Why does India not raise the issue of China's occupation of Indian territory in Arunachal, Ladakh and Aksai Chin in the international fora? China should be exposed consistently as an aggressor and invader of the territory of other countries. The same goes for its occupation of Tibet where India ought to take a tougher stand. For all this India must consistently upgrade her defence forces. Playing meek is playing increasingly into China's hands which is our enemy number one now. Not that America and Britain have not undermined India's interests historically but realpolitik demands a strong alliance with USA to thwart China's evil territorial interests in regard to India. Most importantly, the population of India must be better trained militarily with compulsory NCC courses for all students and, if possible, opportunities for military training of a softer type at least so that the able-bodied are equipped to defend the country should the need arise.
Loads of things are to be done by way of strengthening the nation instead of mere dabbling in creating religious differences among the polity. Instead of cosmetic appeasement of the Muslims in India for electoral gains, the entire population must be educated with the best of resources made available for the purpose. The national health must be drastically improved, the environment cleaned up so that men may breathe fresh air and the economy rescued from the hands of crony capitalists so that distribution of wealth is assured on a fairer basis and wealth disparities significantly reduced among the citizenry.
Capitalism of a gluttonous type is eating into the vitals of the nation and this must immediately be looked into and checked. Politicians who are hand-in-glove with these roguish business barons must be voted out of power and a people's party elected with an equal threat hanging over their heads should they play foul with the people's interests as well.
Written by Sugata Bose
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