The country has to be rapidly raised. For this a vast spiritualisation of the masses is necessary. And it is for this that the masses will have to be fed well, housed well, educated well and employed well. This is the precondition to all spiritual aspirations we may have for them. Without the condition of the masses improving, all this shouting about nationalism will be empty talk, frothy effusion tantamount to nothing. Therefore, those that call themselves nationalists -- and of late there are such professors galore -- ought to build their character first and start sacrificing their resources, pleasures and idle pastimes, and take to devoting themselves to silent, fruitful, life-building work for the poor. Then and then alone will they qualify for being what they now raucously preach without an iota of sense as to either the destiny of the nation or to the consequence of their corrosive actions on the future of the nation. Swami Vivekananda is our guide, our General in this onward march to national well-being. Study Swamiji in-depth. Without his leading light all your efforts will be in vain. And if you do not, in hypocritical mode will you remain as you are more often than not now. The Geeta warns us against such hypocricy. Quoting its verses copiously let us not pretend patriotism, but we must actively pursue its pristine principles and its temporal solutions stemming out of such eternal wisdom. 🕉
Written by Sugata Bose
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