Tuesday 1 January 2019



Girish was convinced through his earlier interactions with the Master that he was the incarnation of the Divine. Being the dramatist poet that he was and of ardent faith in anything he gave his mind to, Girish was going about saying to friends and associates that Sri Ramakrishna was God incarnate.

The news had reached the Master's ears at Cossipore and the moment he saw Girish he threw the question at him thus : ''I hear that you are going about saying to people that I am an Avatar. Tell me, what you have understood about me that you say so.'' The words fell upon Girish's ears and pierced into his heart, and in an inspired mood he said, ''In describing whom Vyasa and Valmiki have run out of words, I, insignificant Girish, what more have I said?'' The words had an electric effect on the Master and he instantly passed into a state of deep samadhi (super-consciousness). When he came back to normalcy, his mood was ethereal and he started blessing all those who by now had gathered round him in supplication.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Girish Chandra Ghosh

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