Monday 4 January 2021



Right-wing reaction is rising because of left-wing perfidies thus far practised against the best interests of the nation. Politics of appeasement has partitioned our country and is being resisted along reactionary channels which also cannot conduce to the good of the nation. What is needed is enlightened leadership along broad national lines, free of minority appeasement.
The dipping economy should concern the leadership more now than other matters of lesser importance. A 1.38 billion population, and ever increasing, threatens the future of our nation and thwarts every developmental move. Universal quality education alone can tackle this problem.
The problems are many and time-bound rapid remedial measures alone can solve them. Inconsequential matters absorb the interests of our topmost leaders and unless they alter attitude or are themselves replaced with better alternatives, dark days await us as a nation, for the country is vast, its complexities myriad, and the mind of these leaders in governing it of minuscule proportion. Hence, it becomes imperative for every citizen to sink in his/her ploughshare of work in the resurrection of our motherland from her fallen state, a condition that is worsening by the day as character in the leaders is being lost on account of cooperative association with exploitative elements. So long as the leaders do not manifest ample fibre of character, they can do nothing whatsoever for the permanent good of this country. Hence, citizens arise ! awake ! and play your rightful role in shaping the destiny of this great motherland of ours.

Written by Sugata Bose

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