Monday, 30 December 2024
The poor response to my posts reveals the character of a cowardly race that dares not rise up in defence of their very own in deathly peril. Our people are being murdered in Bangladesh by the day, our women's chastity being outraged, our children not being spare either, and yet these pseudodevotees and their spiritual preceptors speak not a word by way of protest because the fire may be consuming our race but has not yet broken out within their immediate residence, self-interest and organisational interest taking precedence over the interests of the race. After all these are universal beings with uniiversal sympathies. Where do these insignificant inflicted individuals (read, fellow Hindus)---quite a lot in number, though,---figure in their universal map of larger love? Let these poor people perish so long as such indifference may pass off as being apolitical, but the moment the fire starts burning even the hem of their own garments, out go the pleas to the Prime Minister, the Home Minister et al to save them. This is being universal indeed and apolitically so. Then there are their spiritual progeny galore of pious pretensions snd poor concern for co-religionists suffering deathly horror hours away from home. Has the descent of the Divine at Dakshineshwar effectively come to this at the end of it? Must cowardice prevail over courage in this abject way, that cowardice to eradicate which from the race Swamiji gave his life for?
Written by Sugata Bose
Star Theatre would better remain Star Theatre than be renamed Bibodini Theatre. Names have their historic associations. Sri Ramakrishna visited the Star Theatre and not Bonodini Theatre. The Kathāmrita records it. Girish Babu staged his plays at Star Theatre and not Binodini Theatre. Why tamper with historic names of such significance to honour Noti Binodini? Binodini may be honoured, remembered in many other ways if the government's department of culture so wishes it.
Written by Sugata Bose
Sunday, 29 December 2024
Excessive emphasis on capitalism has brought in disgusting degenerate advertising culture in its wake which is eating into the vitals of the nation and eroding character by softening men. Virility is vanishing and with it virtue as iconic ex-sportsmen transform themselves into advertising stars whose sole job is to earn money and remain in public memory at any cost, thereby spreading in society what in scriptural terms is called 'avidyā' (spiritual ignorance).
Character is the bedrock on which civilisation is built and self-restraint is the seed of character. These advertisements are a nuisance as they work against self-integration by artificially inducing desires in man which scatter concentration.
There is a particular popular Bengali ex-sportsperson who by his advertising of brands from cement to books, rice to what not, is getting on my nerves. I can now fully see how these third-grade students who shirked academic duty when in school but being gifted in sports excelled there and amassed riches, failed to build up character enough to understand how what they are doing on screen goes directly against the interests of the nation as they are setting up wrong examples for millions of idolising youngsters to follow. But what of it? Perhaps, such things irrirate me, not you who might be revelling in it, being oblivious of what the national imperatives are in the view of Swamiji who was by self-admission and popular acceptance 'Condensed India'.
Anyhow, these are my observations by way of a deal of irritation that I feel when I witness such cheap selling of soul for the sake of bags full of bank notes. If the on-screen presentation be humble, manly and uplifting, then it is still deed well done. But as it is, it is a display of pride and what I earlier said, the untranslatable 'avidya' of a specific kind which infects the mind of man with lower vibrations. So, I detest it and this write-up is its reaction in literary self-expression, the boundary struck to keep these buggers out of play.
Written by Sugata Bose
Manhood is the way and it seems sustained rectification of effeminacy by identification of its elements and conscious deletion of these from one's system is the way out of its current collective preponderance. The country's martial spirit must be brought back, vigour in everything. That alone will equip our countrymen to combat our civilisational enemies who are as yet nursing rosy hopes of imposing their law on us. The danger is real and real steps must be taken to fight it back for which the cultivation of manhood is the sine qua non.
Written by Sugata Bose
We honour Martin Luther for his protests which led to the Protestant Christian Reformation which gradually liberated Europe and brought in a new golden age of learning and light along scientific lines and by forsaking blind theological doctrines in social life. In a like manner today today the ex-Muslims are doing the greatest job of the age by speaking the truth about Islam which enlightened spiritual hypocrites and sccomplished intellectuals are not doing. The internet has come to their aid and they are using it to reach the hearts and minds of hundreds of millions across the globe and helping them escape the horrors of religious dogma that has held humanity down despite Luther. The ex-Muslims are brave people who have endured enormous persecution post-apostasy and face great threats to their lives for their work. They cannot show their faces even in democratic, secular countries like India, leave aside Islamic states where death penalty will be their due by way of judgement in a Sharia court. There is enormous risk to their persons at any rate anywhere as was exemplified by the knifing of Salman Rushdie the other day, decades after the perceived offence for his literary work in 1988. Rushdie, bereft of an eye and with other body impairments for sure, has survived to carry on writing. These young men and women are many of them in the bloom of their lives but have sacrificed family, liberty and security to serve humanity like none else is doing. For the subject they talk on in truth is taboo for most on account of fear. Very well then, these are the Luthers of the day. My salutations to them.
Written by Sugata Bose
Those who passively watch and never actively resist Islamic atrocity on Hindus in the subcontinent, while pompously preaching that each soul is divine, are spiritual hypocrites, cowards whose interests in effect run contrary to Hindu interests. These ones are of no interest to us, suffering Hindus. Therefore, it is for us to awake and for us to rise in defence of the Dharma when abandoned we are by the premier personalities within our fold. Spirituality is now shopkeeping and our universally liberal monastics have learnt the trade well. As Hindus in body and mind die, they are busy building up the bank balance of their respective organisations. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof! 🕉 Hindu but in angry call.
Written by Sugata Bose
Anything that has name and form cannot be eternal. And both heaven and hell have name and form. Hence, they can only be temporary residence for the raised or the fallen soul before they take rebirth on earth for continuation of the experiential evolutionary process till upon extinction of all desires and realisation of the Self they are born no more and abide beyond space-time-causality as the nameless, formless, attributeless Absolute Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. This is the evolutionary principle of the Indian dharma traditions majorly and it runs contrary to that of the Abrahamic faiths which enunciate a single sudden birth, life, death and eternal residence in heaven or hell, that is, infinite reward or punishment for finite virtuous or vicious deed done on earth which completely contradicts mathematical logic. Hence, the Abrahamic faiths are philosophically false. Q.E.D.
Written by Sugata Bose
Early indoctrination is difficult, for most even impossible, to get away from. Rationality is stifled and faith drilled in, leaving the brain incapable of critical thinking that questions and challenges traditional truths. Science is the way out but it comes much later in a child's life. By then his brain has been so badly impaired by theological or ideological indoctrination that he remains permanent victim to it. Freedom of thought along lateral lines having been lost, his rationality keeps lifelong revolving round set patterns of ideas already drilled into his brain. Consequently, stagnation comes in and intellectual evolution is impaired.
As the individual is the elemental unit of the compound called society, social progress is thus retarded. Nations that allow free thinking march ahead while theocracies limp along behind. This sets up global power imbalances, exploitation of the weak theocracies by scientifically advanced superpowers, identity crisis among the oppressed peoples which reinforces their faith-bound dogmatism and furthers their regression to medieval times when such fanatical adherence to faith had some context. Now no more. But what of that? It takes time to evolve, education to get past indoctrination and the birth of great men and women to deliver a race from the inertial stranglehold of fanatical faith. Till then blood, sweat and toil, untold misery, patriarchy, misogyny, enslavement and all other forms of medieval monstrosity continue to hold down the soul of man who has sold his free thinking or been forced to do so by a society suffering, yet refusing 'to shake off the sterile curse' of submission to one man's wish going forth as divine commandment.
