Thursday, 3 January 2019


1. I shall have to manifest strength, myself become an army, fire the artillery, pulverise opposition and reduce to smithereens all pretensions of Maya.

2. A resolution once made on an ideal to be pursued must never be given up come what may.The strong-willed and the energetic succeed.

3. If no one will comply, I will unto Thee, my Lord, and fulfil Thy mission on earth. Such should be the zeal. This is no vain display of egotism but a resolve born out of the courage of conviction in a cause that will be a boon unto all of humanity without reserve.

4. Where is there time to rest when humanity has reached the edge of physical annihilation born out of a terrible ignorance about the fundamental spiritual scheme of things, when the whole world is drunk to a suicidal inebriation and the ship of civilisation is sinking along the edge of its worst ever precipice? But shall I wait for you to join me? No, I have waited for far too long. Now it is a traversing the desert path alone, unaided by any save my Lord who beckons me unto this mission.

5. Vampirism is no way to gain strength. Strength must come from the recesses within, from the depths of the spiritual heart.

6. The old suffer even as the young rejoice. This is the duality of life. In this scenario he who connects with both has solved the problem of association and is fit to serve both. Serve the aged with love, serve the youth with light. Let this be your mission in life.

7. Real love is very powerful but, alas, who has it? Rare, indeed, is the one who knows how to love. Ramakrishna was one such.

8. Glory unto the one that serves the cause of Thakur. Unto him belongs the highest benediction in freedom from terrestrial bondage.

9. Utilise this very moment to lend your weight to the movement of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda. Begin now, this instant, and make a change for the better, for the next may never come. Certain is that you are alive now and can make a difference. Uncertain are the moments lying in the womb of futurity. Who knows whether we shall be there or not then to contribute our mite to Thakur's cause. I reiterate, begin now.

10. The best way to preserve good health is to practise absolute purity. It is the best way to preserve good looks as well.


If you truly care for Tulsi Maharaj, come and join us in our mission instead of idle engagement in passive piety. Be active, read Tulsi Maharaj's life and do something for his resurrection as Thakur's direct disciple.


Fire ! Fire ! Fire ! Spread the word with fire that Sri Ramakrishna has come to release us from the mire of material misery and lead us unto his abode of infinite spiritual beatitude. Your single effort is not insignificant. It may look so but, remember, the seed contains the mighty forest in its womb and the moment the whole of infinite time ahead. Come on, galvanise yourself and join in this massive spiritual movement marshalled by Swamiji and be his all-sacrificing soldier of the soul.

Jai Ramakrishna !

13. Where there is an iota of love for Thakur-Ma-Swamiji, there will be active participation in the movement and sacrifice on the part of those that call themselves devotees. Where there is no such commitment, passive piety will reign supreme. Glory unto both ! Jai Ramakrishna !

Photo : Duragacharan Nag (Nag Mahashay) and Sri Ramakrishna, models of renunciation, exemplars of true piety.

14. Life is so fleeting and they are making it even shorter by bombing innocent populations. Whither humanity of the civilised nations?

15. Every ounce of energy must be saved, every penny, too, for the work ahead demands the service of much of both.

16. I am indebted to the quiet help respected Debaprasad Bhattacharya is rendering to the cause of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji-RK Mission.

17. The mantra carries power and to fail to chant it is spiritually suicidal. The intelligent will never fail to repeat the mantra.

18. Those that do not do their spiritual exercises regularly n in the right spirit are unfit to join the proposed spiritual movement.

19. Fulfilment of desires may be a part of dharma but is not a party to real spirituality pertaining to moksha. Freedom must be from desires before real freedom from name and form ensues.

20. Be bold, be daring, be rational enough to challenge every doctrine. But be sincere as well and persevere with purity to realise the transcendental truth. An insincere scepticism is as bad as blind belief. So, be awake to your responsibilities in rational discernment of truth and, as sincere adherents of your own findings, act upon it.

21. The farmer remains famished, what an irony!

22. You are merely the trustee of God’s wealth and have no right whatsoever to waste it on personal pleasures. Remember there are billions dying from want.

23. Look upon the poor as representatives of the Most High. Then work to alleviate their misery. But do not vainly think that you have done enough so long as you spend more on your own pleasures than you do for the welfare of society.

