1. Scriptural principles may be high-flown but the point is that they have to be abided by. Mere stating them is of not much use.
2. Love all as our own Self. This is the gist of the Vedanta in its applied mode.
3. Society cannot wait any longer till the upper castes give the lower castes respect and accept them as their own. In a Constitutional moment on 26 January, 1950 all Indian citizens have been accorded equal status. It is up to us now to treat each other with the respect that the Constitution guarantees each one of us.
4. The Vedanta is a far cry in a caste-divided society with feudal associations.
5. Cosmetic shows of bringing Dalits on shoulders to a temple, even if in pursuance of age-old tradition, is proof of a patronising attitude towards them by the upper castes. Instead their living conditions should be made better as B.R. Ambedkar emphatically said. Mere symbolism does not work. Living conditions of the Dalits must be radically improved. Once they are on a level playing field, the rest they can do themselves. This is democracy of the Spirit, activation of the Vedanta in truth.
6. Too much of scripture, too little of sympathy.
7. An omnipotent God, overseeing things and rewarding and sending retribution whimsically and even wickedly, must be rejected if Man is to be affirmed. And this is not atheism, rather its antithesis. It is the affirmation of the Divine that is Man, the Atman, the Brahman.
8. Love is the best thing we have on earth and love we should cherish as our sole possession which we should share with all.
9. I love to live ; so I live to love.
10. I am free of all the burdens of my life. Henceforth, I fly high, skylark-like in the limpid spaces of freedom.
11. Ask God to save the world from the pandemic, the God who has created it and is omnipotent. Else, ask his deputies in the clerics to do so. Why bother the scientists to develop the vaccine? The religious bigots should be able to do it by consulting their holy books. What do you say, O unthinking, hypnotised devotees who have mortgaged your brains to your God by unqualified submission unto Him?
12. The moment the COVID-19 vaccine will be developed that will save humanity from this pandemic, religious bigots will say, "By God's mercy we have been saved. God graced the scientists and helped them discover the cure." Alas, God always graces the atheists, for the vast majority of the scientific community the world over are atheists in the common sense of the term, for they do not subscribe to any creator God ! Got the point, dear indoctrinating devotees?
13. Barely four hours to go before the National Youth day comes rushing upon us with all its youthful energy, for Swamiji whose birthday has thus been honoured was energy personified in the words of Romain Rolland.
14. There is no point in preaching Swamiji unless you do so in real earnest and learn to call a spade a spade as he did it during his lifetime, taking care 'to be sweet but' never so at the cost of a 'hideous compromise with truth'.
15. What is this corrupt and corrosive business of conversion? It is impure politics garbed in religious attire. It is the greatest heresy against the human spirit that thrives in freedom that is so natural to man. Do not convert to Islam or to Christianity from Hinduism. Resist at every step any such attempt.
16. India must send out missionaries across the globe to preach the principles of the Sanatan Dharma, and they must do so not by way of serving self-interest of profit and position but they must in thunderous voice shake the world with the death-defying truths of the Upanishads.
17. We should make our crematoriums beautiful. They must be neat and clean and so well-organised that it becomes a tribute to the departed one by way of final respects.
18. A religion that declares other religions to be false is itself false.
19. Let us prostrate at the feet of Swamiji on this, his blessed birthday. Or, shall we instead raise our heads in lofty national pride this holy day?
20. Children, learn to think critically. Do not accept religious indoctrination from your parents or relatives or the clergy blindly. Accept only those scriptural passages which correspond to evidence and reason. Reject the rest. Overthrow a tyrannical God.
21. Capitalism will bring about its own downfall by dissociating itself from the welfare of the masses. Profit-making is pernicious when it is at the cost of the lifeblood of the people.
22. Can the youth come in and join in a vibrant discussion on Swamiji now? (6.55 a.m. 12.01.2021)
23. The entire Indian subcontinent must be flooded with Hindu thought. Otherwise, there is no hope of peace ever here.
24. Monks must speak on Swamiji with a thundering voice and not in soft sentimental Bengali poetic style which was much repudiated by Swamiji as being unsuited to the present times for an India in need of robust recovery.
