Tuesday, 12 January 2021



Sugata Bose @Amit Saha : This is by way of refutation of your and your Facebook friend's earlier argument with me long back that the Vedanta or the Upanishads were different from the Vedas. I had then told you that the Vedas contained (a) the Karma Kanda or the ritualistic section which formed the earlier part of the Vedas and (b) the Jnana Kanda or the knowledge section which formed the latter part of the Vedas and this was called the Vedanta or the Upanishads. This I said by way of response to a request from you to furnish information from the Vedas and not the Upanishads which is commonly given by monk and the laity when they speak of the Vedas as such. But you apparently were not convinced that what I had said was right and your aforementioned Facebook friend went about denigrating my incapacity to distinguish between the Vedas and the Upanishads in a most demeaning manner. Today, I have given you first-hand evidence by way of quotation from 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' that I was not wrong in what I had then stated. God bless you !

Sugata Bose @Subrata Ghosh : Yes, of course, Swamiji was a Hindu in every sense of the term, in its entire catholicity and in its complete sweep of human spiritual thinking. He has left for us umpteen utterances to that effect that he was proud to be a Hindu. Just thoroughly go through 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' again and you will find ample evidence of what I have just stated. However, he repudiated narrow politics and would have nothing to do with it. Indeed, he would have found it rather repugnant, if also humorously so, to have seen how his post mortem personality is being attempted to be fitted within the constricting confines of the conceptions of small men who have usurped political leadership in a country that is failing any more, for whatever reason, to produce politicians of morality and magnitude.

Sugata Bose @Rajendra Kundu : Do not take the narrow view of religion always when it is written by way of linguistic affirmation. Even Swamiji, more often than not, used the word 'religion' to denote Hinduism.
['Three religions now stand in the world which have come down to us from time prehistoric — Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Judaism.' https://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/.../v1_c1_paper...]
And, if you use the word 'dharma' it would also have a specific limiting connotation as being the third feature in the fourfold hierarchy of 'dharma-artha-kaama-moksha' which in the practising order ought to be 'kaama-artha-dharma-moksha'. What would you say then? Would you limit Hinduism to being only the third feature in this practising order? Here, of course, it may be contrarily said that 'dharma' denotes the entire spectrum of righteous human behaviour beginning with 'kaama' and ending with 'moksha'. There you do have a point. Also, I am not in disagreement with what you have stated but only wish to draw your attention to the wider issue related to the study of comparative religion. After all, Muslim preachers so often call Hinduism as an idolatrous religion that has deviated from the one true religion that Islam supposedly is. Hence, please stick to the core content of a post and not dwell always on issues that are extraneous to it.

Sugata Bose @Nandini Sen : What is most important, Madam? Your comment is articulate but ambiguous.

Sugata Bose @Facebook friends : Which religion can this be which will be the ideal for future humanity as Swamiji had envisioned?

Sugata Bose @Goutam Bose : তাই তো । এ কি বিড়ম্বনা বলুন তো ? আমি তো প্রতিবাদে মুখর, আপনারা নিরব কেন ?

