Thursday 3 January 2019



The truthful person is irresistible in his spiritual force. His is a resolve that by sheer affiliation to truth gains a momentum that moves mountains.

Where there is overmuch of spiritual softness, either of two possibilities are there. One that the person is truly illumined and is melting down in love, and the other that he is a charlatan who lacks character enough to move people's hearts and has to woo his way through using every worldly tool available.

So, be in truth, live out the truth you have faith in in your real life and sacrifice everything for the preservation of truth but do not forsake truth for anything.

I do not see too many people these days strict about their adherence to truth and they unashamedly fail to keep their word given to someone. Now it is the age of excuses galore for non-adherence to truth and far too many are culpable to this offence which is very much the culture these days and no longer considered an offence as such.

Written by Sugata Bose

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