25. Swamiji, we have all failed you and shamelessly continue to do so. When you come again, do come in with a whip with which you can lash our weakness away.
26. Swamiji may be wide awake but the country sleeps. A deadly, paralysing weakness of sense-satisfaction and its degenerate derivatives have seized the land.
27. The youth of this country must galvanise themselves in the name of Swamiji and follow only those who can fire up their spirits in a like manner. They must assiduously avoid all those who pander to the vanities of the senses in preaching Swamiji's life and message, even if they be monks or reputed lay personalities.
28. We must spread the message of Swamiji rapidly and with fire. No more of those soft, sentimental stylistic ways, so very uncharacteristic of Swamiji' personality, must be resorted to. Manhood must be manifested in every phase of the movement. Then and then alone shall Swamiji come alive in the lives of all.
29. The West, the West and the West ! What Romain Rolland has said, what Aldous Huxley has said, what Julian Huxley has said, what Max Muller has said -- only these consume scholastic time. What about us ? What have we said ? Are we insensitive to appreciating Swamiji ?
30. One more year has passed almost where the celebration of Swamiji's birthday has had less than lukewarm response among the youth and the country sleeps to his message. It seems Vivekananda will have to be born again to live his message afresh for people to come to life.
31. Overthrow God and be free. And this is not atheism or materialism. You still have your own spiritual identity within, that you yourself at your deepest are the Supreme Self, the Atman. Get out of this fearful subservience to God and His commandments and for once feel your glowing freedom.
32. No book is holy. The moment you call it holy and make its commandments mandatory for man, you insult man, you demean him. It is man who is holy and not the book he reveres, for reverence flows out of consciousness which man has and not the book.
33. The world is in bondage to God. Human beings are slaves to a divine despot despite tall claims to democracy.
34. To convert a Hindu to Islam is corrupt and to invite him to do so (Da'wah) is subtle violence as well. Resist conversion at every level and preserve the Sanatan Dharma.
35. The creator God is an illogical proposition. It violates the Law of Conservation intrinsic to the universe. The immanent God is more to the point. But the God who has become all this dispersed phenomena is logically sound and philosophically valid, too. The Sanatan Dharma's stand on God is thus wholly correct.
36. Spreading awareness about your religion or subtly attempting to convert to your fold thereby? What is your intention, my friend? Come clean. This is a mandatory requirement in your religion. Is it not so? Then, why pretend? Stop hypocrisy and face the truth that it is a political practice designed to increase global influence unto its dastardly domination.
37. Hinduism is the only religion that does not limit God to being this or that, and no more, as other religions do. These religions call God almighty and infinite but limit Him, nonetheless, to their specific ideals. Hinduism alone in truth makes room for God's infinitude.
38. Hindus need to be better organised in the defence of their dharma against the ideological attacks of proselytising Islam and Christianity. Theirs is a massively prepared global network at work against Hinduism.
39. If you are brainwashed from infancy, how will you reason in adulthood?
40. Fear of hell and the greed for paradise are the twin inhibitors of a sane earthly life.
41. You are 'born' free, you are right now free and you shall forever remain free. Be not hypnotised unto subservience to a God who can never save you unless you save yourself. And then you simply do not need Him. You are the highest God who conjures this imaginary God along with your body and that of the universe. You are the unborn, immortal Spirit.
42. Let us worship man. There is no other God worthier than he to be so adored.
43. For heaven's sake, manifest manliness in every movement of life.
44. A fractional representation of Swamiji is the bane of the modern civic discourse on him. Swamiji must be studied deep for decades before a comprehensive view on his life and message emerges and his ideals are not sold short of what they truly were.
45. It is not good enough to have self-confidence but that confidence must be directed to doing good work and to abstain from evil work as many a criminal with an abundance of raw courage and confidence are prone to doing.
46. I have but a lone reader of my writings -- myself.
47. There the loudspeaker call to prayer goes and it disturbs me in my work. It seems I am in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or Bangladesh. God save my concentration in work which is obviously getting dispersed !
48. Why don't they make Shashi Tharoor the President of the Congress?
49. From today some of my pieces I will write in conversational English which anybody can follow. Indeed, the circulation of the post and the consequent dissemination of the embedded idea is of greater moment than linguistic flourishes. Hang on, the first simple one is coming next.