Written by Sugata Bose
Islam claims itself to be the perfect and final word of Allah on everything. Hence, it cannot be reformed. Its laws are valid for eternity for all. There is no scope of modification or amendment to suit changing social conditions. What was revealed in the seventh century CE is exactly applicable for all time to come.
There is no separation in Islam between the eternally valid word (the Shruti) and the temporarily valid word for the times which must in due course be amended (the Smriti) as there is in the Sanatan Dharma. Hence, Islam is fixed in its tenets forever and beyond evolution, although it is interesting to note that during the Prophet's time there was continuous Qur'anic verse evolution with a new verse along a line abrogating a similar older verse along the same line but with a different injunction. The Qur'anic verses thus necessarily evolved during the Prophet's time which is natural and quite understandable but once the final verse had been revealed, there could be no further change as revelation could only have been through the Prophet and once he died there could be no further recipient of such, hence, no change, amendment, adjustment whatsoever is possible any more in Islam.
Reformation in Islam can only mean going back to the faithful practice of the Deen exactly as the Prophet did and his Companions followed suit. It is completely different from the Reformation in Christianity leading to the Protestant breakaway. Quite apart.
Written by Sugata Bose
Patriarchy has long possessed this earth. Religions that promote it have become redundant. The only religion that goes with the spirit of modernity is the Vedanta. Of all religions it alone declares the divinity of all and allows privilege to none. This is the religion of the modern age and this is the religion of the future. Divinity of all, equal rights for all, democracy of the Spirit, no tyrant God to worship and please, none to fear, none sitting in judgement over humans and determining their afterlife, their destination postmortem.
Humanism falls far short of it. It accepts only the body and the mind but rejects any higher evolved state of a human being in the Spirit. This materialistic outlook limits it. The Vedanta releases the human soul from this stranglehold of matter, that is the bondage of the being to the body and the duality of the sense universe. The Vedanta, while accepting the body and the mind, goes a step further and frees the being in the infinitude of the Spirit. No God to worship, no matter to be enslaved to perpetually, just continuous evolution till the singular state of the Absolute Existence-Consciousness-Bliss be reached which is each being's own essence.
Written by Sugata Bose
It is interesting to see military men throughout the world giving the salute and Muslims also in somewhat a like manner giving the salām. Very strange military resemblance. Of course one must find out the source of the salām and the salute in historical terms to understand the significance of the link better. But one thing is certain that Islam has a strong military component to it as is illustrated by its history since inception when jihād began to be staged routinely after the Hijrah and has never stopped ever since, being a divine mandate in all its dimensions, not the least of which is both defensive and offensive war. Thus, the salām resembling the military salute is so revealing as to the real nature of Islam despite the word's linguistic peaceful connotation.
Written by Sugata Bose
Hindus should never convert to Islam. If marriage to Muslims makes it necessary, then the injunction of the Geeta must be remembered: स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेय: परधर्मो भयावह: ||
svadharme nidhanaṁ śhreyaḥ paradharmo bhayāvahaḥ (death is preferable following one's own dharma or righteous station in life but to adopt the dharma of another is dreadful). Under no circumstance must a Hindu convert to Islam, however great the pressure may be, however great the enticement or inducement may be. The same applies to Christianity. My life's experience has shown me that in nearly all cases of Hindu-Muslim or Hindu-Christian marriage, it is the Hindu who converts.
Written by Sugata Bose
Saturday, 28 December 2024
I witnessed a shadow of pre-Partition 1946 Bengal on Montel News, a Bengali news channel, where a street meeting staged by Muslim clerics to oppose the proposed Waqf Amendment Bill of 2024 was telecast and is being repeatedly telecast for wider dissemination of the message. The meeting was in Kolkata, so far as I could gather but was conducted entirely in Hindi interspersed with a delicious dose of Urdu. A lot of vehemence, the clarion call sent out to unite the Muslims, crafty ploys to divide the Hindus, calls to Nitish Kumar and Chandra Babu Naidu for whatever veiled reason, one may easily guess, Islamic references including that of the kalmā, references to the RSS and Shree Mohan Bhāgavat, and even open messages sent out to the assembled audience and beyond to remain united and prepared to rise in defence of the Deen should the Waqf Amendment Bill be enacted. It was much verbal vitriol from almost every speaker barring one old gentleman who exhorted the Muslim children to excel in secular studies as well so that Muslims may get a more significant representation in professions of significance. There was one speaker from the All India Muslim Personal Law Board who was especially verbally inciting. Such speakers, their manner, mode and content of speech brought visual images of what must have been Bengal in 1946, what East Pakistan was till 1971, what it thereafter has been as Bangladesh and what Kashmir and Pakistan have been for the Hindus. The entire proceedings of the meeting was telecast by Montel News, courtesy another Bengali news channel, and is being continually re-telecast now for greater dissemination of the message, a perfect ploy of appeasing the 33% Muslim minority electorate, Montel News being pronouncedly pro-Trinamool.
It was an eye-opener for me and I gained greater insight into the malefic minds of Muslim clerics who are driven by Islamic theology to indoctrinate and influence vast numbers of ordinary Muslims to serve the political ends of Islam The intent of Islam in India came clear---the transformation of India into an Islamic state by gradually transiting from its Makki version now in operation to its full-fledged Madinah one as and when power through demographic change passes into Muslim hands. After all India was Islamic property for centuries, which the Waqf Act testifies to, and it must remain so till Qayāmat, Inshallah. This was what that venerable gentleman of least verbal vehemence said. Imagine now what the others did then amid repeated shouts of Nara-e-Taqbeer. And this is West Bengal today, the summation of past appeasement politics and the effect of present appeasement in the name of secularism.
Written by Sugata Bose
Friday, 27 December 2024
Sugata Bose @Imtiaz Mahmood : You are too good with words and their subtle nuances and cross-references.
Sugata Bose @Sreekanth Madhavan : Never. Manipulation of words of the original song dedicated to Shree Ram.
Sugata Bose @Zahid Mollah : Yes, to know about true Islam and not nurse imaginary Hindu notions of universality about it.
Sugata Bose @Priyadarshi Gupta : Such ignorance will cause greater harm. Living in a fool's paradise becomes the Hindu of little knowledge of Islamic scriptures and greater indolence regarding knowing about it. There is nothing disharmonious about the post but an exhortation to read and then arrive at an informed conclusion about Islam. You have in the past as well harboured such uninformed notions and desisted from being better informed about Islam. People like you nurse notions simply on imagination of Islamic universality when the reverse is true whose toxic fruit was the murderous mutilation of our beloved motherland. I do not like to engage in conversation with people who draw conclusions about issues based on no real knowledge of them and yet feel entitled to advise those like us who are have laboriously learnt about the textual tenets of Islam and its bloody history ever since inception. Please read and then argue, not before.
P.S. As regards the harmony factor, Islam does not endorse it but Hinduism does. So, it is a one-way traffic and that can never succeed, for harmony must be mutual, based on universal acceptance and not subscribing to absolute exclusiveness which is the fundamental tenet of Islam. Appeasement can never be the secure foundation for social harmony which knowledge and strength are. In knowing Islam from foundational scriptural texts and not from the harbouring of imaginary ideas about it, prejudice may go and real harmony effected from the position of informed strength rather than uninformed indulgent weakness. Q.E.D.
Sugata Bose @Sutanu Chatterjee : You are the soldier and so am I. Let the resistance begin. Others will join in. The tiny seed grows into the mighty tree.
