Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : I wish they stuck to such basics, both in economic terms as well as ethical terms. Food, both material and mental, would then have been more healthy and wholesome for the holistic development of humanity. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Yes, that's for sure, of course. I missed the point in a hurry. Thought of manufactured food products instead which I mistakenly sought to convey the meaning of by using the word 'foodstuffs'. But, of course, as you rightly pointed out, the word has a larger connotation and would be including agricultural produce straight from the soil as well with their associated proper pricing which for the benefit of the farmers must be duly settled.
Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : My heart also burns. At times it consumes me so much that my health suffers. But this burning purifies as well and illumines understanding. Hence, it invigorates me unto a brighter morrow and I awake to a fresh dawn of quickened consciousness.
There is a mission to fulfil and it is a very vast one, both in the positive sense, that of greasing the wheel of dharma, and in the negative, that of eliminating toxic theological principles of alien origin from the civic discourse entirely. This is work begun but nowhere quite dusted and done away with. Mine is Sri Ramachandra's squirrel's role to play, the dispassionate performance of minuscule work done with devotion and love. So shall I do till my swansong be sung and my ashes dispersed by the four winds across the holy landmass that is my Mother. Vande Mataram! đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : I wish you to read as well the trinity of Islamic scriptures thoroughly. They are the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira. Kindly begin and in real earnest read like the leftists, you say, supposedly do. Knowledge is power and let that knowledge illumine the chambers of your mind, strengthen the recesses of your soul so as to empower you in due defence of the Dharma. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Prakash Gupta : They are clever. They take the best of what suits them in the law of the land to their best religiopolitical advantage, although in this regard the clerics and scholars have done what they have done in conference with the legislators who have framed the laws and the teeming millions of ordinary Muslims were kept out of the entire episode of the introduction of part-Sharia in India. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Santanu Sarkar : I am 100% in agreement with this considered opinion of yours. I also feel personally that Ramakrishna Mission has been rather timid and averse to defending the Hindus in times of their mass persecution. Surely they are not following the precepts of the peerless Paramahamsa of Dakshineshwar and his leonine protÊgÊ to the letter, having diverted route a great deal from original course set out by the Swami. Organisation does not end with the Mission but includes the vast body politic of the Hindus who, if they disappear, the Ramakrishna Mission will have to reinvent itself to find followers and reorient their divine discourse. In this regard I am here posting a few passages from Swamiji, gleaned from that venerable gentleman, Shree Eknath RanÄde's compilation of Swamiji's utterances published as 'ROUSING CALL TO HINDU NATION'. They are as follows:
1. 'Then and then alone you are a Hindu when the very name sends through you a galvanic shock of strength.
'Then and then alone you are a Hindu when every man who bears the name, from any country, speaking our language or any other language, becomes at once the nearest and the dearest to you.
'Then and then alone you are Hindu when the distress of any one bearing that name comes to your heart and makes you feel as if your own son were in distress.
'Then and then alone you are a Hindu when you will ready to bear everything for them, like...the great Guru Gobind Singh. After having shed his own blood for the defence of the Hindu Religion, after having seen his children killed on the battlefield---Ay, this example of the great Guru, left Eben by those for whom he was shedding his blood and the blood of his nearest and dearest---he, the wounded lion retired from thd field calmly to die in the South but not a word of curse escaped his lips against those who had ungratefully forsaken him!'
---Swami Vivekananda (Courtesy, 'Rousing Call to Hindu Nation' -- Swamiji's utterances compiled by Eknath Ranade)
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : This has been already my 'obituary' premortem, one that I was spared to read and whose essence I hope to realise as yet, for dreams are much, resources meagre, as you have rightly pointed out, but the soul remaining untarnished, even the blind can see, the dumb become articulate and the lame scale mountains, as the saying goes. So may I continue till the swansong of my life be sung and in eventide my boat sail into the sea of uncharted course and unforeseen shores! Thank you, my friend, peerless writer that you are with a singular gift of yours that I can never hope to emulate but which enlivens my posts with their oblique references of contrasting colours and insightful perspectives. May BhagavÄn Sri Ramakrishna preserve you and yours forever! đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : You are right. But when to do so and when not to is the moot question, for Thakur has asked devotees to forbear as well, especially monks who are not supposed to react to social stimuli, far less to provocation. These are tricky issues where discretion is needed and that comes from superior judgement of long-term consequences as well. Also, hissing may be of many types. Even quietude at times can be potent as it keeps the enemy guessing as to the intent of the mute one. However, sincerity and earnestness of motive must be there to justify to oneself at least any stance taken regarding contentious issues. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @YouTube [ATN News] : But Islam does not allow universal fraternity, it dividing humanity into two distinct classes of the believer (momin) and the infidel (kafir). Hence, to keep Constitutionally Islam as state religion and aspire for equal rights for all communities may be laudable wishfulness but wishfulness nonetheless. It can never be practically achieved. Where the state religion by fundamental theological principles is so intolerant of all other faiths, it is puerile to imagine that all Bangladeshi citizens, belonging as they are to different faiths and even no faith as such, may become members of a single loving national family. The Islamic hardliners simply will not allow that to happen, nor is it ever going to happen unless the state religion part of the Bangladesh Constitution is scrapped and true secularism is both Constitutionally and in real practised.
