Thursday 17 January 2019



How can animals be sacrificed so brutally for appeasing God or for gaining merit or whatever? This is barbarism, the murderous element in man in full manifestation against an innocent victim of the same family of living beings to which man belongs? How can such archaic practices be tolerated even today during religious festivals which ought to be the joyous ground for all of sentience and not the scene of butchery of the lame animals incapable of self-protection? All this must stop. Else, stop calling your so-called religious practice an act of piety when evidently it is a pernicious act of murderous delight and a meat-relish thereafter. 

Innocence tied up at the scaffold of sacrilegious spirituality? Yes, indeed, it is tribal barbarism enjoying its inertial play in every house of horror, in every habitat that conforms to such gruesome mass murder of the mute animal in the name of the all-merciful Almighty. It is time to reflect if we are still human beings or have degenerated by now into a sub-human species worse than these victims of our malefic delight.

Sacrifice? No, it is sacrilege, the gross destruction of life that can have no spiritual value whatsoever even if prophets and messiahs and sages and saints have sanctioned it. Use your reason, activate your heart and you will see the sense in what I have just pointed out.

May all life be protected, so help me God !

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi (courtesy :Moni Lahiri)

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