India is not dead. She is still living, in mortal danger but waking once more to resurrect her civilisation that has been thwarted for a millennium and near four centuries now. An old nation recovers slowly, its age making its motion sluggish, for the complexities of culture are immense and they have to be resolved overtime on the unifying basis of the Vedanta which is not a moment's job. The experience of the race, its wisdom, its follies and foibles necessarily make it slow in responding to the challenges of the times but age-old India broods deep and smiles at these ephemeral nations which blaze for a moment like meteoric streaks in the sky and then vanish into nothingness while age-sane India in her unshakable forbearance absorbs and assimilates invasive civilisations till they have in her being become flesh and blood. Such will be the fate of Islam, Christianity and materialism, all of a noxious kind, which dipping in the holy waters of the Ganga will merge in the vast body of the motherland and her Dharma which is why Swamiji may have uttered a phrase to depict the future body of harmonic India as having 'Islam body and Vedanta brain'. By 'Islam body' he may have meant the solidarity of sovereign India and by 'Vedanta brain' the foundational philosophy on which future India would be built and would attain unprecedented greatness. But no aspired end is attained without the adoption of the right means and here we have, as soldiers of Swamiji, work to do. Be thou my helpmate, my comrade-in-arms in this great project of the defence and development of future India. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Sutanu Chatterjee : I know what you mean but the struggle for the preservation of the Sanatan culture is on and must go on till the goal is reached. Have you forgotten Swamiji's clarion call from the Kathopanishad?
Sugata Bose @Priyadarshi Gupta : Visit Bangladesh and find out for yourself. The Islamic doctrines are being practised to perfection there even today, 1402 years after the Hijrat. These anti-kafir doctrines in Islam are believed by Muslims to be divinely revealed and are thus inviolable and unalterable. Amendment of such divine dictates are disallowed in Islam which effectively means that your mentioning of sthhān, kāl, pātra falls flat unless you mean that the onus ever is on the Hindus to cater to them and in consequence maintain muteness in abject subservience to the dastardly situation where Hindus by the day are being brutally murdered, their women raped, children hanged from the ceiling, their property looted and houses being set on fire. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : Not true entirely. The spiritual realisations of the Rishis as recorded in our shāstras have been verified repeatedly down the ages and are being verified even today by sincere aspirants. Even mythology has its core philosophical truths which are garbed in narrative form, and not all of mythology are literary representations of such truths in story form, they being itihāsas or history recorded in the then prevalent Bhāratiya style. Thus, reducing religion or dharma, as we Sanātanis understand it, to a commercial tool may in common capitalistic experience seem correct but is in essence widely off the mark, for the truth of a system must be judged in terms of the quality of its thought and its best products in application and not by its meanest mercenary types. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @YouTube [SATV] : Descendant of Bakhtiyar Khilji who destroyed the Nalanda University, murdered thousands of Buddhist monks and extended the realm of the Delhi Sultanate in Bengal. Thus the interviewee himself said while denying his descent from Hindu rulers like Shashānk belonging thd seventh century CE. The gentleman's ignorance about this nation's history was apparent when he said that Shashānk existed three thousand years ago. Simply disgusting to see such slave mentality in Bangladeshis who deny their Sanatani lineage and affirm invasive Arab descent!
Sugata Bose @Kapil Patil : You are an intelligent gentleman. Why do you not study Islam a bit and spread the knowledge which will go to making Hindus aware of the civilisational danger that once more faces them? The bull must be taken by the horns, the devil confronted head on, the brute faced straight off. Study the doctrine that is Deen-e-Islam as recorded in its trinity of scriptures, the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira, and help raise our civilisational defence. Each one of us must sink in our ploughshare of work in resistance and must not shirk duty in this regard. Interestingly, the word 'shirk' that I have just used is in Qur'anic terms the worst offence a person may make and this is so characteristically committed by the Hindu who is mushrik in consequence. 'Shirk' in English means to avoid a duty whereas 'shirk' in Qur'anic terms means to partner other gods or goddesses with Allah, the only true God who alone is worshipworthy. The person who commits 'shirk' is called a 'mushrik' which you and I and our countless Hindu brethren are, and the punishment for being such is death on earth and damnation in hell hereafter. All offences are bad but 'shirk' the worst. For the former there may be forgiveness by the All-merciful Allah but for the latter never. So, our position as Hindus is rather precarious here and hereafter, you see. The proselytising zealous Muslim in strict adherence to the Qur'an duly thinks that it is his holy duty to save us and attempts to do so by giving us the dawah, that is, the invitation to join the Deen (Islam). Here Muslims are committed and over 1400 years have been converting non-Muslims by persuasion and by force. We, Hindus, have suffered nearly 1400 years of Islamic oppression and continue to do so right till today as the situation in Bangladesh amply exemplifies. One of the primary reasons for this has been our disunity. But a far more dangerous reason was and is our ignorance of the fundamental tenets of Islam. We just have never bothered to read the Qur'an nor do we read it today to find out what Islam truly says. This ignorance of Islamic theology and intent has been the principal cause of our sustained suffering at the hands of Islam. It is time we start reading. Even the Qur'an says in its first verse, "Iqra (read)". So, let us begin our academic defence campaign instead of sitting pretty and expecting government to do everything. After all the government is also made up of individuals like you and me and most are largely ignorant of the motivations of Islam, leave aside their political compulsions and selfishness. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : That is why I said eventually 'transunizen' which would include 'multizen'---word coined by creative you (Congratulations!)---and its transcendence beyond space-time-causality. [Refer to my post which run thus:
I am a citizen, a globozen, a unizen and a transunizen as I extend the frontiers of my identity.]
Sugata Bose @YouTube Reels : Neeraj Atri's scientific training makes his presentation crisp and clear. Here he explains two basic terms, kāfir and mushrik, and in just a few words clears the cobwebs in the deluded Hindu brain.
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You are Postmaster General, General Post Office (PMG of GPO). You are no ordinary postman but a man fit to be on postage stamps for your sheer brilliance and sarcastic humour. Long live Sanjeev Shrivastava!
Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : Perfect. This is called commenting---precise, pointed, pertinent, and presented in unambiguouss forthright style straight from the barrel of the pen and yet in artful poetic style. Indeed, this is called making an observation that is crisp, clear and concise with concentrated essence coming clean in each of the three principles enunciated thus. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Chandan Bhattacharjee : Perfectly put it. Perfidious politicians and the pandering public.