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Apurba Das---Chinmoy Krishna Das Prabhu] : Appeasing Muslims this way is hardly truth-telling and unbecoming of a Hindu renunciate. Sri Ramakrishna has said that whosoever speaks the truth, such a one lies on the lap of God. Now, this lying on the lap of God cannot be achieved by lying, that is, telling lies as Sri Chinmoy Krishna Das Prabhu is doing, for he is not merely watering down truth but fabricating a false narrative of the Islamisation of Bengal historically having been peaceful and enlightening. This is utter nonsense as any serious student of history knows and, barring the biased leftist historians with their slanted political objective to be realised at a distant date, everybody will admit as well. Here is my opposition. Do not speak falsity. It will be of no avail. The real nature of Islam and its gory history elsewhere and here in Punyabhumi Bharatvarsha with especial relevance to Bengal must be exposed, albeit without attending verbal violence, for violence must be overcome with peacefulness but never with falsification of history. It is regrettable that a Hindu renunciate cannot muster courage enough or adequate vocabulary and verbal adroitness to address the issue in peaceful, yet truthful terms. 'Truth alone is victorious, never falsity.' So goes our ancient adage. If we cannot stick to it, let us prepare more till we are capable of public speaking in truthful terms. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Independent Television] : If in Bangladesh there has historically been so much of interfaith harmony and communal amity, why has the Hindu population drastically diminished there? This is a simple question that needs answering. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You are simply brilliant. Such instant responses, seminal and slanted, straight from that superbly creative mind of yours, seem simply a marvel.
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : That is practically the truth, the practised truth in all its untruthfulness.
The universal phenomenon itself is a curious compound of truth and untruth (Satyang anityÄ mithuni krityÄ). So, all its events are expressions of truth and untruth in relevant relative proportions. When the balance of life tilts too much on the side of untruth, the Lord descends to earth to restore the balance. Thus, life carries on till the erosion of values and the degradation of sÄttvik (spiritual) energy makes evil predominant whereupon the descent of the Divine happens again.
Humanity from barbaric past has barely emerged to a semblance of elite rationality, the bulk of humanity remaining still in the emotional reactionary level. Swamiji said in his celebrated San Francisco lecture 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion?' that it will take humanity as yet several thousand years to produce masses of real rational men. Till then, despite tall talk of universal fraternity, the current state of fratricidal feud will go on.
Truth in its enlightened layer needs a society capable of holding it. Till we can produce such a society, the highest expression of truth will remain the possession of individuals of outstanding spiritual merit while lay humanity will remain relatively in the dark.
Sri Ramakrishna descended into human clay to establish truth in the outer chambers of the human heart, for it is already established deep within. He lived a life in truth, observed truthfulness in thought, word and deed, and set up before deflected humanity the highest ideal of truth through his exemplary living. Swamiji has said that from the day of advent of Sri Ramakrishna the Satya Yuga (Age of Truth) has afresh begun in the cyclical flow of terrestrial evolutionary time. It is our duty thus as devotees of the divine duo, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, to observe truth in all its aspects, approximating the ideal as close as we can.
đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : How do you pen instantaneously such deep thoughts? I simply marvel at your originality, a trait that is rare even among the erudite and rarer among the so-called educated. It's a shame that almost none cares to correspond with you in the comment stream, perhaps a bit out of awe on reading these thoughts, perhaps out of the foolish notion many entertain that these are random rubbish uttered by a person of a specific intellectual slant, and partly because you do not reply to their (not mine) observations which thereby cuts correspondence short. But kudos unto you anyway for your massive instantaneous output that ought to be a lesson for those who simply busy themselves with puerile praises of the personality who is the subject of the appended picture and do not care to either read the content of the post nor comment in accordance. Carry on, doctor! đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Abbasi Tv LTD.] : Bangladesh since ancient times has been an integral part of Bharatvarsha. Therefore, such rhetoric as this Muslim cleric is indulging in is utter rubbish and will misfire. In the long run the entire subcontinent will reunite and pour water over the ardent aspirations of Islamists to fulfil the prophecy of Ghazwa-e-Hind. On the contrary the entire subcontinent will be SanÄtanised. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Advaita Ashrama---Swami Ishatmananda] : Nobody leads gods and goddesses when it is boldly stated ever that service is being rendered to God appearing in the shape of these gods and goddesses. Hence, it would have been better by far to have captioned the lecture as 'Spiritual retreat conducted by Swami Ishatmananda'. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Jaipur Dialogues] : Why beg for money like this by flashing mobile number on screen for GPay? This is shameful brazen business.
Sugata Bose @Kainat S. Hussain : Yes, indeed, which is why the Sanatan Dharma is true and includes all phases of spiritual development within its universal ambit, each one being a partial expression of the Absolute Truth, a fractional representation of the Infinite in manifested finiteness, perspective-bound in relativistic terms and, so, necessarily incomplete. The totality of all human perspectives on the Absolute Reality thus far, the ones being added on now and the ones brewing up in the womb of the unborn future, all added up and resolved lie within the universal sweep of the Sanatan Dharma and yet are an infinitesimal expression of the Ultimate Truth. But the realisations of Rishis, past and present, corroborate the spiritual conclusion of unitary transcendental perception of Reality that is dubbed 'Brahman' in the Vedas but which is essentially nameless, devoid of attributes and transcending the relativity of space-time-causality, and this immediate perception (AparokshÄnubhÅĢti) devoid of intermediaries is possible for all and is the evolutionary endpoint of the embodied being in its cyclic transmigratory terrestrial existence. It is to this gravitating centre, the spiritual experiential terminus that we all are travelling along radial routes that are legion, and we godspeed each other in our onward journey. Charaiveti! (Onward!) đ
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Beautifully explained. It's illuminating, simply a revelation to me. Despite much previous thinking on the subject and a modicum of understanding thereof, the way you have succinctly put it, resolves the clouds of confusion in a trice. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. đ Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : If Vidyasagar said so, then it is the categorical proof of Sri Ramakrishna's averment about him, "Vidyasagar is a pundit but lacks in introspective vision." And we all know that without introspective vision the SÄnkhya and the VedÄnta cannot be understood, much less realised in immediate experiential terms (AparokshÄnubhÅĢti). Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Brahmananda, Ädi ShankarÄcharya, Trailanga Swami and countless other sages and saints have historically realised the essence of the SÄnkhya and the VedÄnta, not counting the Vedic Rishis galore and unnumbered saints who have trodden the sanctified soil of this blessed motherland of ours, Punyabhumi Bharatvarsha, to put beyond doubt the veracity of the SÄnkhya and the Vedanta. Thus, it counts but little if a spiritually unrealised soul but a venerable one from the humanistic point of view like Vidyasagar should declare that the SÄnkhya and the VedÄnta are false systems of philosophical thought. Only the realised soul apprehends this Truth of all truths (Satyasya satyam) in samÄdhi (transcendental state where all thought waves have subsided and all duality zeroed in to the fullness of the Being which is Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute). For the materialist, however morally elevated like Vidyasagar he may be, this subtlest of truths (sukshmasya sukshma satya) is beyond cognition. So, it is small wonder that Vidyasagar erred in his judgement on a state of spirituality which was alien to him and to the philosophical rationalisation of such, located as he was much below the transcendental level where these highest spiritual truths become apparent.
My observation thus far has been in response to the alleged remark of Vidyasagar, as mentioned by you, about the SÄnkhya and the VedÄnta, for I, being ignorant of Vidyasagar's works thus far---a lacuna in my reading armoury which I hope to fill up soon---cannot but take it in good faith and respond accordingly. đ Hindu!
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