Sunday 31 January 2021



Five times a day loudspeakers are allowed in West Bengal calling Muslims to prayer but forcing every other community to listen to it as well. From dawn to deep night it goes on. Why? Is this the practice of secularism or is this a dangerous appeasement of the Muslims to secure votes and hang on to power thus with disastrous future implications for the polity? How would the duo of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo have reacted to it were they alive today to witness this? Is this West Bengal where 70% of the population are as yet Hindus, although declining rapidly with every passing decade, or is it progressively becoming a potentially theocratic state with the religion of the 30% minority community being thrust down everybody's throat to suffocation of all else? What is the future of Hindus in this state?

Written by Sugata Bose

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