Saturday, 2 January 2021



Sugata Bose @Shaikh Abdul Alim : Could not identify a particular person for all these atrocities of fascist imperial Japan. Look at the lead to the post. CRUEL MEN and not CRUEL REGIMES.

Sugata Bose @Ar Karthik Shyale : The list says it all. And if they further call me names, I shall further fix them with my barbs.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Nath : Which is why they would favour the traditional Muslim marriage as well. Convenience unto conjugal pluralism !

Sugata Bose @ Indrani Dey : I hope you regularly read my posts, for they are also post scripts, meaning, they are also posts that I have scripted. Ah ! You leave out some of them then.

Sugata Bose @Indrani Dey : Never mind so long as you like to read them. Alas ! who would inspire a writer these days with 'likes' and comments? Nonetheless, my gratitude for your perceptive reading of my worthless posts.

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : You want me to disclose someone's name publicly and compromise him? No, no, for the sake of his honour, I can never do it. After all, he is a deluded soul but a soul divine, nonetheless, who ages hence, if it so be, will emerge a realised Rishi for sure.

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Exactly. A typical coward who dares not dare me in open forum but must hide behind curtains to aim his darts. I pity the fallen state of the deluded Bengali educated and, worse still, the degenerate state of the perfidious Bengali intellectual, adhering to alien ideology and hitting out at the very mother who has breast-fed them to give life and nourishment. And I pity the parents and teachers of these who could not create the right environment for the due patriotic growth of these deranged minds whose only business is Hinduphobia for they dare not utter a word against the other creed for fear of terrible retribution. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof !

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Right you are, for they keep on casting aspersions. Their caste is the ASPERSION CASTE.

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Come on, for once get the humour of it ! Or, has humour made home elsewhere?

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Depth ! I mean the abyss is deep enough.

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : But you are hanuwoman !

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Oh my God ! At this rate I will be breadthless 🤣 (breathless, I mean).

Sugata Bose @Amrita Bhattacharyya : Superb one and the truth at that, and with what humour ! Lovely !

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : I do not think many of you have understood the interplay of words in the post and the finality of it thereon in the nomenclature.

Sugata Bose @Sabyasachi Das : Intellectual? No way. These are 'intellectuals of sorts' and not duly so, as atheistic Bengali pretenders to the intellect by dint of shallow learning and alien affiliation are, devoid of the least tinge of what Swamiji termed 'sharaddha', sense-clinging creatures who carp and criticise only but can rarely appreciate any good in others who are trying to quicken the consciousness of the country to its heritage and legacy, its culture and civilisation. About the 'other pole', as you mention, why? they are the only ones who dare defend me when cast aspersions by the ASPERSION CASTE, you understand what I mean, although, I cannot quite compliment them on the language they sometimes, and some of them always, resort to in defence of their position. The pole which certain others belong to only revel in casting aspersions or thrusting invidious innuendos and enjoy aiming toxic darts all the time, never having the magnanimity of spirit to appreciate anything that I write in my diverse distribution of literary thinking but reserve for their niggardly minds the privilege of pernicious commenting to prove their perverse order of intellectual altitude. So, this is the polarisation created by so-called intellectuals like 'His Highness' who hardly exhibit the heart even today that they may be absolved of the century-old damning appellation of being the 'heartless intellectual' by none other than Swami Vivekananda under whose cover, in the view of 'His Highness', I have supposedly taken refuge to carry on with my deceitful deliberations unto a divisive dangerous destiny. Fortunately, there are the ones belonging to the other pole who, even if foul-mouthed at times or always, are better intended than 'educated' rogues who in sophisticated terms ever push in their poisonous pills in the hearts and minds of the people, an enterprise of theirs which I am born to resist and thwart. Vande Mataram !

Sugata Bose @Sabyasachi Das : Keep commenting and consistently criticising, even if corrosively, for that is the spice of civil conversation. I appreciate your knowledge and judgment even if you do not do so of mine. You are a jewel whose direction must be welcome to many like this ardent admirer in readership of yours. God bless you !

