Saturday 2 January 2021



Swami Vivekananda's birthday is round the corner. For those who are young, this is the time. Gear yourselves up to celebrate the occasion in a grand way despite being handicapped by the constraint on movement owing to the pandemic. Celebration may be done even online or at home or within one's own secret and sacred self.
Study Swamiji and avoid atheists who may try to pervert you from your innocent adherence to the Sanatan Dharma by their clever talk and manipulating mechanisms. Do not listen to these atheist politically motivated persons. They are dangerous and must be shunned if character is to be built and men made out of you by self-effort, albeit under the guidance of Swamiji and his golden message which is enshrined in his collected works dubbed 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda'. Read these, my children, and become true Indians in every fibre of your being, devoid of political pretensions or camouflaged intentions which the enemies of our motherland are up to in order to break our country and render her future sterile.
The Sanatan Dharma is the way of future humanity. 'Arise ! Awake ! And stop not till the goal is reached', that of awakening the world to the pristine principles of the Sanatan Dharma through your living them out in your lives and so becoming beacons in a darkened world of political perfidies everywhere. I count on you, my children, to bring Swamiji's dreams to fulfilment of a renascent humanity, harmonic in knowledge, devotion, action and contemplation. Be, each one of you, such a harmonic human being, is my prayer to our Master, Swami Vivekananda !

Written by Sugata Bose

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