Monday, 25 April 2022



Those who speak much about liberalism and attack the Hindutvavaadis are less liberal and more fanatical than you suppose. These are opportunists, selfish people with petty interests of the pocket and portfolio. Their agenda is anti-Hinduism, their interests opposed to welfare of the Hindus.

This is not a political statement but a statement of fact. I am completely an apolitical person but am an impartial observer of events and I detest this sort of crass anti-Hindu mentality among so many sense-bound materialistic men and women who are titular Hindus but are silent sinkers of the vast vessel that carries Hindu heritage and culture, Hindu children, women and men. These are not liberals but are hypocrites who dare not speak against other religious groups which are patently and perniciously political in their anti-Hindu stance despite pious protestations to the contrary, but have made it their business to criticise Hindutva parties so as to oppose the resuscitation of our age-old spiritual culture. If we get deluded by their sophisticated selective disparagement of Hindutvavaad with all its supposed ills, we will be rolling back the 'Yugadharmachakra' (The Wheel of Righteousness for the Age) which will imperil our survival as a race.

The Vedic Rishis had exhorted us to unite for the common weal. And so we must. Else, Hindus will be an extinct race before long, although Hinduism or the Sanatan Dharma, being essentially eternal in principle, will survive among alien hands, awaiting a tortuous rediscovery that may take millenia, remaining obscure for ages among peoples not yet cultivated enough for its cognition, far less realisation.

Hence, Hindus, unite cutting across petty philosophical and practical differences which are all, nonetheless, harmonised in the Vedas. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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