Sugata Bose @Comal Mahadevan Amrtheswaran : Right you are. And Christians in their righteous notion believe that it is up to them to save the heathen from spiritual ignorance and sin, scarce realising that such a Sanātani heathen in Swami Vivekananda had stormed their citadels to educate them in the Vedānta whose one of many off-shoots is essential Christianity which has long been lost in structural Churchianity, pilfering from Swami Chinmayānanda's usage of the word. Islam here offers effective resistance to the global hegemony of Christianity but Hinduism nonetheless suffers at the hands of both these Abrahamic 'scarce cater-cousins', here pilfering from Shakespeare. It is the millenia-old retreat of the Sanatan Dharma in one way or the other to rebel Buddhism at first and then to Islam and Christianity. But 'like the receding waters of the sea' (courtesy Vivekananda, Chicago Address, 19 September, 1893) the Sanatan Dharma is gathering force and momentum before it rushes back to deluge the world with the life-giving water of the Vedānta. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Sharmistha, one thing. Be brave. Shun cowardice of all sorts. In every movement of life manifest sterling strength. We need towering titans, not debilitated dwarfs. Courage is the criterion, courage of conviction, courage in action. Give up all weakness and be vigorous in manner, mode and means. Affirm your imperishable Self and abide free of fear. None to please, not to appease, none whatsoever to depend upon save thyself. Walk thou like the shining form that treads the path sages have trodden unto the end of life where oceanic freedom shall engulf you. 'Be blessed ever and ever', I hear tidings echoing from the walls of the Self. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : Perhaps, not so hard a heart we should bear towards men of renunciation of whatever degree as such. To put it more mildly, yet no less pertinently, it may be said that monastics of massive indifference to molestation of Hindu mothers and daughters, and the murder of Hindu children and adults by Islamic extremists will lose honour and prestige themselves, and whatever hold they have as of now in the Hindu imagination will fade fast. Public memory may be short but consistent indifference to Hindu helplessness in distressing times, the refusal to catch the bull by the horns and address the Islamic issue vis-a-vis its treatment of the suffering Hindus, is leaving a lasting impression of neglect and betrayal on the Hindu mind. This in turn is steadily alienating such an organisation from the body politic of the Hindus and gradually relegating them to becoming an ineffectual 'universal' sect that is not at all representative of the Hindu cause, especially at a time of great peril to its civilisation. If Political Islam is not resisted in its kafir-mushrik oppression by the most leading Hindu organisation, the Sanātan samāj will for sure give birth to another such Sangha that will duly defend the Dharma and unapologetically so. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Cheenmoy Saha : Even if India were to be declared a Hindu Rashtra, that would not solve the Muslim problem. As demography changes in their favour through massive fertility rate difference with the Hindus, democracy will empower them more and more till on becoming majority they will change the Constitution and impose the Sharia in some form or the other that reduces Hindus to third-class mushrik status as they were for well over a thousand years in different parts of the subcontinent. The problem lies in the ideology and it has to be dealt with heavily on an ideological basis now when Hindus are still massively in the majority. 🕉
Sugata Bose @তিলক ধর : An impossible dream in a country where the nightmare of Islam has since pre-Partition days been natural.
Sugata Bose @Mohit Ranjan : Das Thank you. Rectified it, my friend. Thank you again for pointing out the ugly error made by me. But I hope you got the message alright despite the unforgivable error in spelling. 🕉 Hindu!
P.S. In pointing out my ugly spelling error you have exhibited a like ugliness of demeanour which is not expected of a gentleman. Hence, it behoves you to be decent in bringing to people's notice errors that are of lesser significance than the message of a major one.
খোসা নিয়েই ব্যস্ত সবাই | গুণীর কদর করবেন কে ? গুণ তো গভীরে স্থিত, সাধারণের অগম্য, রুচিবহির্ভূত প্রদেশ | তাই সংস্কৃতির পতন |
Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : No, it is absolutely essential to read the Qur'an for adequate understanding of the adversary's motives in the absence of which Islamic apologists will cleave their way through the defences of Sanātanis by feeding in false narratives which they cannot if the latter are well-versed in the trinity of Islamic scriptures, namely, the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira. Add to that subsequent Islamic history and you get your picture perfect of the perfidy perpetrated by Momins the world over in the last fifteen centuries bathed in infidel blood. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Chandan Bhattacharjee : That is not possible. The Qur'an is the absolute and final word of the Islamic God and cannot be amended. It is valid on all people for all time to come and Muslims must abide by its injunctions to the letter, such is the Qur'anic commandment.
Sugata Bose @Chandan Bhattacharjee : The monks will say that they are constituents of an organisation (RKM) which is strictly apolitical by Swamiji's injunction. Hence, they remain apart from all such involvement. Besides, very few among the devotees of the Ramakrishna Mission have the courage of conviction and the character thereof to posit such a question before the senior monks of the Order who govern its policies and in accordance execute its activities. Their sheepish devotion allows them only to be the 'yes men' of their venerated ones. Hence the situation.
P.S. The Ramakrishna Mission's apolitical status has since the 1980s at least assumed an appeasement turn and utter indifference to the plight of persecuted Hindus beyond providing necessary material relief to them in their times of distress. The Mission's interests are purely universal, one of their own type, where the plight of persecution of the Hindus at the hands of fanatical Muslims is deemed political enough to maintain a safe distance from lodging worthwhile sustained protest, for they have at times done nominal, extremely meek protests on behalf of the Hindus.
The Ramakrishna Mission is after all not purely a Hindu organisation as its lodged lawsuit seeking minority status in the Calcutta High Court in the early 1980s testifies to. They proved from Swamiji's Complete Works that they were more than a Hindu organisation and were in effect a universal organisation with a minority following, an argument which ought to allow them the minority status which the Calcutta High Court in its judgement did. This appeal was made by the Ramakrishna Mission to save its educational institutions from the dastardly interference of the then Left Front Government led by Jyoti Basu. That subsequently in 1995 the three member Supreme Court bench overruled the Calcutta High Court ruling led the Ramakrishna Mission to accept its Hindu identity. But the inertia is on and the same indifference to persecuted Hindus to this day continues. 🕉 Hindu!
বাংলাদেশ ... ৩
বাংলাদেশ ... ৩
বাংলাদেশকে দেখলে বোঝা যায় কিভাবে দেশের ভেতরেই বসে থাকে দেশদ্রোহীর দল | তা নাহলে কেমন করে মুক্তি যুদ্ধকে অস্বীকার করে রি-সেট বটন টিপে ইয়ুনুস দখলদাররা পাকিস্তানের সাথে হাত মেলাচ্ছে ? এরা তো দেশেই ছিল এতদিন কিন্তু ঘাপটি মেরে ছিল | আজ সুযোগ বুঝে বেড়িয়ে এসেছে | এরা কস্মিনকালেও বাংলাদেশ চায় নি, আজও চায় না | মুজিব-উর-রহমান প্রথমে কি চেয়েছিলেন? বিভাজিত পাকিস্তান ও স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশ নাকি অবিভাজিত পাকিস্তানে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের সমান অধিকার ? যাই হোক, বঙ্গবন্ধু বর্তমানে বিলুপ্তির পথে | ঘরে এত শত্রু ছিল ? এত শত্রু থাকে ?
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
বেদান্ত ... ১
বেদান্ত ... ১
বেদ হল আধ্যাত্মিক জ্ঞানরাশি | এই বেদের অন্তে স্থিত যা, তাই বেদান্ত | প্রতিটি বেদের তিনটি ভাগ : ব্রাহ্মণ, আরণ্যক এবং উপনিষদ | এই উপনিষদই বেদান্ত | বেদজ্ঞানের অন্তিম পরিণতি বলে একে বেদান্ত বলা হয়েছে | বেদান্তই বেদের শেষ কথা, জ্ঞানের চরমতম উৎকর্ষ যা সারা পৃথিবীতে আজও কোথাও কোনো গ্রন্থ স্পর্শ করতে পারেনি, তার থেকে এগিয়ে যাওয়া তো দূরের কথা | এর কারণ বেদান্তের অদ্বৈতবাদ দর্শনের শেষ কথা, অতীন্দ্রিয় একত্বের কথা | তাকে ছাড়িয়ে যাবে কে ? কোন ধর্ম ? কিভাবে ?