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : True. And, despite liberal pretensions, he is committed to defending his faith at all costs. East London has fallen to the Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims. Bradford, Luton and several other towns are increasingly becoming ghettoised by Muslims. There is right wing resistance building up but the Government of the day is busy making money of the Saudi Sheikhs to bother much about this not too distant danger, say a century, before Britain will be counter-colonised by their earlier colonised populations. Europe in many parts is about to fall by 2050 to Islamic demographic domination. The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, France -- these are all in increasing danger from being overwhelmed demographically by growing Islamic immigration into their territories. India will not fare better either as the demographic trends show. Only, the Hindu are also increasing in numbers significantly which will allow Islam to become India's predominant religion only in another 280-300 years time.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : This is a new way of looking at things where you highlight the 'real minority communities like the Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists'. Indeed, a pertinent point that merits much brooding and will, if understood in the right light, lead to keeping the major minority community in its rightful place and not above it to occupy centre-stage thus and, yet, ever dissatisfied with the way the Government has been and is treating them. The smallest of the minority communities you have skipped, though. They are the Parsees and the Jews. These two highly skilled communities, especially the Parsees who number only 60, 000 odd, have beautifully integrated themselves with the rest of India which the major community, the Muslims have never quite done barring professionals at work. Therefore, your observation merits much consideration and this idea needs wide circulation. Thank you, Debaprasad Babu for it.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : 'মেয়েলি পুরুষ' কথাটি একেবারে ঠিক বলেছেন রাসবিহারী বসু, জাতির এই অবস্থাই হয়েছে । স্বামীজী এদেশের যুবকদের তাই পৌরুষদৃপ্ত হতে আহ্বান করেছিলেন, বলেছিলেন যে তাঁর সর্বশেষ বাণী এই পৌরুষসম্পন্ন হওয়া । রাসবিহারী বসু এই পৌরুষের মূর্ত প্রতীক ছিলেন । তবে তিনি তো শুধু প্রতীক নন । তিনি ছিলেন এক বিরল ব্যক্তিত্ব ভারতবর্ষের রাজনৈতিক জগতে, স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামের ইতিহাসে এক প্রবাদপুরুষ । আজীবন স্বামীজীর আদর্শে অণুপ্রাণিত এই বীরবিপ্লবী ভারতের ঐতিহ্য ও ভবিষ্যৎসম্ভাবনা যেমনটি বুঝেছিলেন এমন আর তো তেমন দেখি না । তাঁর চিন্তা শুধু ভারতবর্ষের স্বাধীনতা নিয়েই ছিল না, ভারতের ভবিষ্যৎসম্ভাবনা নিয়েও ছিল । তাই হিন্দুধর্মের সংরক্ষণার্থে তিনি জাপানে 'হিন্দু মহাসভা'র কেন্দ্র প্রতিষ্ঠা ও পরিচালনা করেন । ভারতের রাজনৈতিক মহল থেকে আপেক্ষিকভাবে দূরে থাকার সুবিধাহেতু ও স্বীয় সুসংস্কারহেতু রাসবিহারী ভারতের সমস্যা অধিক স্বচ্ছভাবে বুঝেছিলেন ।

Sugata Bose @Goutam Bose : Thank you. Indeed, Thakur was the embodiment of love itself. Hence, he was above the three categories so often when his love transcended earthly bounds and embraced all sentient beings in the sublimity of oneness that defies description.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : It speaks rather loud, especially, prior to dawn when many a person's sleep is unduly broken. Thereafter, it keeps its 'soundtrack' through the day, often distracting one in work, and worst in the evening when it breaks the meditation of men attempting to immerse themselves in it, and, ironically, in the very name of prayer or meditation on God.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : Yes. Detachment is the key. Detached love for all with the heart exclusively reserved for God and one's loving service to His incarnate forms in the whole mass of living humanity.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : You are slightly off the mark here, though, you are not to be faulted for that, for the post is general and not case-specific as such. Right now a fair bit of revelry is going on over the loudspeaker in our locality where Hindi film music is being played since some time for some reason. It is causing some disturbance in my concentration on my teaching work which is why I have highlighted in general terms this loudspeaker menace that is so very opposed to civic tranquillity and productive homework.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : Ah ! I see you have knighted me already without consulting the Queen of England. Now, that is resorting to extra-constitutional authority from the British perspective and that, too, from an erstwhile colonial outpost like Gurgaon. One wonders what the royals belonging to the House of Windsor have to say on such honours being showered indiscriminately on all and sundry by unaffiliated erstwhile subjects of the Crown. Now, now, don't you take this interjection amiss for it is all in good humour and humour, you know well enough, is the spice of this curry called 'life'.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : Well, not quite so grossly as such, for the music is mellow and not so gross, although, the disapproval from my side is on the whole, that is, on the gross side of things, if you insist and can get what I thereby imply.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : Oh, I say all the time so much. For a change you start saying something on this in detail but it should be pertinent to the import of the post. Only, let me tell you this that Swamiji has something novel to say on this matter for the western scientific mind at least though not so much for the traditional Hindu mind, for Swamiji's affirmations on evolution are not originally his but are derivations from Patanjali's. And it is this that while on the animal plane natural selection and the survival of the fittest play their due roles in evolution, on the human plane cooperation of effort and coordination of wills, education and culture, reason and thought, yoga and spiritual practices play a much more vital role to making the human organic system evolve faster unto its final end in spiritual freedom. Competition and ceaseless conflict rather retard human evolution, quite opposed to the Darwinian animal evolutionary model.