50. I want a few young girls and boys and youths who are willing to learn about the Sanatan Dharma and equip themselves for its defence. They will be taught the skills of public speaking as well. This will be on Google Meet. Interested candidates may message me on my Messenger.
51. Be pure and all weakness will vanish. The policies of the world are ever going to lead you astray and weaken you unto death. Affirm your manhood and be free, O lions among men ! Om !
52. Sri Ramakrishna is God. Know this for certain and worship him. What more can I say at this dewy hour of dawn?
53. The flood of Ramakrishna is going to sink all worldliness and sweep away all dirt of desire that as yet clings to the deluded self. Take his name incessantly and be blissful.
54. Sri Ramakrishna was purity personified, Mother love incarnate and Swamiji action embodied.
55. The Mother encircles us all, there is no way to go beyond Her. We are gestating within Her womb.
56. There is nothing in this world for the frustrated soul, there is everything in it for the entranced one, and for the liberated soul this world has been reduced to blissful Reality.
57. Cry till thy tears be poesy.
58. Value life as precious, for this, my friend, is the one golden opportunity to realise that which is your real Self, the Atman.
59. There is no better way to reach God than through simplicity. Be not gullible but be guileless.
60. The path of life is tortuous. The sage calls it 'a razor's edge'. And, yet, Nachiketas traverse it guided by Yama unto Truth.
61. There was a time you had thought everybody loved you. There came a time when you felt bereft of all love. There yet will come a time when life itself will be suffused in love as the flautist you'll behold playing for you your unfinished tune. Then alone life will have seen wholeness, completeness, found fulfilment.
62. In a fractured framework of life fill in God and find fulfilment.
63. The famous Bombay film hero, Sohrab Modi, then as yet unknown, came in one day from far-off Sindh to Mother's house and sought to see her. Mother blessed him with initiation there and then and the youth returned to life to gain glory.
64. The races are unevenly developed in cultural terms across the human spectrum. Harmony, therefore, is a far cry as of now. As yet the warring tribes of medieval times hold the throng and impel them unto dastardly deeds. It is a thought-trap in which a growing mass of men have fallen and they must suffer their lot till they are delivered. Meanwhile, violence breeds its vicious offspring everywhere and humanity waits in wails unto the coming of a brighter day.
65. What is there to have a vibrant debate about how people leaving Islam should be dealt with? Everybody should be free to leave it, like everybody is free to accept it in the eyes of the Muslims who invite people of other faiths to their own fold (Da'wah). But does that happen in practice and what is the punishment for leaving Islam as per Sharia law?
66. Maya (delusion) deflects you from truth and Maya (delusion) covers or hides intent. Just remember this when you are dealing with someone who is attempting to convert you from Hinduism to Islam or Christianity. Do not trust the one who invites you (Da'wah) into his faith.
67. A palace of lies may be built by persistence in the art of clever articulation of falsities and half-truths but it is bound to fall when the storm of knowledge and discernment blow.
68. You cannot deal with an enemy that is sly with liberal gullibility. You have to be mentally equipped to see through deceptive motives.
69. Fanatics and apologists both help humanity backward.
70. Such is the brainwashing from infancy that fanaticism becomes embedded in the personality. That still most are alright is because of the essential divinity of the human soul which, despite such planned programming of the brain, nonetheless, emerges triumphant with goodness, virtue and humanity.
71. Good people are dispersed everywhere but they are generally passive and, hence, a small number of vicious souls in unison dominate discourse and make life a hideous hell.
72. When respectable people go for a television debate, they ought to behave like respectable people and not sell their wares in collusion with a boisterous anchor who feigns patriotism while cashing in on artificially heightened public emotion for his channel, cheapening journalism in the process.
73. Let the whole world revile you but do not lose faith in yourself. Remember, at the time of death none of those who revile will go with you. Why bother then what these petty fault-finders say about you? The elephant goes through the mart and the street dogs bark at it. Does the mighty one heed it? So also when a sage goes by, many men cast calumny but it does not stir up the great one's adverse feelings.
74. The eye sees down in the animal body. In the human it sees ahead and up. But in the divine the vision has turned inward as the outer world disappears from sight altogether or reappears as vision transformed.