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
Unless you admit that the problem is in the toxic verses of the Islamic scriptures which the terrorists are inspired by, you cannot tackle Islamic terrorism. It is theology that drives action. Islamic fundamentalists follow the fundamentals of Islam which inspire jihād, nay, make it mandatory on all Muslims as their obligatory duty. You must read the trinity of Islamic scriptures and its violent history right since inception to understand why Muslim invaders so violently, so inhumanly oppressed the subjugated Hindus for nearly 1400 years, why they converted the Hindus, why they raped our women, why they sold them in Arab slave markets, why they killed between eighty and hundred million Hindus, why they looted and destroyed temples and using the material post-demolition built mosques over them, why they broke the idols of our worshipped deities and then buried them under the staircase of their mosques for trampling on them by Muslims, why they burnt down famous Buddhist libraries, destroying in the process thousands of years of recorded culture and history, why they killed Buddhist monks, Hindu brāhmans, force-circumcised our men after converting them, why they drove our Rajput women of royal and noble lineage, the very best of Hindu womanhood, to perform mass Jauhar, why they castrated our young boys to guard over their capture of Hindu women after conquest, why they mass-murdered the population of whole cities, why they enslaved us, why they unleashed a thousand year terror on innocent civilians such that for centuries they knew not if the night would pass and they would see the sun at daybreak, why finally the Muslims brought in the 'Two Nation Theory' and after letting loose a bloody genocide of the Hindus in Bengal forced the Congress to agree to Partition, why thereafter there has been systematic genocide of the Hindus in Pakistan, both East and West, why the genocide reached epic proportions in 1971 after Operation Searchlight, why after the liberation and the creation of Bangladesh Hindus have continuously been persecuted till date, why in Kashmir there was a genocide of Hindus in 1990 followed by mass exodus of half a million of Kashmiri Hindu Pandits, why false narratives about Islam (Al Taqqiah) is practised to promote Islam in India, why all these and so much more have been happening ever since 643 CE when the first conquest of a portion of the Indian subcontinent was effected by the Arab Muslims. Read, reflect, realise, then rise in defence of the Dharma. 🕉 Hindu!
Written by Sugata Bose
Thursday, 26 December 2024
We hear about the Golden Age of Islam when it led the West in science and technology through their eminent scientists. But it must be understood that men of seminal brilliance did what they did, not by following the tenets of Islam but despite Islam, by pursuing rational rigour utterly absent in Islam which is a faith founded on exclusive revelatory claims of its founder. The rationality and scientific acumen they exhibited, they got that from the Hindus and the Greeks and from their long civilisational culture of Mesopotamia and Persia utterly distinct from the Islamic culture which perforce perverted it. Islam played no role in this scientific advance. In fact the verses of the Qur'an also were numbered following the Hindu numeral system plagiarised by the Arab Muslims. Some enlightened and interested Muslim caliphs managed to think out of the Islamic scriptural box to allow these creative men space enough to exhibit their genius which they did. The moment Islam came in the way after a couple of centuries with more scrupulous practice of Islam enforced by later caliphs, this Golden Age progressively turned into the Dark Age which with its infertile curse revisited the Muslims, a curse running to this day as is evident in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, Kuwait, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Morocco, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the whole host of other Islamic countries.
Written by Sugata Bose
The whole of Islamic history has been one of bloody usurping of power. In fact Islam is antithetical to democracy. So, what's wrong if Md. Yunus has usurped power through revolutionary violence? It is quite legitimate in Islamic law if he thereby advances the cause of Islam which he is eminently doing with great anarchic efficiency, anarchic from the democrat's point of view and efficient from that of the jihādi.
Written by Sugata Bose
East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, was founded by murderous mutilation of the motherland (refer, 'The Great Calcutta Killing' and Noakhali etc.) on entirely communal, fundamentalist, sectarian grounds. And now Bangladesh charges India of being Hindu communal while trumpeting herself as a state where there is complete interfaith harmony despite the fact that minorities, especially the Hindus, are under terrible attack. Atheists, critical bloggers, renowned humanist authors/authoresses like Taslima Nasrin, and Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and tribals are under constant persecution. 1987 saw the declaration of Islam as state religion of Bangladesh by General Ershad. The constant exodus of Hindus from their homeland Bangladesh to different parts of the world and the consequent progressive decline of Hindus by way of percentage of the population of Bangladesh is proof of the Islamic character of Bangladesh. Now they have come out in the open even more and want a complrtely Hindu-free Bangladesh whereupon they will establish their Talibāni state in real earnest. Islam is defeating the secular forces within Bangladesh as it was always destined to do given its character and history. Bangladesh is not only befriending Pakistan but is actually becoming kith and kin in the Umma.
Written by Sugata Bose
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
Islam is the strongest bond between Muslims which is why despite the rape of East Pakistan by West Pakistan in 1971, Bangladesh has again geared up for reunion with its oppressor so as to become part and parcel of the Islamic Umma. This was inevitable given
(a) the very nature of Islam with its jihādi tenets, intolerance of other faiths and emphasis on foundational faith rather than scientific scepticism and critical thinking,
(b) the separatist Islamic cause cited by Muhammad Ali Jinnah that created Pakistan, the eastern province of which in 1971 became Bangladesh, and its unfinished agenda,
(c) the appeasement policy followed wittingly and unwittingly by successive Bangladeshi governments which helped proliferate mosques and madrassas, Islamic bodies throughout Bangladesh and waz mehfils for mass propagation of the faith with all its toxic indoctrination,
(d) the geopolitical play of great western powers which has perceptibly made Muslims globally suffer from an identity crisis which lacuna the extremist factions have to their advantage used and radicalised millions of the youth to potentially rise in jihādi resistance and even offence,
(e) the open appeasement by democratic governments the world over of Muslims to secure votes has emboldened the terrorist organisations to step up jihādi activity,
(f) the declaration of Islam in 1987 as the state religion of Islam,
(g) sustained dictatorship in Bangladesh of a single party by depriving free and fair elections for well over a decade,
(h) disgruntlement of the people at the high-handedness of the Sheikh Hasina regime,
(i) pandering to Islamic fundamentalism while giving no protection to freethinkers who criticise Islam,
(j) the passage of time, five decades, which has weakened public memory of the Liberation War of 1971, with those born after 1971 being increasingly ignorant about the suffering and sacrifices of the people of East Pakistan then,
(k) the long history of political violence in Bangladesh right since inception, its first casualty being Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman and his large family barring Sheikh Hasinā and Sheikh Rehāna on 15 August, 1975 and
(l) the presence and progressive proliferation of the Razākārs within Bangladesh, men who had sided with Pakistan in its genocide of three million Bengalis in 1971, suppressed then by the combined might of the Indian Army and the Mukti Bāhini but never quite obliterated, motivated people who have waited five decades to fulfil their Islamic agenda of uniting with Pakistan.
Ultimately it has been the victory of Islam in Bangladesh over secularism, liberalism and progress which will now take her to the darkness of the Middle Ages unless sanity returns to the country, now in anarchic turmoil.
Written by Sugata Bose
Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Are West Bengal's Muslims that immature that they will riot on watching Taslima Nasrin's 'Lajjā' in its dramatic version? This is certainly low expectation from them by the ruling dispensation and is a pointer to where, despite grand declarations of secularism, the politicians have led the polity along the precipitous path of interfaith tension where the slightest bit of realistic criticism of fanatical behaviour by Muslims becomes a conflagration point. This is not only unfortunate, unwarranted and unwholesome but is the flourishing bed of social fission. This state of affairs must change and for that the right type of education in rational thinking needs to be imparted to the hundreds of millions of the generation growing up to physical maturity. However, they need mental maturity as well for which the government and the citizens must work together in right earnest. 🕉
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo: courtesy, Taslima Nasrin
Islamic jihād is a major threat today. Its scriptural sanction and mandate upon every believer to engage in it makes it massively dangerous, for despite the greater jihād of inner control being the standard apology tended to cover up the lesser jihād, that of violent confrontation with the non-believer, it is the latter, the lesser one of far greater impact that is wreaking havoc across the globe. India, the land of the mushrik, the idolatrous polytheistic Hindu, is its especial target. Now since the fall of the Sheikh Hasinā government in Bānglādesh, the terror network spread across the subcontinent is posing India her severest challenge. Hope we find our countrymen safe and sound through this terrible jihādi ordeal that is wrecking Bangladesh, decimating the minorities, especially the Hindus, there and threatening to cause heavy casualty here in India as well. 🕉 Hindu!
