1. There goes the blaring loudspeaker calling the faithful to prayer. For us, faithless ones, has been given the gift of the loud, unmusical sound that routinely disturbs concentration in work.
2. When you anchor a YouTube interaction with an eminent Netaji researcher of stupendous knowledge, do not waste too much time in ceaseless introduction. Get to the business straightaway. Otherwise, people will get bored and leave your show at its very outset and that will be counterproductive.
3. A little courage, a little valour, a trifle more of manliness and strength of character -- let these be the attributes that we shall offer at the altar of the motherland on this our 72nd Republic Day. No more effeminacy, please. Manhood -- exhibit it, feel it in your sinews and nerves, in your steely resolve and action thereof.
4. Pakistan has forgotten her Hindu identity and the sooner she remembers it and returns, a penitent child of Mother India, to Mother India's arms, the better for her. The same applies for Bangladesh and her flawed sense of separation from India. India must inevitably be whole again.
5. A country that is ashamed of its spiritual heritage can never rise. It is time to reaffirm our glorious past en route to an even more glorious future. But the central theme must be the affirmation of the dignity of man, the spiritual entity within the finite frame of his terrestrial form.
6. What a shame that there aren't Indian scholars to inform Neil dsGrasse Tyson that the numerals the Arabs used were Hindu numerals learnt from the Hindus and adapted to Arabic use and not Arabic numerals as such ! Alas, when will India awake to her heritage?
7. Please do not pronounce 'Programme' as 'Pograam' or 'Pradhan Mantri' as 'Podhan Mantri', 'Akriti' as 'Akruti', 'Prakriti' as 'Prakruti' or 'Jagrati' as 'Jagruti'. Finally, it is 'Corona' and not 'Cawrona'. Rectify this very moment.
8. The enlightened among the Muslims who were converts from Hinduism will return to the Sanatan Dharma in due course.
9. The Sanatan Dharma alone among religions gives freedom of choice for its adherents. The rest are all constricting and constraining, curbing human freedom, sacrificing the human spirit at the altar of an exacting God.
10. Apologists of a particular intolerant religion are terrible liars. They always deflect and distort the truth about their religion, hiding facts in public while breathing brimstone on religious adversaries in private among their closed community. What can be more irreligious than this sort of pretension and falsification of truth?
11. Most of the Hindus I come across do not meditate or chant or even read the scriptures. This is dangerous for the security of Hinduism as ignorance weakens the body politic and allows for perversion of all kinds including that of easy conversion to Islam or Christianity on account of pressure or inducement.
12. Shed cowardice, my friends, and come out into the open and defend the Sanatan Dharma from the attacks of adversaries. Then alone shall I call you followers of Swami Vivekananda. Otherwise, it is mere lip service.
13. To destroy Nazi Germany (WW II), the Allies helped build Communist Soviet Union. To defeat and dismantle the Soviet Union (Cold War), the USA helped build Communist China. Now to defeat China, will the West resort to WW III ?
14. Every country has its declared national narrative except India, and when she comes to the point of adopting one on the basis of her age-old heritage, there is so much hue and cry over her intended national ideological stand. Strange are the ways of the modern Indian !
15. Manliness is the message of the Geeta, to fight and not to cower before the enemy of civilisation. In this Arjun was initially failing and Krishna redirected his course along the righteous way. Thus truth and virtue triumphed over deceit and vice, and dharma was re-established in Aryavarta.
16. The Hindu mind is fascinated by the image. But it was not always so. There was a time when we valued the idea more. The present culture is an aberration of that of earlier times.
17. Do not be brainwashed by your religion. That will be the end of humanity in you. Reject all negative impulses coming from religion.
18. I merely write to quicken consciousness, to make people more aware about the dangers that lie ahead and the problems of the day with roots deep in history that need as yet robust tackling to root them out of the way of progress.
19. It is wrong of the West Bengal Government to allow loudspeakers to blare away five times a day to call Muslims to prayer. It is highly distracting for many as it disrupts concentration in work and disturbs sleep in the wee hours of the day.