Sugata Bose @Steven M. Johnson : Yes, in actual terms in numerical count it is not true but in a symbolic way by implication there is something more to the statement which needs meditation in this day and age when heritage and culture are largely neglected amidst the rush of life and the struggle for survival followed by the pursuit of puerile popular culture, no doubt relative to the high flights of classical culture, although, one must admit that these are regressive trends in the trough of the cycle of civilisation and will for sure make way for the ascent to the crest that is due to follow in the centuries to come. As of now popular culture will flourish to appease the sensate cravings of the long-suppressed masses till they are so satiated that they will naturally seek something higher when the classics will come out from the dust-laden shelves of the past and reaffirm their place and position in the polity to be. Till then culture is to be preserved by its progressively declining keepers so that when the sun shines on it again, it may be safely handed over to the vast millions who will by then have readied themselves to receive it. This seems a trifle depressing, perhaps, even ominous, but this is the sad but inevitable reality on the ground exactly as Swamiji had prophesied it would be when he had said that with the coming of the Shudra Age (the Age of the people, the masses) greater physical comfort would accrue to them but there would be the consequent lowering of culture and outstanding geniuses would become rarer and rarer. We are right now witnessing the transition of the Commercial/Capitalist/Consumerist Age to the Age of the Common Man -- the farmer, the labourer, the oppressed and the suppressed -- and in this mass restructuring of society, peaceful and evolutionary, violent and revolutionary in alternate modes, culture is the sacrifice at the scaffold of evolving life. Fortunately, social movements are in cyclical patterns -- which is why the Hindus talk of the four yugas, the Satya Yuga, the Treta Yuga, the Dwapar Yuga and the Kali Yuga -- and society, after a temporary albeit a rather long lapse into lowered culture, will gather force to refine its cultural expressions. However, the scenario right now is bleak as a darkening mass of ignorance and superficial light is fogging vision and men of letters are being relegated to reading their own literary output and that of others but as these men are a minuscule minority operating amidst a mass of mediocrity who crowd them out, and as these latter ones have a plentiful following in likeminded people of scant cultural discernment, the jewels of society are gradually weeded out in quite the reverse order to what it ought to have been. The consequence is cultural dilution, to begin with, followed by depletion, degeneration and degradation of culture. Perceptive people like Swamiji see things earlier. The rest get to understand the downfall when they are in the midst of it and there is not much that can be done about it by way of redress. Hence, you see, in this depressing polar light where visibility is poor and readership scant which is what it seems to be at least from the meagre feedback from readers by way of 'likes' or comments to my posts, I said what I did say, and not quite in terms of absolute numeral count.

Sugata Bose @Nirmal Kumar Dey : Let us dedicate ourselves to reading 'Netaji -- Collected Works' as well by way of paying our individual tribute to the hero and by way of, thus, absorbing the sterling attributes of character which so distinguished him as the preeminent leader of men.

Sugata Bose @Goutam Bose : No, this sonic nuisance over the loudspeaker should be stopped by legislation which should carry punitive measures if violated, and naturally so at that.

Sugata Bose @Indrajit Dutt : 'Parakram' means valorous power. Does it sell Netaji somewhat short in your opinion? Would 'Deshprem' be more exhaustive of his character and attainments and include every facet of his political and social life rather than 'Parakram' with its obvious slanted emphasis on his exploits with the INA? Is that what you, perhaps, wish to convey? If so, then it is a valid point indeed.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Indeed. Use your pen to protest along with me. (ref. the five calls to Islamic prayer over the loudspeaker)

Sugata Bose @Parnali Dhar Chowdhury : Thank you, and I mean it, for few choose to read, and even a lesser number pause to appreciate and thence to communicate the same. That you have done so, endears me to you.

Sugata Bose @Parnali Dhar Chowdhury (Johns Hopkins University) : But I am not the one you suspect me to be. I am another Sugata Bose entirely unrelated to the famous Harvard professor you supposedly are mistaking me to be. But, nonetheless, I am who I am and am happy to be in affable terms with you over Facebook.

Sugata Bose @Parnali Dhar Chowdhury : Yes, if you further wish to chat, I am available. God bless you !

Sugata Bose @Parnali Dhar Chowdhury : Thank you. Do stay in touch as you, I gather, are an illustrious one by way of your own accomplishments.

