Sunday 13 January 2019



Ignorance, insensitivity and unconcern for others have caused so much human suffering. The egocentric attitude that caters only to self-interest has reduced humanity to despair. The way out is the prescription of Sri Ramakrishna, 'Not me, not me, but Thee, Thee' which means that the individual must practise self-abnegation and uphold the Divine within oneself. Only through the constant affirmation of this sleeping divinity within the human personality may the common link between man and man become the unifying factor for a common human sympathy and lasting human welfare.

May good sense prevail in all ! May the dormant divinity within man be quickened into Self-conscious activity ! Jai Ramakrishna ! Jai Ma ! Jai Swamiji !

Written by Sugata Bose

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