20. Why is it that such a jewel as Taslima Nasreen is not allowed entry into West Bengal? Which section of society is being appeased thus and why?
21. There goes the loudspeaker blaring again and I am being called to pray once more. But what if I do not like this loud distracting sound? Do I have the right to be spared this ordeal five times a day? How would Swami Nirmalananda, forthright as he was, react to this daily distraction, bordering on a torment of sorts?
22. Our country cannot rise if literate people are so ignorant. This giving 'like' to posts without reading them and after only appreciating the appended photographs, and this silly habit of shallow commenting indicate that intellectual culture of any merit is as yet far away from the polity that inhabits this motherland of ours. Total unconcern for intellectual culture seems to be our preferred way.
23. I am the life and the light, the vital breath, the nerve current, the wisdom brewing and the enlightenment. I am the witness, the seer, the eternal presence behind this panoramic phenomena, and I am participant in it as well.
24. E.F Oaten's poem on Subhas
25. May the PM grant 125 crore rupees for the propagation of the Prabuddha Bharat throughout the world ! Mere message and talk will not do.
26. Why Bangladesh's fate is important for West Bengal? Because it is the fate awaiting West Bengal at no distant a date. Bangladesh has been Islamised. Now West Bengal is being Islamised fast as well, and with governmental help.
27. Would you fight Nazism or would you say that we are secular liberals who ought to be tolerant to the intolerant?
28. Hindus are being wiped out in Bangladesh and Pakistan. And here in West Bengal? What is the scene here and what is in the offing?
29. What is the point in saying 'Pranam Swamiji' if you are to remain silent cowards in the face of proselytising adversity? Would Swamiji have wished for a band of cowards following him? Are we 'conversion cowards' or are we 'conversation cowards' as well?
30. If there a hell, I know who all are going there. The ones that threaten us with hell-fire have their reservations already made for a semi-permanent residence there.
31. Take the full responsibility upon yourself and never quake in fear. That is manhood and that is the way of the free.
32. Patriarchy reigns everywhere. The world can never rise unless it ends. Women must be freed from their bondage to men. Only then may they be full participants in the democratic process that life is. Any divine injunction to the contrary must be rejected.
33. We, as a nation, are 1.38 billion strong and must produce 1.38 million PhDs to begin with, that is, 1 PhD out of 1000 Indians. Then we will emerge as a super-strong nation.
34. Each and every Hindu must read the Qur'an, the Hadith, the Seerah and the Sharia.
35. Let Hindus not suffer too much from a sense of arrogant self-complacency about the sanctified security of their spiritual state and civilisation without bothering to even find out where their cultural adversaries aim their arsenal to bring them down.
36. Our society is so constricting. Women hardly have the right for self-determination in the bulk of India and we indulge in tall talk on spirituality which in our Sanatan culture speaks of God as having been manifested as both man and woman.
37. There goes the blaring loudspeaker sending Friday Islamic sermons which I, a Hindu, must perforce hear. Is this secular India or Islamic Pakistan or Islamised Bangladesh? Is West Bengal not being Islamised?
38. O self-oblivious Hindu, your doom shall be sealed by your own hands unless you wake up to the death knell being sounded to mark your cultural demise. Sleep now if you wish in advance to prepare for the eternal sleep that lies in wait for you, and your rest shall be sanctioned with sacrificial sanctity.
39. Prayer taking precedence over studies to secure passage to heaven and to avoid hell. Predicament of the little boy and the little girl. How will progress en masse ever be?
40. To feel pain is the sign of attachment. The detached never feel personal pain but may still feel the collective pain of suffering humanity.
41. The great man approximates through his sadhana his inner perfection and becomes divine in every sense, even of the body which is rendered into becoming the recipient of divine flow, up and down Jacob's ladder.
42. Love effortlessly overcomes the resistance offered by ignorance. But the force of that love must be overwhelming.
43. Oh, how men are afraid of a tyrant God because He has supposedly the power to punish ! Is this the way to relate to God? This is hypnosis, the most horrendous heresy against the dignity of Man, the greatest blasphemy against his essential divinity.