Sugata Bose @Parnali Dhar Chowdhury : Yes, you must, for these are treacherous times and all sane souls must conjointly work for the betterment of humanity.

Sugata Bose @Tapas KumarBagchi : This (poll on Netaji's marriage controversy) is no attempt to solve the issue but to feel the public pulse regarding it. And in a democracy people's opinion matters when unfounded 'truths' are otherwise touted.

Sugata Bose @Tapas KumarBagchi : Perhaps, the DNA Test will also not be conclusive in this regard as it would merely prove, if affirmative, that Anita Pfaff is of the bloodline of the Bose family without conclusively being of the bloodline of Netaji Bose in particular. However, if negative, then the matter should rest forever for obvious reasons of negation.

Sugata Bose @Ravin Karvara : I cannot for I am not the one you suppose me to be. I am not Netaji's grandnephew Dr. Sugata Bose but am another person having the same name. Hence, I have my opinion but am not privy to inner information of the Netaji Bose family. The grandnephew's views are well known in this regard. He regards Anita Pfaff as his aunt from Netaji's lineage.

Sugata Bose @Bappaditya Mitra : True enough. But the poll is intended to see where the polity stands in this regard despite the propagation of the theory as almost gospel truth of Netaji having 'married' (for there was no official registration of the sacred act) and having fathered a daughter. It is important to see where the soul of the nation, especially that of Netaji's ardent devotees, lies and it is also to stir up people's interest to delve deeper into this controversial and, ought I to say, mysterious matter so that they are able to better judge for themselves as to the veracity of whatever is being touted in the media, by a section of the family and by the official channels of mass communication. Let people decide for themselves even though I fully agree with you that pertinent facts furnished for or against the stated case may alone go to solving this as yet intractable issue about Netaji's 'issue'.

Sugata Bose @Bappaditya Mitra : True, but unless the issue is brought into the public forum like this, people are culpable to accepting straightaway without proper discernment that Netaji had 'married' and fathered progeny. This sort of poll quickens consciousness and makes people aware that things may not be quite as they are made out to be by (a) propaganda (b) vested interest.

Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra : They do not mar the beauty of their prayer thus. They merely invite adherents of Islam to pray. That they do so over the loudspeaker is a novelty for them in a state where rampant disturbing exercises are encouraged by the party in power. However, you must understand that the azaan (call to prayer) is distinct from the namaz (prayer). The namaz is individually done silently while the azaan is done volubly. In the TMC tenure in West Bengal, though, Friday namaz is read out over the microphone very loudly which is where your statement comes out correct.

Sugata Bose @Abhijit Chavda (my responsive comment on his YouTube video post on Genghis Kahn) : Brilliant stuff. Swami Vivekananda, incidentally, thought that Alexander, Genghis Khan and Napoleon were the same soul come again and again for accomplishing its ambition of conquering the world. Swamiji thought that these three warlords were all motivated by a singular all-consuming mission to unite the world under a single banner, that is they were fuelled in their ambition by the searing passion to bring about the solidarity of the human race under a common sovereignty. In his view theirs was an integral vision that inspired them amidst the trappings of the times to unite humanity through devastating conquest with all its concomitant casualties. But the essential feature of their overarching ambition was not the mere seeking of self-glory, as historians are prone to painting their motives as, but the vision of an integrated world which they wished to achieve in real through conquest and rule.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : What is what? When you ask a question, do not be vague. Be clear in articulation so that an adequate response may be given. The dot was to get the coloured rectangle ready for fitting within it a greater number of words than would be otherwise possible in the first attempt. Once the rectangle was thus readied for greater verbal inclusion within its area, the post followed in more abundant terms. Hence, you were initially mystified by the singular dot adorning it. Well, this the predicament one faces in preferring the coloured bar for making one's posts. Ideally, a far greater number of words like Twitter nowadays allows as its word limit ought to be allowed within the coloured bar of Facebook to avert this sort of an accidentally discovered trickery of sorts by the adventurous author.

Sugata Bose @Ujjal Bhowmick : Thank you for reading and not just liking the appended photograph which most people do.