P.S. As for the 'deception' part of your comment in relation to me, I find it not too surprising as coming from a fellow Bengali, knowing the history of our particular community in camaraderie, unless, of course, you thereby get to comprehend the meaning of it as comradeship among co-communists which, I regretfully must affirm, I am not party to. The inability to read insightfully into my posts -- for which I can hardly hold you responsible, given the circumstances of your psychology related to things patriotic and nationalistic, -- is evident from the aspersions you cast on me and, so, confirm the caste aforementioned to which the ones like you must necessarily be affiliates to, and leaves you very much in need of a rigorous course in patriotic self-thinking, or, in the alternative scenario, a studentship of Swami Vivekananda for the next two decades at least wherefrom you will emerge enlightened enough to be able to apprehend the grand programme of reasoned thinking which I am inducing my countrymen into, many of whom are, otherwise, likely to be led into channels detrimental for their personal health and the national health as well. That you fail to comprehend my intent is symptomatic of the dreadful disease that afflicts the average educated and even, so to say, the erudite 'intellectual' of sorts, and I can only lend you my commiserations to that effect, unless you detect deception in that, too. God bless you again, for His blessings are eminently needed to dispatch this dreadful disease of the distribution of diatribe on well-meaning countrymen away who do not quite deserve such dastardly epithets for deeds well done !

Sugata Bose @Sabyasachi Das : Bravo ! Yet again a beautiful piece of literary and intellectual thinking, and honest patriotic and humanistic feeling. Fraternally united we indeed are, fellow countrymen in a common cause, that of rising in requisite response to the challenges of the times, albeit approaching the same from diverse directions but destined unto the same end.

Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik : Yes, I have seen. And it is true that Swamiji once was offered beef in USA without he being apprised of it. In his unawareness he ate the dish and appreciated it much when the truth was divulged to him whereupon he rushed to the basin to vomit it out. Instantly came the reaction in his liberated mind that he ought not to have reacted thus, for the mind of the Paramahamsa or the Brahmajnani was supposed to be liberated from such dietary constraints, and he understood that his reaction thus was prompted by his previous tendencies (sanskaras) stemming from his Hindu social conditioning. But as he was a Paramahamsa, he realised that such limiting reaction on his part, arising out of prior social conditioning, did not befit him and he, thereon, requested the hostess to serve him once more the said dish which he gleefully consumed, thereby proving to himself and to the world at large that the liberated soul was free of all social injunctions imposed otherwise on souls in temporal bondage to facilitate their purification of the mind-stuff (chittashuddhi) for potential realisation of the Self (Atman/Brahman). However, Neilabhra Roy's mention of the episode is extraneous to the discussion here which is related to the standard dietary practice that has been followed by each and every true Hindu since the time of the Buddha, in the opinion of Swamiji, a characteristic trait for the Hindu which, perhaps, Neilabhra Roy has not been able to appreciate in all its civilisational glorious gravity.

P.S. : Later in India when Swamiji was being interviewed by Sharat Chandra Chakrabarty and asked by the latter as to what he ate in the West, Swamiji said that in the West he had eaten as the Westerner did. Nothing more was disclosed which leaves it open to interpretation as to what he may or may not have eaten. This piece of information may be gleaned from the book 'Swami Shishya Sangbaad' by Sharat Chandra Chakrabarty.

Sugata Bose @Neilabhra Roy : May be but the point that Swamiji wanted to make to Nivedita as culturally characteristic of the Hindu wholesale still holds its ground. And you have to perceptive enough to see that Swamiji said beef-eating was gone from the Hindu's dietary habits since the time of the Buddha. Therefore, this quotation about old ceremonials is extraneous to the discussion here clearly.

Sugata Bose @Sujit Ray : When did Swamiji make this statement? today? after you started eating beef? So, try and understand the context of the post. Else, it would be the depth of delusive thinking to imagine that I imagine today's scenario -- much as I dislike it -- to be otherwise than what you have so sadly but truly stated? Sad, I state, from my perspective, though, and not yours as you must understand.