44. Life is ceaseless work, so much so that men cannot spare a moment to talk and cheer each other. What a burdensome existence is this that makes work a load and life a constant labour, a duty under duress !
45. পশ্চিমবঙ্গে সাম্প্রদায়িক কোন নেতা/নেত্রী ?
46. কি কুৎসিত রাজনৈতিক ভাষাপ্রয়োগ ! ক্ষমতা কাদের হাতে পড়েছে ?
47. আবার পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার ৫০ কোটি টাকা বরাদ্দ করলেন মাদ্রাসা প্রকল্পে | অসাম্প্রদায়িকতার উৎকৃষ্ট উদাহরণ ! ভারত, বাংলার কাছে অসাম্প্রদায়িকতা শেখ | কবে শিখবে ?
48. কিছু মানুষকে এর আগে রূপালী পর্দায় কীর্তিমান বলে সম্মান করতাম | কিন্তু তাঁদের রাজনৈতিক হঠাৎ আবির্ভাবের ঘটা ও তৎপশ্চাৎ কীর্তিকলাপ দেখে সেই সম্ভ্রম আর রাখতে পারছি না | অবশ্য, শাপে বর হবে একদিক দিয়ে কারণ দর্বৃত্তের রাজ্যে যদি যশস্বী, কৃতী মানুষের রাজনৈতিক সমাগম হয়, তাহলে গড়ে দুষ্কৃতকারীর প্রভাব অপেক্ষাকৃত কমবে, এই আশা পোষণ করি | কিন্তু তা হবে কি যথার্থই ?
49. রবীন্দ্রনাথ, নজরুল, বিদ্যাসাগর, বিবেকানন্দ, আম্বেদকর, বিরসা মুণ্ডা ও আরো অনেকে -- এঁরা কি মাননীয়াকে রাজনৈতিক প্রচারকর্ম করার জন্য বিশেষ ভাষায় প্রশিক্ষণ দিয়েছেন ? কারণ তিনি তো এঁদের একান্ত অনুগামী | তাই নয় কি ? তাঁর প্রতিটি বক্তৃতায় এমনই তো শুনি তাঁর শ্রীমুখ হতে | এই ভাষাই কি তাহলে রবীন্দ্র-অনুপ্রাণিতা বঙ্গমাতার (আক্ষা, সৌজন্যে, দীপঙ্কর দে) দ্বারা প্রচলিত হল নবকলেবরে আমাদের প্রাদেশিক কথ্যভাষারূপে ? কথাটি হল এই, কথ্যভাষাটি বড়ই কুৎসিৎ | কবিগুরু কি বলেন ?
50. If scripture sanctions violence, what can poor adherents do? They are by commandment enjoined to kill despite interpretative apologies offered in defence of context to safeguard the scripture from legitimate adversarial offensive. Modernity demands relegation of archaic and outdated scriptural directives into the waste-bin of history.
51. Nobody should sleep anymore. The loudspeaker was loud enough for all to hear that they were being called to pray. Hence, off to prayer, chums ! Jai West Bengal? No, no. Jai what then? I wonder ! Time for a name change? What do you say?
52. Love should spring like strength in your hearts and never as a weakness.
53. Civilisation is the evolution of the divine man from his animal origins.
54. I wonder why the azaan is being given over the microphone and the loudspeaker right now. After all these are man's creation and not God's. The announcers who call us to pray in the name of God should only use God's direct creations to do so. That alone can glorify God.
55. Misha, study systematically and regularly, and not because examination beckons you to do so but as a matter of academic love and the requirement for character formation, the sine qua non for future citizenship of the world. The ignorant wallow in the mire of material life. The learned alone see the light, the wise are ushered into the inner chambers where Nature holds her secrets.
56. We cannot compete with the rest of the world as a nation if we are so fond of photographs and images and idols and leave theory and principle out of the ambit of our attention. Sad indeed that such a traditionally intellectual country like India has today sunk to this abysmally impoverished intellectual state.
57. Mumbo jumbo in the name of the Sanatan Dharma by self-styled Sadgurus must stop. It is detrimental to the cause of our progress as a nation. Do not believe in these fake Gurus who are simply minting millions in the name of nonsense going by the name of religion. Believe in yourselves instead.
