My dear sisters and brothers,
One works alone for a noble cause -- in this case, for the regeneration of the motherland -- when there are none to help. And this is Karma Yoga.
Heroes can help, not helpmates in the motherland's ruin through persistent negligence in providing sympathy and help for the cause. Hence, from Vivekananda to Tagore to Gandhi to Bose, they all worked on alone, died alone and live on alone post mortem among millions of worthless devotees who only care to save their skin and lead comfortable lives barring the rare follower who as yet sacrifices his all for his chosen Master and even more for the motherland that gave birth to such stupendous beings.
Such is the predicament of a cowardly race which Vivekananda frequently in thunderous tones admonished but the race, impervious to such chastisement, continues to be the debilitated lot it used to be and, so, continues to frustrate national hopes of a quick regeneration. No wonder the race suffers, for sufferance is the lot cowards expose themselves to by their own indolence and unmanliness. Hence, idle prostration before these great ones in the hyperbolic Oriental count of hundreds and millions notwithstanding, the country groans under the tyranny of crooks who have been usurping power since long, even as Anglicised intellectuals spare no means to subvert the cultural heritage of the land by joining hands with leftist materialists who pretend abundant love for the masses in the name of an offered bloody revolution that will supposedly be the panacea for all the ills that plague this benighted nation, although their Marxist means and measures have been proved dismal failures everywhere in the wide world.
In this scenario if anyone dedicates his lot to serve the national cause, does it not behove patriots to support him, encourage him and help him endure the rigours of the journey by offering suitable succour and solace whenever the need be? But, alas ! where are such patriots? Where, alas ! have they been even in the past when seminal souls like Vivekananda and Bose cried in the wilderness and nobody heard them? And where did it lead the land? To destruction, to its dastardly dismemberment, to the annihilation of its masses by the millions amidst raging genocide carried out in the name of medieval monstrous ideology !
Are we then preparing for another such destruction of our motherland? I leave the indolent ones to idly consider this and then alone proceed to alter stance and become more active in their support of the cause that takes my day's labour in and my night's sleep out.
Vande Mataram !
Yours in fraternal bond ever,
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