Sugata Bose @Neilabhra Roy : Why should he when diet varies so much from place to place, from people to people, and Swamiji was addressing not merely the Hindus but the whole of humanity in his ministerial life? But the point, perhaps, you are stressing on, if I understood you right, is that Hindus or anybody else should be free to eat what they choose to, and in a democratic society that should apply, although, in theocracies there will be bars to it. At any rate, even if Swamiji had laid injunctions on beef-eating, would the likes of the modern beef-eaters among the Hindus listen to him or would they not openly flout his injunctions to please their palate in proscribed dishes? So, where does Swamiji come into the picture of prescribing or proscribing any type of 'food'?

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Well said. These days your messages and comments are becoming increasingly slicing sharp, often barbed and stinging but never quite direct as would put you into discomfiture with adversaries. Good ploy but not effective so much as a frontal attack more often is in a war that must be fought to victory.

Sugata Bose @Neilabhra Roy : Swamiji made no such neo-Hinduism. These are our imagination. He merely reaffirmed the ancient principles and synthesised apparently hopelessly disjointed elements of it -- but only apparently so and never really so -- in a grand comprehensive sweep of harmonic insight and execution, adding his and Sri Ramakrishna's fresh insights and affirmations unto it. Hinduism at the end of his Chicago reading of his 'Paper on Hinduism' stood thus comprehensively affirmed and there was no neo-Hinduism in it in terms of being a newly founded faith, unless you mean that his formulation thus in synthetic presentation meant that the ancient dharma was now made to wear a modern apparel in scientific statement of it using modern terms and linguistic references. So much for the newness which was but 'old wine in a new bottle'.

Sugata Bose @Priyadarshi Gupta : Right you are. Perfect democracy as enshrined in the Hindu scriptures is what the dharma enjoins us to do and leaves us at that to determine for ourselves, for it can never quite forget the foundational principles of its very edifice in the affirmation of the inherent divinity and, hence, absolute freedom of the human soul to determine its course of action. But the point here is that these flouters of cultural practices do what they do by way of irreverence to heritage and legacy and not merely by way of practising individual freedom as their deliberate open affront to the same indicates. But there you may also point out that liberalism deems it alright and there is nothing objectionable about it. You are right to that effect but, as Swamiji had pointed out, a degenerate sensate living thus would annihilate this race in three generations, a prophetic statement of his which cannot be discarded as garbage. These open violators of civic decency when they parade their preference in palate in terms of beef-eating in public do not quite follow the dharma by any stretch of imagination but are, to all intents and
purposes, cultural heretics who pride in assaulting everything the Hindu holds as sacred, and it is these sensate beings that Swamiji had warned about and had much regretted as being the rank and file of the then Bengal dating from its decadent past. Swamiji never wanted Bengal or, for that matter, India to be so shorn of cultural pride that they would arrogate to themselves the right to assault tradition indiscriminately in the name of licentiousness masquerading as a liberal freedom. Sri Ramakrishna had exhorted thus his holy consort Sri Sarada Devi to take care of the commoner of Calcutta who were slithering in the dark of the metropolis. Here is a pointer, indeed, from the prophetic duo of the times and a case to contemplate as to how far the dharma is being practised in a spiritual sense by the practical violation of every norm and regulation that tradition has enjoined upon us to follow towards purification of the mind-stuff (chittashuddhi) en route to eventual liberation in truth and not in assumption as licentious liberalism of the day in its decadent lowest affirmations brings one up to.

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty/Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Please continue. Nice deliberation. A treat to read ; food for the soul. Divine dialogue as between Ubhayabharati and Adi Shankaracharya.

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : You see hatred because you are full of it. And what you see as weakness in others, you fail to realise, is your own reflection in the mirror of your mind.

