Tuesday 26 April 2022



A handful of selfless young men and women can as yet shake up India to her spiritual foundations. The question is : where will these youths find a living ideal to emulate? Swamiji is too distant and gone for most in a world vitiated by sensory desires. The followers of Swamiji are failing to inspire quite for their failure to themselves live up to Swamiji's fiery ideals. If there is fire within one, it will ignite it in the hearts of others. But wither such sannyasis? The lay disciples are compromised into living lives of selfish dreams. Most of them care only for their personal well-being while entertaining vain hopes of personal salvation. These householder devotees along with the monks 'have become lifeless mockeries' of men who are content to pandering to their vanities while feigning genuine devotion to Swamiji's high ideals of national and world regeneration. The laxity we see in these in connection with living out Swamiji's ideals cannot but fail to inspire the youth. Hence, the youth are going astray when they could have been inspired to lead more meaningful lives of service and sacrifice were they to find effective role models whom they could emulate. This is the sad situation today. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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