There is this opportunity to serve all and we must each do it our way. Quoting organisational authority or citing scripture by way of deriving authority is not my vocation. I go by the dictates of my conscience and in so far as it allows me to go, I traverse thus far in my bid to serve. I fear none and do not subscribe to any foisted authority on my self. I am free and free shall remain for all time for there is none that can bind my soul which is of the essence of existence and consciousness in its absolute state and of bliss at the relative state of dual perception.
I am yet to learn the ways of the world and I care not to learn them as well for they are incompatible with the compulsions of my spirit. This much I have learnt, though, that the world in its material manifestation runs after self-interest and there can be no compromise that I can make there. Mine is a self-run to the finish-line and the goal beckons me on. In this singular chase, if I can draw my brethren along and together run this race, so much the better, for gregarious we are despite spiritual self-isolation. There is a contact point between like-minded souls which never seems to dissolve despite circumstantial hindrances which apparently insulate souls from each other, for the immaterial element of the spirit invariably triumphs over such material aberrations and forges the unifying link of communion.
The harder the times, the more resolute the response and the brighter the beams that illumine the dark recesses of the soul. External elements play their malefic role in the attempted undermining of the seer's social stance. But the sage is located in his inner realisations and cannot be diverted from his luminous trajectory that knows only the law of light and love that can only heal and never harm. The saint is so persuaded by his inner illumination where he sees the integration of all life that he must necessarily open the eyes of his fellow beings. His is an unconditional giving that seeks no return and he remains, thus, the supreme benefactor of humanity.
Ordinary souls cannot quite comprehend the depth of feeling that the realised soul feels for humanity that has forgotten its spiritual moorings and, bound as they are in social and psychological strictures, trappings of traditions and modes and methods habituated to, they offer gratis counsel which are not only counterproductive but positively harmful at times. When someone does something good, it is but the sign of the jealous to attempt to pull down the zealous to their level. This has always been the case and shall ever be. No wonder Swami Vivekananda had said that all great work proceeds by degrees through the successive phases of persecution, indifference and, finally, acceptance.
May Mother give sense and sanity to all and a bit of good humour and a feeling of charity where reside other attributes that are worth not mentioning !
Written by Sugata Bose
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