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo: Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (left), Zhou Enlai (centre) snd Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman (right).
Monday, 23 December 2024
1. Taslima Nasrin's singular activism has awakened a million souls to the dangers of proliferating Islam. Her literary contributions will remain as gifts to the Bengali language but her resistive activism to Political Islam will be her lasting legacy to humankind. Single and singular!
2. What an NDTV of such exquisite execution of programmes pioneered by Prannoy Roy, reduced today to a shadow of its former self!
3. বাংলাদেশে আর পাকিস্তানে ক্রমান্বয়ে অমানুষিক চাপ দিয়ে হিন্দুদের ধর্মান্তরণ করা হয় ইসলামে |
4. The great philosophical flaw in Islam and Christianity is that they cannot quite adequately rationalise the anomalies of life by their theory of a single terrestrial life. Here they inadvertently own up their philosophical inadequacy and in effect are proven to be inferior to the highly philosophical dharma traditions of Sanātan Bhāratvarsha that base their explanation on the transmigratory cycle of life with its numerous births, earthly existence and deaths till upon extinction of all desires liberation is attained in transcendental Self-consciousness.
5. It is stupid to convert from Hinduism to Islam or Christianity when the latter have no philosophy to match that of the former.
6. যে দেশে এত চুরি, সে দেশের আবার চরিত্র কি ?
7. ব্রহ্মচর্য করলে ওমনিই সৌন্দর্য প্রকাশ পাবে | অত ফাউণ্ডেশনের দরকার কি ?
8. আদ্যাশক্তির অনুগামীরা বাংলাদেশে হিন্দুনির্যাতনে নিশ্চুপ কেন? কোথায় গেল ধর্মরক্ষার্থে বিবেকানন্দপ্রদত্ত কর্তব্যবোধ, কর্তব্যপালন?🕉
9. ৭৫ বছরের মুক্তিযোদ্ধাকে যদি জুতোর মালা পরায়, তবে মনুষ্যত্ব ও বর্বরতার মধ্যে পার্থক্য কি রইল ?
10. আমাদের ঘরের লোকই আমাদের কথা শোনে না | বিধর্মী আর কি শুনবে ?
11. আমার কেউ নেই কিন্তু আমার মৃত্যু আছে | এই মৃত্যুই আমার পরম মিত্র | জীবনের অবসানে কতক বিরাম | তারপর আবার যাত্রা |
12. রবীন্দ্রনাথ লিখেছিলেন, "মরণ রে, তুঁহু মম শ্যাম সমান |" গভীর, গভীর তাৎপর্যপূর্ণ এই বাণী ! এ তো কাব্য নয়, এ ঋষিবাক্য !
13. যার কেউ নেই, তার মা আছেন | আর যার মাও নেই ? তার ?
14. ঠাকুরের দোরে কুকুর হব, এই ভিক্ষা করি, মা জননী |
15. জাতির বিপদে ঔদাসীন্য আনতে পারি না | জাতির পতনে যে অকল্পনীয় ক্ষতি, এ কথা কি বোঝেন না ?
16. সকলের কল্যাণ হোক ! সকল জীব ব্রহ্মাবগাহী হোক !
17. মানুষে মানুষে সম্পর্ক সম্মানের হোক, অপমানের নয় |
18. সত্য বচন ও সত্য সঙ্কল্প চরিত্রের ভিত্তিভূমি | এর সাথে প্রেম সংযুক্ত হলে এঁদের যুগ্ম জ্যোতিতে লোকসংগ্রহ হয় |
19. মৃত্যু যখন নিশ্চিত, তখন বীরের ন্যায় মহাকর্মসম্পাদনে শরীরপতনই শ্রেয়ঃ | এই ছিল স্বামীজীর ভাব যার জন্য তিনি জীবন দিয়ে গেলেন |
20. দিনে দিনে কাপুরুষের ন্যায় মরার চেয়ে শরীরের অন্তিম পরিণতি জেনে নিয়ে বীরের ন্যায় মহাবিক্রমে বাঁচা ভাল | ক্ষুদ্র স্বার্থ ছেড়ে জগদ্ধিতায় জীবনোৎসর্গ করা শ্রেয়ঃ | এইতো ছিল স্বামীজীর ভাব |
21. নির্বান্ধব আমি নই | জগত বন্ধু আমার |
22. সমাপ্তিতে যার সূচনা, তার নাম জীবন |
23. মালার জুতো আর জুতোর মালা, আজ এক বোধ হচ্ছে |
24. এসে হে ঠাকুর মোর মরণের মাহেন্দ্রক্ষণে !
25. একটি বালকের মধ্যে যে সরলতা, সহমর্মিতা দেখলাম, তা তো বড়দের মধ্যে দেখলাম না | বালক হৃদয়ের ভাষা জানে, বয়ঃপ্রাপ্তরা পঙ্কিলতার ভাষা | হৃদয় ও বুদ্ধির সংঘাতে প্রায়ই হৃদয়ের আপাত পরাজয় হয় | সভ্যতার এইখানেই বর্বরতার কাছে হার | কিন্তু বিবর্তনের চক্রে এটি শেষের কথা নয়, রবীন্দ্রনাথের ভাষায়, মাঝের কথা | কালক্রমণে বহু সভ্যতা এইভাবেই ধ্বংয় হয় কিন্তু কাল ও তার গুণগত উন্নয়ন থেমে থাকে না | মানুষ সভ্য হয়, হৃদয়ের ভাষা বুঝতে শেখে | যাঁরা হেরেছিলন, নিশ্চিহ্ন হয়েছিলেন একদিন, তাঁরা পুনরোত্থিত হন নতুন সভ্যতার পথিকৃত হয়ে | এটিই ওই 'মাঝের' শেষের কথা কিন্তু এ কালচক্রের দৈবলীলা চলতেই থাকে নব নব উত্থানপতনের মাঝে | 🕉
26. Be ultra-confident but cautious, bold but watchful, warrior-like but wary, vigorous but conserving power. The secret lies in concentration, complete focus on one point, the mental rays straying hither and thither being brought to bear upon a single point with concentrated convergence, the body, mind and soul singing the focussed harmonic hymn in unison what in the Veda has been sung as 'संगच्छध्वं संवदध्वं सं वो मनांसि जानताम् '.
27. ক্রিসমাসে শান্তির বার্তা দিচ্ছেন বিশ্বজুড়ে চার্চ | কিন্তু শান্তিকামনায় ধর্মান্তরণের ন্যায় হিংসাত্মক প্রথাকে বন্ধ করার বার্তা দিচ্ছেন না কেন তাঁরা ?
28. Pakistan is a true Islamic state. Bangladesh is following suit. Will cousins combine now in common Islamic quest?
29. যারা বাংলাদেশকে স্বাধীন করেছিল '৭১এ, তাদের গলায় জুতোর মালা পরাতে মারল ইসলামীয় মৌলবাদীরা ? এ অপমানের আর কোথাও কি দৃষ্টান্ত আছে ?
30. ইসলামীয় শাসনে কি হয়, বর্তমান বাংলাদেশ তার প্রকৃষ্ট প্রমাণ | ১৩৮১ বছর ভারতীয় উপমহাদেশ এর শিকার | আজ ইতিহাসের পুনরাবৃত্তি হচ্ছে |
31. What happens during Islamic rule, present-day Bangladesh is its perfect proof. For 1381 years the Indian subcontinent has been its victim. The reenactment of history is on.