75. Christ said, ''Love thy enemy.'' But such love comes only when you see oneness everywhere and see none as enemy anymore.
76. Simplicity and humility are the greatest defence for the spiritual aspirant.
77. Can you give solace to a suffering soul without getting entangled in the sorrow itself? If you can, spirituality is yours.
78. The mind of man is a mansion where due guests are only to be welcomed and not any intruder with an invasive dubious design.
79. Do not fear the enemy and make him more powerful than he is. Neither underestimate his strength. Prepare duly to confront evil.
Swamiji was like a whirlwind while Maharaj was like an iceberg.
81. Evolution activates thinking and thinking quickens evolution. Thus, in progressive cycles of alternate rise and fall the soul evolves from bondage to freedom.
82. Loudspeakers blaring away and disturbing the tranquillity of a locality must be banned by court order and the Government allowing it must be held accountable for such violation of such legal order.
We have to liberalise Bangladesh through the spread of Tagore. Theirs is a language-based land that has got Islamised and must now be reoriented towards proper secularism by the raising of intellectual culture, rational, scientific thought free of Islamic indoctrination. It is a hard grind but one that must be begun right now lest the country become a 100% Islamic state one day and its great linguistic culture be replaced by radicalisation of its polity totally.
84. This world is a network of thoughts and we are all caught in a thought trap. The object is to come out of it and be free.
85. Can you progress as a community if from birth you start indoctrinating babies with archaic notions about life and truth? Be scientific. Cast off this regressive attitude and be modern.
86. I have never seen anyone expose Pakistan the way Tarek Fatah does. He has amazing knowledge, great presence of mind, wonderful eloquence, incisive analytical powers and a devastating wit. One wonders what would have happened in the Indian Parliament were he an Indian legislator stirring up the House thus.
87. So many Hindus there are who do not love Hinduism, are simply unconcerned about it and keep preaching against it. It is a shame !
88. Shashi Tharoor or Salman Khurshid should lead the Congress instead of the Gandhi/Vadhras for the party to be resurrected. Else, obliteration awaits the party at no distant hour.
89. Life ought not to be a celebration of the ego. Let life be sublimated in sacrificial love and service.
90. An opportunist cannot love, however high-flown may be his/her pretension.
91. To preserve is to activate the sattva element, to create is to kindle rajas and to destroy or let decay is to immerse in tamas. But freedom lies beyond the three modes of sattva, rajas and tamas.
92. Those who care for Hinduism and the defence of the motherland against the break-India forces, start studying Swami Vivekananda. Do not be vague about the religious ideas of the Hindus but get to grips with it. To begin with read his four yogas, 'Karma Yoga', 'Jnana Yoga', 'Raja Yoga' and 'Bhakti Yoga'.
93. Simplicity comes to the soul in the final lap of its evolution. Be simple if you wish to see God.
94. Just a few hours away and we will in the midst of the celebration of Netaji's 125th birthday, 124th birth anniversary and the first 'Parakram Divas' in honour of his memory.
95. Must we be disturbed five times a day with the Azaan blaring over the loudspeaker? What sort of civic reception is this? In a democratic country we also have the right to tranquillity. Do we not?
Realpolitik and not impossible idealism ruled Netaji's course in his pursuit of freedom.
97. "The majority are fools, men of common intellect." Swamiji was spot on.
98. The intellectual culture of the country is declining precipitously.
99. হয় ন্যাকামি, নয় ভাঁড়ামো, নয় মিথ্যাচার -- এর নাম বিজ্ঞাপন | ছল করে মানুষকে নিঃস্ব করার তাল | বীর্য্যবান হোন, গাম্ভীর্য্য রক্ষা করুন, সত্যভাষণে অভ্যস্ত হোন |
100. "যে রাম, যে কৃষ্ণ, ইদানীং সেই রামকৃষ্ণ |" কিন্তু বলা যাবে কি আর ? রেগে যান যদি ?
101. চারটি রাজধানীর দাবি | বড়ই দুঃখের ! বাকীরা কি দোষ করল ? তারা কেন বঞ্চিত হবে ? তাদের কষ্ট হবে না ?
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