24. Sincere adherence to the Guru’s words makes man immortal.

25. The spread of science will kill superstition but will it make men holy?

26. God with the rod is an archaic tribal concept that has become outdated and is better done away with today. Let the God of the day be the divine man whose best illustration in recent history is Sri Ramakrishna.

27. For belief there is unending reward and for disbelief eternal punishment. What a strange proposition!

28. How can a merciful God be so violent? Is His violence the sign of His mercy?

29. I reject a tyrant God that allows conversion, kills infidels, is partial to His followers and instils fear in the name of faith.

30. Why bow down to an omnipotent tyrant who is a figment of superstitious man’s morbid imagination? Better love man, pure n simple.

31. Is this faith-induction through fear justified? Is it not brainwashing, pulverising the gullible into submission?

32. How long must you frighten man with hellfire to bring him to your fold?

33. I wish the youth of Bengal who pride in lineage of an exalted order would manifest a bit of manliness that their illustrious forefather did.

34. Superb, Maharaj (Swami Ekarthananda Puri) ! This is called valour in speech, this the right articulation of truth fearless of criticism from apologists. Now Nepal will rock to the volcanic force of Vivekananda and Vivekananda will have found his conduit in Swami Ekarthananda Puri. Verily, this was a bombshell, indeed, the detonation of a high-power Vivekananda thought-bomb.

35. The entire capitalist system is one of theft, that of scientific stealing.

36. The intelligent diligently do their spiritual exercises. It is the Guru's duty as well to censure those that do not.

37. Businessmen ought to be inspired by the spirit of service Sri Ramakrishna taught rather than be motivated by mere profit.

38. Swamiji felt he was but an instrument in the hands of Thakur. As the Master moved him, so he moved the world.

39. The spiritual movement is on and will continue unabated irrespective of opposition, indifference and persecution. God is the goal.

40. The living word must become life. To quicken it, chant constantly the holy name and stay pure. Victory is inevitable.

41. If self-sacrifice leads to death, so be it. But we must not stop short of achieving the ideal.

42. Self-belief is more important than faith in a hundred thousand books and verses. The pure, the truthful, the sincere triumph.

43. Those that hew a new path are always reviled at first. Later, they are worshipped as God. One such was Swamiji, another Thakur.

44. The strong, the sincere and the sacrificing, the pure, the patient and the persistent -- they alone triumph over cosmic nescience.

45. Self-reliance is the best way in life. Rational thinking, scientific and free of superstition, help men navigate through life better than blind allegiance to authority. A clear head is always a good guide in life.

46. If you love someone, do not grill him/her incessantly. Swamiji says, ''Love questions not.'' Well, where is love there in this world after all?

47. The tyranny of woman is as bad as the tyranny of man. The tyrant is a misfit in today's society, yet, she/he exists.

48. He who suffers for others, who takes up the sins of all, is the great soul, the mahatma.

49. There is but one law of life and it is the law of giving. Give all, hold nothing and freedom will be yours, for it is possession that binds, fetters the free soul.

50. In this world of terrible material misery, the one way to peace is to give up the quest for ephemeral happiness.

51. The other name for spiritual dynamism is Nirmalananda.

52. Bestowing spirituality is the highest gift and the giver is the greatest benefactor of humankind.

53. Making light of spirituality has become a fashion these days and it does not augur well for the future of our country. Remember, reverence is the key to all accomplishment.

54. Two things must be lost before one gets the third. The body is one, the mind another. The spirit is received in the bargain.

55. Is there a friend you can call your own? Ah, if he is a friend in need ! Then, know for certain, he is a friend indeed.

56. Hindu Pundits have become refugees in their own homeland. How many of you think about redressing it, O critic of everything Hindu?

57. The British stole our wealth for several centuries. Why do we now steal our own wealth and deprive the nation's development?

58.  Everybody blames the politician for the nation's maladies. But I say, it is the common man who is selfish and, hence, this state.

59. What if God were poor and powerless? Would people still worship Him?

60. Britain has wronged India, U.S.A. has wronged Japan, and, likewise, China has wronged Tibet. What will be their karmic resolution?

61. Is there no law in life except brutality, barbarism and savagery? Where is there humanity in a world of predator-prey relation?