32. If theology be toxic, practice has to be pernicious.
33. মুক্তিযোদ্ধা আব্দুল হাই কানুর জবানবন্দি শুনে ও তাঁকে দেখে আমাদের বাংলার অগ্নিযুগের বিপ্লবীদের এক ঝলক দেখলাম |
34. যে দেশে মুসলমান সংখ্যালঘিষ্ঠ, সে দেশে তাঁরা চান ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতা, আর যে দেশে তাঁরা সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠ, সে দেশকে তাঁরা সত্বর ইসলামীয় রাষ্ট্রে পরিণত করেন | এই গূঢ় অভিসন্ধিটি বোঝা চাই কারণ দার-উল-হার্বকে দার-উল-ইসলামে পরিণত করা তাঁদের দীনের পবিত্র দায়বদ্ধতা | ভুললে চলবে না এখনও ভারতকে পুরোপুরি ইসলামীয় রাষ্ট্রে পরিণত করার গাজওয়া-এ-হিন্দের যে পুণ্য প্রকল্প, তা ১৪০০ বছরেও মাত্র আংশিক সফলতা লাভ করেছে | একে পূর্ণতা দান করা পবিত্র দায়িত্ব আজও সকল জিহাদীর | এবং জিহাদ সকল বিশ্বাসীর শাস্ত্রসম্মত একান্ত কর্তব্য |
Where Muslims are in the minority, there they clamour for secularism. But where they are in the majority, there they quickly impose Islamic law. This hidden motive of the Mussalman must be understood because conversion of the Dar-ul-Harb to Dar-ul-lslam is his Deen's holy duty. One must not forget that the grand mission of the Ghazwa-e-Hind, that of subjugating the whole of the Indian subcontinent and imposing Islam, has only been partially accomplished despite near 1400 years of attempt. To fulfil this mission wholly is every jihādi's holy duty. And jihād is every believer's (read Muslim's) divinely mandated duty.
35. আজ Boxing Day. দেখবেন আবার, রাস্তাঘাটে যাকে তাকে ঘুঁসি মেরে বসবেন না | এ boxing ও boxing নয়, অন্য boxing. বড়দিনে পাওয়া উপহারের বাক্স খোলার দিন | সেই box. Box খোলার আগে যদি কাউকে box করে বসেন তো মহা বিপত্তি | আজ শান্তির দিবস, আনন্দের প্রহর, যাকে তাকে মারার দিন নয় | So, keep boxing but do not box.
36. See what is happening to the Hindus in Bangladesh. What happened to the Jews on October 7, 2023 is now happening to the Hindus in Bangladesh in 2024. It is the same story everywhere ever since the inception of this pseudoreligious, pertinently political doctrine that relies on human superstition and medieval barbarism for the successful execution of its malefic designs. Its aim is the destruction of humanity in the heart and of humanity as an organic social organisation by the imposition of its terrible tenets to the horror of humanity. Apologists for this cult will have to answer and justify scripturally the reasons for the perpetration of this horror and cannot shy away by using crafty logic of no reasonable consequence. If there is a reward in the afterlife for killing of the kafir, why must not evil-minded people, already predisposed to crime, feel inspired to inflict such inhuman atrocities on non-believing human beings of an inferior order, for the Hindu kafir after all is castigated as unclean and impure here on earth, fit for conversion or death, whichever he chooses, and divinely doomed as destined for eternal hellfire in the hereafter. So, why not end his earthly misery this way, reckons the believer of diabolical intent. And he carries out his beliefs to the letter.
দেখুন কী অত্যাচার হচ্ছে হিন্দুদের ওপর বাংলাদেশে | ৭ অক্টোবর, ২০২৩ এ ইহুদিদের ওপর যে অত্যাচার হয়েছিল, আজ তাই হচ্ছে ক্রমান্বয়ে বাংলাদেশে হিন্দুদের ওপর | এ কাহিনী সর্বত্র এক, এই 'ধর্মের আড়ালে প্রচ্ছন্ন রাজনৈতিক মতবাদ'এর সূচনা হতে যা মানুষের কুসংস্কার ও মধ্যযুগীয় বর্বরতার ওপর নির্ভর করে তার অশুভ লক্ষ্যপ্রাপ্তির জন্য | দীনের 'পবিত্র' সূত্রগুলির পূর্ণপ্রয়োগের দ্বারা মানবতার ধ্বংস ও পরিণামে সমগ্র মানবজাতির ধ্বংস এর লক্ষ্য | এই মতবাদের সপক্ষে যাঁরা কথা বলেন, তাঁদের ওপর দায়িত্ব বর্তায় সোজাসুজি উত্তর দেওয়ার দীনের কোন্ কোন্ আয়া কাফিরকে হত্যা করতে প্ররোচনা দেয়, অনুপ্রাণিত করে | কুযুক্তি প্রয়োগের দ্বারা পালালে চলবে না, অসৎ উদ্দেশ্য আরও প্রকাশ হয়ে পড়বে | যদি কাফিরহননের ফলে জীবনোত্তরকালে জন্নতে ভোগের বিশেষ আয়োজন 'সৃষ্টিকর্তা' করে থাকেন, তাহলে যারা এমনিই অপরাধপ্রবণ, তারা কেন অমানুষিক অত্যাচার করবে না 'অবিশ্বাসী নিকৃষ্ট' মানুষের ওপর কারণ হিন্দু কাফির তো ইসলামীয় শাস্ত্রমতে অশুচি এবং হয় ধর্মান্তরণের যোগ্য, নয় বিশ্বাসীর হাতে মৃত্যুর অধিকারী, এবং 'সৃষ্টিকর্তার' বিধানে মরণোত্তর অনন্তকাল জহন্নমের আগুনে পোড়া যার অন্তিম পরিণতি | অতএব, কেন না এইভাবে তার ইহলৌকিক দুর্দশা হতে তাকে মুক্তি দি, ভাবে দানবীয় উদ্দেশ্যসম্পন্ন বিশ্বাসীর দল | এবং তারা তাদের বিশ্বাসকে আক্ষরিকভাবে কার্য পরিণত করে |
37. কী বিসিত্র এই দ্যাশ, সেলেউসাস ? নোবেল শান্তি পুরস্কার পাইসে, এমনে মনুষ্যি কিনা অশান্তির রাজা ? কী বিসিত্র ! কী বিসিত্র !
38. Never underestimate the enemy, however feeble it may be. That is suicidal. Maintaining restraint and silence where necessary to keep the enemy guessing is the best combative ploy while getting ready for possible confrontation. International politics is not just violent confrontation but mind games as well.
39. It is an Islamic Bangladesh with all its characteristics. Don't you see?
40. ইসলামীয় শাস্ত্রে যদি এত মুশরিকবিদ্বেষ থাকে তো বাবা বিশ্বাসী মৌলবাদীদের কি দোষ ? তারা তো হিন্দুনিগ্রহ করে শাস্ত্রসম্মত কাজই করছে |
41. আইনজীবি শ্রী রবীন্দ্র ঘোষকে দেখে কাকে চরিত্রবান বলে বোঝা যায় | উনি যা করছেন একেই বলে Practical Vedanta, অর্থাৎ, ফলিত বেদান্ত |
42. ৩০ লক্ষ মৃত, ২ লক্ষ ধর্ষিতা, ভুলে গেলে ইয়ুনুস ?
43. যাঁরা আজকে বাংলাদেশে ইসলামীয় মৌলবাদের কথা স্মরণ করে দুঃখপ্রকাশ করছেন, তাঁরা ভুলে যাচ্ছেন যে এই ইসলামীয় মৌলবাদকে কেন্দ্র করেই জিন্নাহ, সুরাহওয়র্দি, মুজীব, এঁরা ভারত বিভাজন করে পাকিস্তান গঠন করেছিলেন, যে পাকিস্তানের পূর্বাংশের পরিণতি '৭১ হতে বাংলাদেশ |
44. One voice, Taslima Nasrin, worth a million muted souls who dare not tell the truth about Islam. And a billion more apologists abound.