58. To support the cause of the Sanatan Dharma is as much to cleanse it of fake Gurus as to fight off the offensive advances of proselytising Semitic religions. Do not maintain your silence over these crooks who pass off as spiritual guides under tacit official approval, not to mention the acceptance by gullible fools who are legion.
59. Too much of government in people's lives, any amount of party intervention in the same is not what the electorate will take in good spirit. Freedom is the fundamental call of the human species and people are no more prone to dictates as dictators themselves are. So, ministers, be mindful.
60. Acquisition of wealth is one and its worship another. This western adoration of the dollar is abominable and there are so many Indian adherents of it.
61. Doctors must learn to be more articulate, more communicative with their patients and those who are their care-givers. This is vital to the process of recovery and the secure well-being of the patients.
62. What rubbish is this that woman (Eve) was created out of the bone of man (Adam) by God and, hence, woman must be subservient to man ! Is this scriptural truth or arrant nonsense? And is this what Bangladeshis are being fed by Islamic clerics galore? Whither is Bangladesh headed?
63. As my messages make their mark, my twitter following decreases. Clearly, this is indication of the success of my communication as quality replaces quantity and a core following develops who shall carry the message forward.
64. Watch at 44 min onwards how suddenly Chandrachur Ghosh starts biting his nails when Dr.Jayanta Choudhuri attacks the Emilie-Anita 'connection' with Netaji. Was this nervousness as psychologists say the biting of nails in times of pressure indicates? Remember that 'Mission Netaji', whose founder member Chandrachur Ghosh is, categorically states that Emile Schenkl was the wife of Netaji and Anita Brigette Pfaff his daughter.
65. Federalism has its advantages in checking centralised autocracy but suffers from the major defect of checking national progress as well in the name of provincialism. This latter feature is the case of West Bengal. Also, minority appeasement will have to pay its price for nothing comes free in a market economy.
66. One of the ways of reducing poverty-related needs of people is for rich people to curtail their luxurious expenses and serve the needy with the saved amount.
67. It is well to be charitable but better by far if one feels along with it an intense sympathy for the suffering of the ones one attends to by way of such charity.
68. It is best to reject a God who sends believers to heaven and non-believers to hell, for, after all, such a God simply is a figment of imagination bred in fear and no more. Will you bow down to a 'Creator' who you have yourself created? Better by far will be if roles are reversed from now on and such a fictitious God starts bowing down to Man.
69. As man becomes civilised the world over, proselytising religions will run for cover before they perish after putting up a last ditch fight for survival. But their day is come and the swansong is sounding that will herald them to oblivion.
70. Bangladesh will take to Hinduism in a massive way is my prophecy about her impending fate. Pakistan will follow suit thereafter. The whole of the Indian subcontinent will be adherents of the Sanatan Dharma in the fullness of time. Hinduism will triumph in the long run in bringing back its errant children to her fold.
71. Do not worry. There will no 'Day of Judgement' ever to befall you. These are archaic assertions of superstitious people of a bygone era that still have their hold on the ignorant but which the enlightened have since long rejected as arrant nonsense.
72. The God who you fear does not exist but the God which you are in essence ever exists. Know yourself in depth to be God.
73. Reject God for He does not exist. But, tell me, can you reject yourself? Know yourself to be God which you will realise when you pass into samadhi (the super-conscious state).
74. It is dangerous to believe in an omnipotent God who can punish at will for our misdeeds. This sort of judgement passed from a heavenly High Court is a terrible threat to human sanity and safety, and the sooner we can get rid of this God, the better.
75. How is it that the Government of India tolerates fatwahs issued by Muslim clerics to intimidate progressive voices like Taslima Nasreen who take on the regressive forces within the community by the horns? Why tolerate the intolerant?
76. The Indian television and digital media must not give so much prominence to Islamic Imams anymore. They must allow ordinary Muslims to lend their voices more. Only then will it be possible to understand the extent of the tyranny they suffer at the hands of these clerics.