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : The fanatic in you sees fanaticism everywhere. Perhaps, if I quote Swamiji adequately, you will call him a fanatic, too. The unrealised soul's blessings, like yours is, counts for little. You are far from Self-realisation as yet. Hence, your prattle. Strength calls for the defence of the Dharma which you are eminently lacking in. Weakness breeds weakness and sees it in consequence all around. That is your predicament. People like you, in the name of high-sounding liberalism and catholicity, are in truth the most illiberal and narrow-minded who cannot tolerate the growing strength of the Hindus and must necessarily cast aspersions on anybody working to further the cause of the Sanatan Dharma. These are the ones who say that they are spiritual but not religious, as if by such affirmations they can arrogate to themselves purchasable spirituality in the mart of their fanciful thinking.

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : Will you have the patience to read what I will send from THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA to dispel your illusion, or shall I say, delusion about the great sage's position on the pertinent issues that I address thus and which you deem to be noxious?

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : No, I am sending you some pertinent passages. Hang on unless, of course, you beat a cowardly retreat.

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : Read what I have given above and then start praying to God for absolution from the sin you have incurred in casting aspersions on me, albeit out of your preposterous and monstrous ignorance about your own religion or dharma, if you so prefer to call it. You would have carried on this dialogue if you had the powder left in you to do so. But your arsenal is wet, your ammunition moistened by untimely tears falling from those prodigal eyes, and, hence, you beat a safe retreat to re-educate yourself in the Vivekananda literature. I can give you more of such quotations but thought your appetite will be appeased thus at this point of time. Cross not my path unless well-armed in logic, literary references and fundamental understanding as to the requirements of humanity in this day and age and in the timeless bounds of spiritual space. Your audacity required a reproof. Hence, I gave you my rebuttals. Else, I would have disdainfully disregarded your disgraceful comments, utterly unbecoming of a gentleman which I mistakenly thought you were but had to amend my thinking thus thereafter.

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : Had your read? Anything more you will say? God bless you, child ! Grow up to be a strong Hindu, free of pretentious piety.

Sugata Bose @Uttam Mukherjee : Man liveth not by bread alone. And Hinduism is not opposed to bread. Rather communism is a failed philosophy which could find bread but no mouth to feed because it had killed them all by way of barbaric revolution followed by an even more barbaric purge. No wonder it lost its ground everywhere. But I appreciate your sense of humour. Keep it up. It is free entertainment for all of us including yourself.

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : Had your read? Anything more will you say? God bless you, child ! Grow up to be a strong Hindu, free of pretentious piety and pompous preaching that reek of hatred for any who presents the bitter truth about the existent state of things and not imaginary stuff fabricated in the recesses of infertile brains. I have dedicated my whole life to the study of Swamiji which, from your innocence of the texts I have quoted to you, you evidently have not and, yet, as the proverbial fool that rushes in where angels fear to tread, have comprehended so well as to offer me up to the Lord for His grace that I be clarified in conception and purified in purpose. This is what online journalism is where men like you with a condescending attitude dare sermonise others more erudite than themselves, better realised in the pristine principles of the philosophy of the land and infinitely more dedicated to the defence of the Dharma which for the likes of you has touched its nadir from where we are trying to revitalise the nation along the lines laid down by the Rishis from time immemorial. Perhaps, you belong to the clan of Bhisma, Drona, Karna and Kripa who would mock-defend the Dharma while violating it at every step in protecting the perfidious Duryodhana in the pursuit of his dastardly desires and dreams. The difference is that they were valorous men and highly accomplished in the arts and the sciences which our modern betrayers of the Dharma are not. God bless you yet again for you evidently need copious doses of it that must come in capsules concise enough for your adequate assimilation ! Given above are copious quotes which would serve to be palatable dinner for the while and will also provide nourishment for the soul that needs must be absolved of whatever heresies it has thus far committed.

Sugata Bose @Abhirup Basu : No, Swamiji was the first General President of the Order and not just the said meeting as you have mentioned. Swami Brahmananda was the President of the Calcutta Math initially. Later Swamiji abdicated office and handed over all of the charge to Swami Brahmananda who thus became the overall President of the Order.

