speeches amounting to nothing relative to your street-hitting, risking all.To monopolise devotion to Netaji in your preferred way may suit you fine for the while but does not necessarily suit others. Hence, your diatribe against my commitment to the cause will best in future be kept to the custody of your heart and ought not to hit the streets as well.
I can only say that culture is on the decline and it saddens me to see the decadence of my motherland thus. Time it is for the Lord to resurrect Himself from the womb of this ocean of humanity as He has promised aeons ago and save our benighted nation from impending doom.
'Vidya dadati vinayam' --- knowledge bestows humility. May I add to this the converse theorem as well --- 'Vinamrata dadati vidya' --- humility quickens knowledge.
Long ago Swami Vivekananda was asked by a householder disciple of his as to why the youth were going the wrong way. The Swami had replied, ''It is because of the absence of that wonderful Brahmacharya system of yore."
He who cannot serve his own mother can never serve the motherland well. And the motherland is the mere reflection of the Divine Mother seated in the heart of sentience, 'sadaa janaanaang hridaye sannivishtaha'.
Those that clamour in the name of Netaji ought to introspect before labelling others as being negligent of their duty to the hero's cause and should practise continence (brahmacharya) for a few years like Netaji did before they have the enlarged vision to comprehend the vast philosophy that impelled the patriot premier to take up the task of freeing the motherland. Before asserting verbally affiliation to Netaji's cause, they should LIVE THE LIFE that the young Netaji in spiritual terms had lived.
Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!
Calling someone a pest for whatever he may be is not appreciated here. The person your adversary spoke about derisively was so civilised in his response. It is time to learn from your leader a bit of refinement of rejoinder. I am not endorsing and I have never endorsed offensive statements about or aspersions cast on Netaji or anybody else for that matter, neither do I consider linguistic refinement used in malefic mode very civilised, but to hear that a human being is a pest, goes against the tenor of my temperament, against the sense of my soul and I pity today's youth who can indulge in such invective.
It is futile talking to someone like you, quite beneath my dignity, for, by self-admission, you are an arrogant brat and deserve no better of my attention.
Are these then the liberators of the Liberator of India, followers who have no sense of respectfulness to any whatsoever? Are these the ones who will bring justice to Netaji's cause? I feel sorry for the nation. A young man should know how to address older people with respect and however great an activist he may be, he must not violate other people's private space by questioning encroachment questionable at that, for that will be deemed transgression of the citizen's rights and will be blameworthy.
Are these the ones that question me as to where I ought to be on the day of a rally? Have all people written off their life's duties for following the fancies of a few? To pass judgement like this on me is proof as to why our country is going to the ruins and needs an effective return to our roots of civility if we are to rise as a people.
Would you, dear friend, have stayed up whole nights for nearly four years now to nurse my mother and have stayed indoors for nearing five years now to do some such duty? No, you would not have done so, for, after all, she is my mother and it is bounden on me and not you to do such joyful service to the exclusion of all else.
I have dedicated my whole life to the regeneration of our nation along the lines of Swami Vivekanand'a thinking and find it utterly repugnant to hear such open accusation as to my failure to discharge my national duty by failing to participate in the Netaji Rally risking terrible damage, perhaps death, to my helpless mother?
And this is not the first time that such an accusation I have played host to. On an earlier occasion some months back a lady of estimable governmental executive employment verbally attacked me forthwith without any prior provocation, likewise questioning my commitment to the cause of seeking justice for Netaji on the premise that I was culpable to negligence of national duty when I expressed my inability to organise a rally on Netaji at the Maidan on her behalf. My present inability to do so on account of my mother's desperately failing health she brushed aside as so much excuse on my part, for even her motherly apparently is ailing, and squarely blamed me for being hypocritical in awakening public interest in the disappearance activism and, yet, keeping aloof from the same on such flimsy ground of mother's illness. My horror knew no bounds then and is accentuated by today's happenings and it makes me feel utter repugnance at such shallow activism on behalf of the man who was the toast of the world and an epoch-maker in modern world history.
When I hear from you, dear friend in combat, that Arjun had questioned elders like Bhishma and Drona on pertinent points of statecraft and life and, therefore, it is fine for a self-styled Netaji activist like you to be disrespectfully questioning of the intentions of elders like me in the conducting of our life's affairs, I am impelled to conclude that Duryodhan is being confused by you as Arjun here, in which case I am sorry to arrive at a rather roguish inference about your own superimposed supposed mythological identity. Then I begin to wonder whether the so-called keepers of conscience of the country today, such as you seemingly in self-delusion believe yourself to be, are at all well-versed in our scriptures or mythological lore to which I, the butt of your criticism, have dedicated a lifetime in thought and reflection.
I am being told by you, my ardent adversary in this rather rancorous deliberation, that I ought to get it straight that you are the follower of Netaji, and Netaji alone, and none else in this wide world but Netaji. Well, in that case let me counter-claim that I am straight enough, for I have practised rectitude all my life, to quite comprehend your ideological leanings and bearing at that.
Perhaps, you have forgotten that I had openly praised you for the RTI act of yours some months back in an article of mine written expressly to congratulate you and you did not even acknowledge it openly in a like manner in any forum, for after all you must have thought I was giving lip-service on a social medium, utterly insincere or, perhaps, even attempting to bask in your newfound glory. However, more eminent personalities than Your Highness have been courteous in acknowledgement of the same when I have written on them. Perhaps, they value my writing and you do not, for you pass me off dismissively as a dabbler in facebook talk, even a la facebook revolutionary of silicon speeches amounting to nothing relative to your street-hitting, risking all.To monopolise devotion to Netaji in your preferred way may suit you fine for the while but does not necessarily suit others. Hence, your diatribe against my commitment to the cause will best in future be kept to the custody of your heart and ought not to hit the streets as well.
I can only say that culture is on the decline and it saddens me to see the decadence of my motherland thus. Time it is for the Lord to resurrect Himself from the womb of this ocean of humanity as He has promised aeons ago and save our benighted nation from impending doom.
'Vidya dadati vinayam' --- knowledge bestows humility. May I add to this the converse theorem as well --- 'Vinamrata dadati vidya' --- humility quickens knowledge.
Long ago Swami Vivekananda was asked by a householder disciple of his as to why the youth were going the wrong way. The Swami had replied, ''It is because of the absence of that wonderful Brahmacharya system of yore."
He who cannot serve his own mother can never serve the motherland well. And the motherland is the mere reflection of the Divine Mother seated in the heart of sentience, 'sadaa janaanaang hridaye sannivishtaha'.
Those that clamour in the name of Netaji ought to introspect before labelling others as being negligent of their duty to the hero's cause and should practise continence (brahmacharya) for a few years like Netaji did before they have the enlarged vision to comprehend the vast philosophy that impelled the patriot premier to take up the task of freeing the motherland. Before asserting verbally affiliation to Netaji's cause, they should LIVE THE LIFE that the young Netaji in spiritual terms had lived.
Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!
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