77. If you see superstition in religion, reject it at once. Be rational, be scientific, be progressive. Do not accept anything without evidence substantiating it even if scripture declares it to be sacrosanct and indisputably inviolable. Let reason be the guide unto enlightenment rather than blind faith dictate terms unto ignorance.
78. Hindus, be proud of your heritage. Unto you has been given the greatest civilisation as inheritance and it is for you to grow both materially and spiritually to be empowered enough to preserve it. Remember this much that upon the life of the Sanatan Dharma depends the life of the world.
79. Hindus, awake ! Read the Qu'ran and get to know the real Islam. Do not be deluded by liberal Hindu ideas about Islam. Read and recognise it as it truly is.
80. Our country has been colonised by alien culture for far too long. It is time we recover our roots.
81. Is there another country on earth whose citizens are so ashamed to own up their heritage and culture as the educated Hindu does?
82. It is good to befriend the enemy but only when the enemy will spare you life enough to do so. If, on the contrary, he destroys your identity by converting you? Well, you are now fraternal souls, conversion comrades in the same business of perverting others from their cherished culture and religion !
83. Any fascist way of life and thinking must be done away with in a civilised modern world even if it stems from 'divine' revelation. If such a way still persists, it is a pointer to the fact that humanity is still living in barbarous times.
84. If kuffars (infidels in the eyes of Islam) were only to be punished in hell after death, there would be no problem for them. But the problem is that, as per Islamic doctrine, they are to be subjugated here on earth itself before they are made to suffer hell-fire after death. Hence, all the conflict.
85. Why is Bangladesh sliding into increasing Islamism?
86. Persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh. Thank God my grandfather left East Pakistan on 14 August, 1947 for India and my grandmother refused to be persuaded by Leela Roy to stay on in East Pakistan. Otherwise, we would be facing this persecution from Islamists who fill this benighted nation.
87. Appeasement will never work. The more you yield to fanatics, the more they will demand. Finally, Hindus will have to migrate to other lands. One wonders how long it will take West Bengal to become as bad as Bangladesh in this regard. And here there is aggressive appeasement going on openly, flouting all sense of civility and propriety.
88. Bengalis boys must play football instead of indulging too much in song and dance and poetry and art. A generation of engagement in such vigorous activity will make men out of these effeminates who are flocking the polity of Bengal. And Bengali girls must also take to exhibiting a like sterling womanhood.
89. Keep raising this issue then in a daily post till it gains ground and calls in significant changes in the desired direction.
90. Let devotion show in the posting of some good essays on the Presidents of the Order and not merely in that of the same old photographs over and over again. We ought not to be so intellectually bankrupt in our exhibited devotion.
91. Writing should neither be verbose nor the insincere assemblage of words nor the consistent presentation of quotes that through overuse have become stale and sterile. Creative sincerity touches where words are spelled out from the depth of feeling and not merely to impress readers with high-flown usage. This is what is meant by simplicity of style.
92. The Prime Minister should never abruptly end his speech. He should do it with grace and slow courtesy rather than with brusque haste as is his wont to doing.
93. Not only are many of our men vile to our women but many of our women are equally vile to our men. We are so often so vile to each other with hardly much civility to adorn our behaviour that we have brought upon ourselves a despicable social discourse whose rotten output we happen to see in the public life of our politicians. We are civilised, indeed !
94. As our Prime Minister and Chief Minister keep rejoicing boastfully about their achievements over the past years, our academic standard continues to plummet and each succeeding generation keeps producing a greater number of less than truly educated citizens, and culture in consequence reaches its nadir.
95. Conversion is pure politics and a religion that converts is essentially a political movement. Spirituality is far removed from it.
96. I despair to see the intellectual impoverishment of my countrymen. My sustained effort at quickening their consciousness unto robust thinking seems like the attempt to freshen up the desert for future harvest. The response to my posts is abysmally low and qualitatively poor.
97. Study, educate yourself well, earn well, live well, give well.
98. The ego is the frontal cover of God. It is the mask God wears to combat cosmic corona and when the vaccination is complete, He sheds it to reveal Himself.
99. We are building a bridge of corpses over which future humanity will walk.
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