Sugata Bose @Bramachari Babipankaj Sirka : I am not right. What is right is right, irrespective of personal subscription to it, for truth is fundamentally impersonal. Facts are to be relied on and it is best that we verify that what we write are corroborated by credible references and not by either our flawed thinking or understanding thereof or partial reading of texts that are floating and inauthentic. Anyhow, mistakes I have been culpable to in the past and I have hastened with becoming humility to rectify them whenever pointed out. So the social discourse goes on, although, in today's world of universal online journalism -- I mean, the social media -- one has to frequently encounter patronising comments, and even derogatory ones, which one learns to deftly circumvent or boldly counter, for most of these ones are born out of stupendous ignorance of facts or monumental incapacity of comprehension of the intent of a particular post. May Thakur bless you !
P.S. But I must say that you are an exceptional person who straight on accepts his having been on the factually erroneous side of things unlike most others who do not even care to respond and acknowledge the furnished facts, much less accept defeat, so to say, in verbal conference. My sincere regards to you for your honour and honesty.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : And why not humans, too? What do you say to that? If by killing lower animals, merit can be achieved, better start killing humans to please God. Surely, that will acquire greater merit. So argued the Buddha. And the great one offered himself as substitute sacrifice for a kid at the ceremonial site of a royal court. The knowledge of this episode also I have gleaned from Swamiji. I think those who are votaries of religious ceremonial animal sacrifice, should offer themselves up for such pleasure of God and relieve a poor goat or a camel or a cow or a buffalo of the pain for once. These are archaic tribal practices that cannot be condoned in a modern society.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : But the question is this. Is it virtuous, righteous, right to do kill for God? All these stem from a barbaric past which is much eulogised and adored in many societies as spiritually sanctioned. How can there be any philosophical justification to it just because it has been mentioned in the Brihadaranyak Upanishad as a practice in the then society? Even if the Geeta sanctions it, it is barbaric, reprehensible for the modern age when men have supposedly evolved. Or have they? I wonder from the doubts that are sown in my mind from the supportive reactions of the sacrifice. And I equally condemn this sort of animal sacrifice to pursue piety across the religious spectrum.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Perfect. Why do you not for once change roles and become at the altar the sacrificed rather then the supporter of such animal sacrifice, the eaten rather than the eater, for Prakriti, or Maya as per the Vedanta, will still not be violated thus? By your logic of the Vedanta Maya or whatever it may be, it would remove right and wrong, good or evil, merit or demerit from the conscience of man and of society which would lead to absolute barbarism as it had in the past when the Brahmans tyrannised for ages over the shudras, citing such passages from the scriptures and their hideous erroneous interpretations which make a mockery of love and respect for man and for the lower species, and that, too, in the name of religion and God or a Godless high-flown philosophy. No wonder India has fallen to such a degraded state of animal living when men pompously become the votaries of barbaric archaic ritualistic religious practices. This is reprehensible, abhorrent, inhuman even if it be philosophically or logically twisted to soundness.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : And they wear human skin too.

Sugata Bose @Rítãm Màitrà : Yes, most are duped by his clever talk and others have their agenda, political and commercial or otherwise, and are themselves fraudulent as well who wish to pursue them by their association with this fraudulent 'yogi'. Swami Balabhadrananada once beautifully said, "Sadhguru bollei to aar keu sadguru hoy na.'' Moreover, it is the quality of following that is important and not the quantity. And does truth depend on who is following who? Truth is independent of such social affiliations. Do not try to drag me into stating that Prime Ministers and Presidents are fools or some such thing. That is mischievous to even attempt in case you have done so.