45. Is it civilised to defend an uncivilised tradition in this modern 21st century? Whither education? Whither rationality? Just faith?
46. All proselytising faiths are false. Why must a faith convert men if its truth be compelling enough for natural acceptance? Does science convert?
47. 1 : 4 is a bad ratio. It ought to be 1 : 1.
48. 'Imāndār' does not mean being upright and honest. It means being firm in one's faith in and practise of Islam.
49. 'Beimān' does not mean betrayer. It means one who is bereft of faith in Islam.
50. You cannot subscribe to faith first on an irrational 'revelatory' basis and then go about rationalising it.
51. Do not nurse vague, universal, la Hindu ideas about Islam. Read the Qur'an and get to know it as it truly is. Iqra (read).
52. মানুষকে মুসলমান আর কাফিরে ভাগ করার ফলে ঐতিহাসিকভাবে কাফিরদের ওপর যে নারকীয় অত্যাচার হয়েছে তার বিশেষ শিকার হিন্দুরা |
53. Arabising the Bengali language is a toxic trend among TV anchors. This is because they know so little their mother tongue.
54. Muslims know that I am speaking the truth about Islam but some secular Hindus keep giving supercilious advice to me. Hands off!
55. I am a citizen, a globozen, a unizen and a transunizen as I extend the frontiers of my identity.
56. Rape, murder, loot going on unabated in Bangladesh, the victims being Hindus in particular and other minorities in general.
শেখো বেশী, লেখো কম |
এতেই বাড়িবে দম |
বিদ্যার ঘরা তব যত ভরিবে,
রচনার ফোয়ারাও তত ঝরিবে |
58. I have two types of readers: 1) postman (they who read the post), 2) pictureman (they who only see the picture and comment accordingly).
59. The printing press brought down Christianity. The internet will bring down what?
60. In Islam Allah is the sovereign ruler and apostasy is treason against him and punishable by death. This makes ex-Muslims hide their identity.
61. বাংলাদেশে হিন্দুদের ওপর প্রতিদিন নির্মম অত্যাচার হয়েই চলেছে | এত কিছু দেখেও যাঁরা প্রতিবাদ করেন না, তাঁদের সম্বন্ধে আর কি বলব ?
62. More munāfiqs than momins today.
63. Courageous Hindus fighting for the Dharma are foiled and cowardly Hindus shirking duty in due defence feted for their effeminacy.
64. ভক্ত মানে বীর, মাত্র 'জয়তু স্বামীজী', 'জয় বিবেকানন্দ' ধ্বনি তোলা কাপুরুষ নয় | পারেন সনাতন ধর্মের শত্রুর বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধ ঘোষণা করতে?
65. To be a devotee means to be brave. Devotion to whom? To the defence of the Dharma. Dare you declare war against its enemies?
66. In this age the Geeta has become extremely relevant as it is the exhortation to rise against the enemies of civilisation.
67. The average person is a coward as he puts up pretexts and pretences to justify his shirking of duty in defence of the Dharma.
68. In secular India how many are truly secular?
69. Jihād is obligatory in Islam, both inner and outer. War is mandatory for all Muslims to convert Dar-ul-Harb to Dar-ul-lslam.
70. Is doctrine driving persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh or plain greed, lust and what else?
71. Can a momin befriend a mushrik if he strictly follows the injunctions of the Qur'an unless of course he is plotting the mushrik's conversion to the only true faith? The mushrik in Islamic theology is the worst of creatures and must either be converted or in combat killed whereupon in the latter case he will be fuel for eternal hellfire in the hereafter. In such a scenario are not momins who befriend mushriks out of natural and sincere humanity essentially munāfiqs in Islamic scriptural terms? What do Islamic apologists say?
Q. You know what those who leave a fanatical faith are called?
A. Human beings.
73. The concentrated might of fanatical rogues prevails over vague-notion weaknesses of deluded liberals.
74. 'For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked, I manifest Myself in every Age.' How? Partition? Appeasement?
75. Read Swamiji but learn to interpret his message correctly. Do not listen to harmonic nonsense preached in his name casualty, weakly. You have to read Swamiji thoroughly for long before you can comprehend much of the message that is implicit in it. Not an easy job. Takes a powerful preceptor to guide you along.
76. Let Vikram Sampath now write a full history of the Mughals.
77. সত্যি কথা কেউ বলেন না | সবাই সুবিধামত সত্যকে কেটে ছেঁটে পরিবেশন করেন | এই সুবিধাবাদীতার নাম সম্প্রীতিরক্ষার ব্যর্থ প্রয়াস |
78. খোসা নিয়েই ব্যস্ত সবাই | গুণীর কদর করবেন কে ? গুণ তো গভীরে স্থিত, সাধারণের অগম্য, রুচিবহির্ভূত প্রদেশ | তাই সংস্কৃতির পতন |
79. বাংলাদেশ সাত্ত্বিক ব্রহ্মচারীকে জঙ্গী ঠাওরালো আর জঙ্গীদের বিপ্লবী, দেশপ্রেমী |
80. Jannat is not freedom. It is bondage to unending desire.
81. The character of Bangladesh is evident in its persecution of an innocent Hindu renunciate on the trumped-up charge of sedition.
82. Jahannum is where I wish to go because all my kafir friends will be there including all our historical kafir greats. Ah, what a place!
83. It is time for our civilisational defence. It is time for Hindus to read the Qur'an. Knowledge is power.
84. Chinmoy Krishna Das has shown the path. Let Hindus in solidarity follow suit. Unity is strength and strength survival, conquest.
85. It is useless pandering to the vanity of the fanatical Islamist. He can only be persuaded by power and never by pleading. Awake!
86. When toxic tenets turn innocence into criminality, the plasticity of the human brain must be understood.
87. Be not cowardly and try to save your skin. We are in a common civilisational peril. So, unite and fight for our collective survival.
88. I am crucified by the truths of life.
Earn and burn.
Thus keep on filling life's great urn.
90. What sort of a doctrine is this that non-Muslims will go to Jahannum to burn there eternally? Where is divine acceptance of all?
91. For some life is eternal merriment, for others it is endless misery. Betwixt lies wise humanity discerning life for what it is.
92. যাঁরা নিজেকে নিয়েই দিনরাত মোহমুগ্ধ ব্যস্ত, তাঁরা আর হিন্দুজাগরণ ও রক্ষাকর্ম করবেন কি করে ?
93. আমার সংস্কারই আমার সম্পত্তি যতদিন না চৈতন্যে স্থিত হই | তারপর তাও জলাঞ্জলি দিয়ে নিরঞ্জনে নির্বাপিত |
94. সব নামে চলে | গুণ দেখে কে ? সব নামে চলে |
95. Hindus must unite throughout the world for their safety and security. 🕉 Hindu!
96. How strange that civilised subcontinental people should subscribe to medieval Arab beliefs! Or, are we civilised after all?
97. How strange that subcontinental people should subscribe to Arab faith, copy Arab culture, modernity imitating medieval times!
98. Busyness is good but forgetting loved ones by prioritising material work for career ends bad. It is pure selfishness.
99. Know the real Islam. Read the Qur'an to do so. Do not entertain vague ideas.
100. অধর্মের সাথে ধর্মের সমন্বয় হয় না যেমন রাতের সাথে দিনের | যাঁরা এই অসম্ভব সমন্বয়ের কথা বলেন, তাঁরা হয় অজ্ঞ নয় মিথ্যাচারী |
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