Wednesday 27 April 2022



Organising the Hindus into a single body is vital for the survival of Hindus as a race in a subcontinental atmosphere vitiated by Abrahamic religious assault on them but organising Hinduism in a like manner with regimented religious and social practices dictated by a supreme body will kill the very spirit of Hinduism. Democracy of choice lost, Hinduism will stagnate and die. The freedom to choose the Ishta (Chosen Deity) is at the heart of Hindu religious practice. That must not be tampered with. Society must not be dictated in its actions by a set of conservative men holding traditional patriarchal views on life. Such strangulation will kill Hinduism. 'Freedom, freedom is the song of the soul,' said Swamiji, and this freedom of both acceptance and rejection, the freedom to choose one's way of life without violating others' ways which is essential to the Hindu way of living must be preserved. Broader consensus among the diverse sects of Hinduism must be found in the 'Common Bases of Hinduism' as expounded by Swamiji but too much of regulation in social terms will stifle society even more and prevent its progress unto a freer, happier structure. Hence, there are both the necessity and danger in the organisation of Hinduism and Hindu society. We must arrive at an enlightened synthesis, a golden mean of spiritual living in the light of the Vedanta rather than in the dictates of a supreme body of men in charge of Hindu society. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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