Sugata Bose @Sujit Ray : Yes, it (the declaration of Swamiji's birthday as the National Youth Day) should have been. It was finally done on 12 January, 1985 by Rajiv Gandhi, the resolution having been earlier passed by Indira Gandhi just before her tragic death on 31 October, 1984.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : I know about Swamiji's view but wish to draw your attention to the ghastly videos of the slitting of the throats of cows by way of scriptural appeasement of a particular religion's God that I was then objecting to specifically, a point which you could not understand. How terrible was the suffering of the cows as blood literally poured out from the slit throats like rushes of water from a big bucket ! Most horrendous ! Such barbaric practices, unless they stop, a vast mass of human beings will not advance from their current savage state unto what may be deemed truly human.

Moreover, it is pointless quoting Swamiji thus to get sanction for the sacrifice of the animal alone at the altar of the Mother while conveniently leaving out for oneself the sacrifice of the humans at the like altar which he had exhorted us to do. Are you willing to go ahead and take up the aggressive defence of the motherland against the proselytising religions, Islam and Christianity, like I do or are you going to stay away from it to make men like us do the difficult work while you piously preach from the pulpit Swamiji's sanction of the innocent goat and leave out the greater emphasis on his call for a like human sacrifice, though not in so many terms? I do not see any of you defending me against the attacks of the pseudo-liberals whose massive ignorance about Hinduism and more about Islam's dangerous proselytising intent makes them aggressive unto desperation against my defence of the motherland and her spiritual Hindu heritage. Please join hands with me if you are sincere and a true, valorous follower of Swamiji. Is it not a shame that an Irish lady a century ago could do what she did and we, a century later, are merely content to quote her by way of absolving ourselves of our otherwise incumbent duty of defending the dharma? We ought to practise what we preach and then alone will our dharma be safe in our hands and away from the grip of dastardly adversaries of our Sanatan culture.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : I have read some of your posts to the effect for sure, neither do I hold in any but the highest regard as an erudite scholar and a gentleman but what I was stressing was that we should, all of us who are likeminded in this regard of the necessity to defend Hinduism against proselytising Islamic attacks, work together to build up a mighty movement. To begin with I will start defending you wherever you are attacked or otherwise, ad here I go. Now watch it. Lastly, my pranam to you on this auspicious day of Swamiji's birth anniversary.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Hinduism by definition is universal in outlook and does not need to separately practise religious catholicity. The point is this. Islam is an exclusive religion that does not accept Hinduism as a valid path to God. It labels it as an idolatrous religion that is fit to be overcome and its adherents converted to the one true path that Islam supposedly is. The problem is that few Hindus have read the Quran and, hence, do not know its fundamental tenets. The consequence of this is that secular and liberal people who are not too much bothered about matters of the Spirit as such harbour the notion that Hindus are intolerant to a fault. The point to be noted is this. Should Hindus keep on observing this sort of a pretentious attitude of as if nothing is wrong in the social scene in terms of Islamic intolerance practised regularly against the Hindus? If so -- and fortunately it is not so -- then the Hindus will be obliterated as a race with a distinctive spiritual culture that embraces the whole of humanity and the gamut of beliefs and faiths as part and parcel of the broader Sanatan Dharma which has scope for all within its universal ambit. They will then remain only as converts to Islam as Pakistan and Bangladesh amply testify. In so far as Muslims or even liberal Hindus raising the issue of Islamic intolerance against the Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan is concerned, why, no such voices are heard and these people have the temerity to speak whenever they get a scope to speak against Hindus and Hinduism. Shameful cowards and dastardly bigots, that is what these are ! Debaprasad Babu, do take the pains to name the religion and the community when the need arises, for indirect references are either done to prove that one is a gentleman of sorts who does care to speak out against intolerance and injustice but does not either dare to name the culprits out of fear or gentlemanly restraint of speech to which one has been long accustomed to. Calling a spade a spade, as Swamiji did and none else before or after among men of such eminence and stature, is the call of the hour. The defence of the motherland and the defence of the Dharma deems it necessary.

Sugata Bose @Rabin Roy : Hindus are already co-religious but Muslims by scriptural injunction of the Medina period of the Quran are commanded to be exclusive in their religious outlook and practice even to the extent of executing all non-believers/kaffirs/kuffars.

Sugata Bose @

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