We honour Martin Luther for his protests which led to the Protestant Christian Reformation which gradually liberated Europe and brought in a new golden age of learning and light along scientific lines and by forsaking blind theological doctrines in social life. In a like manner today today the ex-Muslims are doing the greatest job of the age by speaking the truth about Islam which enlightened spiritual hypocrites and sccomplished intellectuals are not doing. The internet has come to their aid and they are using it to reach the hearts and minds of hundreds of millions across the globe and helping them escape the horrors of religious dogma that has held humanity down despite Luther. The ex-Muslims are brave people who have endured enormous persecution post-apostasy and face great threats to their lives for their work. They cannot show their faces even in democratic, secular countries like India, leave aside Islamic states where death penalty will be their due by way of judgement in a Sharia court. There is enormous risk to their persons at any rate anywhere as was exemplified by the knifing of Salman Rushdie the other day, decades after the perceived offence for his literary work in 1988. Rushdie, bereft of an eye and with other body impairments for sure, has survived to carry on writing. These young men and women are many of them in the bloom of their lives but have sacrificed family, liberty and security to serve humanity like none else is doing. For the subject they talk on in truth is taboo for most on account of fear. Very well then, these are the Luthers of the day. My salutations to them.
Written by Sugata Bose
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