62. This world is dying through lack of love. Will God incarnate now? So Sri Ramakrishna had said he would after a 100 yrs. Will he now?

63. The Hindu monk and the Hindu nun remains the one great hope of the regeneration of India. Sanskrit must be popularised once more.

64. The holy dip of the Kumbh is on. How many of you who will take the dip will also try to do the follow-up work of serving society?

65. The old suffer through lack of care. Serve. This is dharma, not the selfish dreams of personal pleasure.

66. Hospitals need to function better. This is the responsibility of the Government.

67. The people of India must unite irrespective of religious affiliation. A divided country is ever prone to foreign invasion.

68. Doctors must resist private hospital corruption unless, of course, they are complicit in a mutual deal.

69. Where there is civic resistance to corruption, the Government and the capitalists have both to be more wary of a public uprising.

70. This life will pass away. Why not live a heroic life in the service of others? Why live a coward's life full of selfishness?

71. In an age when man roams about in outer space, the abject poverty of billions seems a sacrilege of the first order.

72. It is better to die brave than to live like a coward.

73. Valour consists in virtuous living.

74. We need scientific institutes by the score, not temples anymore.

75. The synthesis of a broad liberalism and the fanatic's zeal must characterise the Ramakrishna missionary.

76. While there is life, there is the chance to serve. Do not miss this opportunity. Sri Ramakrishna has shown us the way.

77. The best devotees of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda are the martyrs who bled for our freedom, the extreme revolutionaries.

78. কারুর সময় নেই | সব নিজ আবর্তে ব্যস্ত | এ পৃথিবীতে বৈরাগ্যই একমাত্র সম্বল | বাকি সব প্রহেলিকামাত্র |

79. Before judging the Guru man must judge himself whether he is fit for receiving initiation. Only when he has himself fulfilled the spiritual conditions enjoined upon him as obligatory by way of prospective discipleship that he is in any position to start judging the spiritual sufficiency of the prospective preceptor. When these conditions have been fulfilled, he may proceed to pray for spiritual initiation and thereon embark on the long voyage of spiritual practice.

80. Religious indoctrination of a vulgar kind does make a difference. It makes animals out of men.

81. Why do terrorists kill innocent people?

82. Do politicians who sanction State terror and engineer elimination of political rivals or enemies believe in the law of karma? What happened to Netaji?

83. Use liberalism to undermine liberalism, use democracy to crush democracy. This is the agenda of the religious doctrinaire fanatic.

84. Why call India Hindustan if Hinduism is not even taught to students despite it being the grandest religious system in the world?

85. Are evolution and creationism compatible? If not, then where do the Semitic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, stand?

86. Disobedience cannot be termed discipleship.

87. Dedication to a cause for a lifetime invariably is crowned with success.

88. Work incessantly for self well-being and world welfare irrespective of the result you derive by way of return. This is vital.

89. Intellect developed devoid of excellence of the heart is a dangerous commodity and greatly hurts human civilisation.

90. Deluge this page with the volcanic words of Netaji. Let his personality permeate the beings of the members and quicken them into patriotic activity.

91. What sort of argument is this that democratic law is not the law of God and is the law of the Devil? Where are we headed?

92. Religion consists in the observance of purity. Where it is maintained, religion is safe. Where impurity dwells, religion rots.

93. The same God is everywhere, in every living worm, from the dinosaur to the ant, evolving, revolving with the wheel of Maya till it reaches the vacuous nought of climactic perfection.

94. Elsewhere is here. The hereafter is here. It is all in an undulating pulsating Presence over an eternal static Rest.

95. Utilise every moment of your life to advance your learning, deepen your love. This life floats as on a lotus leaf, remember.

96. Sublimity of love is devotion.

97. I will be a good disciple. This ought to be the aim of all devotees. Thus shall we combine the forces of good to combat the powers of evil in the world. Thus shall we create a circumstance where dharma flourishes spontaneous, free.

98. When you say you fail to see God, just consider this that all that you are witnessing all about you is none but He.

99. Saudi Arabia is the rogue nation that finances fanaticism and Pakistan is the factory that furnishes terror.

100. India must strengthen herself militarily. Else, there is no hope of containing roguish Pakistan. And a bigger danger is China.

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