Sugata Bose @Goutam Bose : But it will happen only gradually with the propagation of the Vedanta in the correct way with emphasis on its practicality and not merely on bombastic theorising. Only then will ex-Muslims turn to Hinduism instead of atheism as they are now prone to. To draw them to our ranks we must practise the principles of our dharma in real earnest instead of being pretentious pseudo-Hindus ourselves.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : And yet both [ CPI(M) and TMC ] clamour for secularism? Is this not the biggest joke of the past half a century?

Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : Lovely. Poetic and profound, a la Shakespeare.

Sugata Bose @DrAjey B. Shinde : Dreaming still or has the dream been shattered for good?

Sugata Bose @DrAjey B. Shinde : And it is shattering still as the citadel falls one by one ! Who knows what the outcome of all this is to be, but the dream of becoming PM may have temporarily receded from her mind when the prospect of no more remaining CM is looming large right now? But, you know, hope dies hard and if she wins the upcoming election and becomes CM for the third time, it will spring afresh in her heart to get into the history books as India's future PM.

Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : What a work ! Literary excellence at its best. A graphic description which brings the century-old episode to life again. Seems you have been blessed by Swamiji and have, thus, crafted out such an exquisite rendition of the original in English which has paled into secondary significance. No wonder they say that the vernacular is the best vehicle of a person's linguistic expression which is what Michael Madhusudan Dutt learnt late in life and undid his earlier misadventures in alien language through his virile compositions in his mother tongue. You have rightly guessed that the dramatic form would be the best way to bringing your audience close to the dead events of the past which now seem, though, to be palpably present right in our midst as vibrant reality to be read and felt and realised in the depths of our heart and soul. Glory unto you and your consistent effort at spreading the Word of the Sanatan Dharma, Sharmistha, which in itself is the highest service one may render one's motherland of pristine spiritual attainments ! One may only hope that this singular piece will see its sequel and the drama will unfold further to everybody's divine delight.

Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : What a lukewarm response to such an effusive appraisal !

Sugata Bose @Aparajita Mukherjee Rai : No, no, this is what Swami Vivekananda has said which is based on the fact that we Indians have never had a proper chronicled history of our civilisation beyond recording them in a narrative form in epics with fantastic assertions that cannot be deemed historical.

Sugata Bose @Swapan Kumar Ghosh : আপনার লেখা ইঙ্গিতময় । পরিস্কার করে লিখলে আরো ফলদায়ী হবে ।

Sugata Bose @Swapan Kumar Ghosh : কে এই জিহাদী বেগম?

Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra : Divine injunction, my son. How will they violate? It is politics all the way now whatever may have been the initial considerations for consolidation of community.

Sugata Bose @Mukul Roy : That's the fear and you alone have rightly apprehended it.

Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra : Read the Quran and get to know its content. It is very much available online. Only they will invite you to convert online which you must avoid. After reading the Quran only will you be able to understand in what a fool's paradise Hindus are dwelling when they say all religions speak of the same thing. Education in Islam alone will expose the religion's fault lines and make Hindus strong in self-defence.

Sugata Bose @Priyadarshi Gupta : Look at what has happened and is happening to Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh and you will understand that such complacency about the security of Hindus is unwarranted.

Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra : Deepanjan, I think I have given you the cue to understanding where we stand and how we need to proceed in the defence of the Sanatan Dharma. Do not believe the apologists for the reverse cause of effective debilitation of the dharma, the Hindus and the Hindu civilisation. These ones are no less dangerous than the proselytising Semitic adversaries and do by their ignorant apathy or covert support for the enemy's agenda no less a harm to our civilisation than the ones who are an open threat. The self-oblivion of Hindus is proof of not only their unconcern for the dharma but also of their debilitation as a race. It is to invigorate this weak Bengali race that successive Avatars have been born in this blessed land of ours.

Sugata Bose @Goutam Bose : We need to wake up and start transforming ourselves from our present state of utter cowardice to what Swamiji had wanted, the state of valorous, vigorous, patriotic manhood. Unfortunately, as Swamiji had rightly pointed out, we have long been reduced to a mass of effeminates who pride only in their jelly-fish existence, utterly selfish and heartless, which they deem to be culture and refinement of civilisation when in truth it is the symptom of a slow and painful civilisational death. Coming to your question, I am not sure whether Yogi-like West Bengal is what would be best for it, but I am sure of this much that robust measures need to be adopted to stop the cancerous growth of Islamisation here. Otherwise, another Bangladesh awaits us, and that will be the death of All-Bengal.

Sugata Bose @

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