1. আমরা হন্যে হয়ে ঘুরি একটা ভাল সাধুর জন্য | আর যখন তাঁকে খুঁজে পাই, তখন প্রাণের ভক্তি ঢেলে দি |
2. Hindus must support the cause of Hinduism in terms of active help for social good. Mere verbal piety will not do. It must entail personal participation and self-sacrifice to bolster the hand of Hinduism. Serve the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission zealously.
3. Not wearing a mask and braving the streets and public places is not the sign of courage but of irresponsibility and foolishness. Wear your mask please and protect yourself. Save society.
4. A vast capitalistic system fuelled by greed and propelled by profit-making has consumed even spiritual organisations. Thakur's pronciple of 'taka mati, mati taka' cries in the wilderness today.
5. A general zeal is missing among devotees. A passive attitude towards the movement is not conducive for its growth. Get beyond self-interest and help bolster the Ramakrishna Movement. Be zealous. Spread the Word. Serve the Cause.
6. The steady one is the spiritual one for steadiness, steadfastness are derivations of the ultimate state of steady intelligence, that of the Self-realised soul.
7. Capitalism is organised, legalised theft, nay, robbery of the masses by rogues.
8. A spiritual organisation must not degenerate into a ritual organisation. The loss of its spirit would render it sterile.
Spiritual - Spirit = Ritual ;
Ritual + Spirit = Spiritual
10. The inability to feel proud of one's heritage and the tendency to identify with foreign culture in its place is symptomatic of spiritual decay.
11. Save yourself by yourself. You have done it in the past. You shall do it again. Despair not. There gleams success ahead.
12. Irrational, barbaric cults must not be encouraged by calling them paths to God. They must either be exposed or left alone but never affirmed as true out of brotherly magnanimity for that would be tantamount to complicity in promotion of barbarism. Such a stance must be deemed unspiritual and antihuman. Truth alone must be preached and not diluted with doses of untruth in the hope of promoting inter-faith harmony.
13. Preaching the Vedanta while refusing to address key issues that afflict humanity is an exercise in escapism, irresponsibility and in consequence futility. Courage of conviction would deem a braver course of action.
14. Why is it necessary to spread 'harmony lies' with respect to religions that are outrageously intolerant and can only harmonise by destroying all other religions? Why resort to lies at all to effect such fanciful peacemaking? Does not the history of these violent cults teach us a different lesson? Must we fail to learn? Must we pander to the vanities of violence intrinsic to these vicious faiths?
15. Preaching love is wonderful, practising it in real active terms of social welfare even better.
16. The Religion of Man must be on the upswing and intolerant tribal cults forsaken if humanity is to rise from its present decadent state. But it must not be in theoretical terms only. It must be in genuine welfare terms. Om!
17. Another Vivekananda is due now to interpret current conspiracies and establish eternal principles to save civilisation. Past affirmations have become dated. A fresher articulation is the exigency of the hour.
18. When a spiritual lecture is going on, it is discourtesy to disturb the speaker by being inattentive or talkative on-stage. Alas, so often that is but the case!
19. Those who eulogise Holy Mother's sweetness of speech would do better to follow her instance when they deal with devotees. How many times we receive harsh treatment at the hands of these venerable ones who we adore!
20. Have infinite confidence in your abilities, unbounded enthusiasm and energy to fructify your dreams but direct all your life's labour to serving this moving mass of humanity we call India.
21. The impatient can never be spiritual. Patience is a primary sign of spirituality.
22. Monks must not pander to the vanities of politicians. They should have the strength of character to transform the lives of politicians. Politicians must not be allowed to wield power over monks, to dictate terms to them. In vain will be monasticism then. Rather monks should have the spirituality before which politicians will spontaneously surrender themselves.
23. Man makes God after his own fashion and then says God made him.
24. আদর্শই সর্বোপরি | আদর্শ রইল তো সব রইল; আদর্শ গেল তো সব গেল |
25. In vain we seek help from others when all help is within ourselves.
When desires deal you the death-blow,
Dream no more.
Awake to the Reality within
And mark your score.
27. Nature is not unconscious. All of it is throbbing palpable consciousness or so it seems.
28. গুটিকতক লোক যদি অখণ্ড সত্যরক্ষা করে তো দেশ আদর্শ ফিরে পায় |
29. Two forces, gravity and levity, are tugging at us, generating the experience called life out of which is being distilled the essence of knowledge tending to realisation of pure consciousness which is the Self.
30. The frozen moment seemingly vibrates to generate time.
31. Why rationalise the irrational? Reject it. But to reject the irrational also is to accept it. Use the water to overcome the water and swim ashore to find that the watermass never existed, that You alone did.
32. Be a dewdrop at dawn and vaporise in the misty rays of the morning sun freshening flora in its wake.
33. God is and will not be.
34. Independence assumes interdependence as unitary consciousness assumes seeming fracture into multitudinous thought bearing name and form. Immanence is apart from transcendence. It is the projection of the Real into imaginary unreality. But by whom? Inexplicable while within Maya. Redundant when beyond.
35. Circumstances line up to destroy man. The struggling soul triumphs but the body perishes in its wake. So is the tragedy of life but the resurrection follows.
36. Masses of superstition cloud the path of man as he emerges from the shadow unto the sunlit terrain of golden realisation.
37. Who says you do not see God? Every moment you witness Him all around, the palpable living reality clothed in name and form.
38. Thoughts are to be valued if this nation has to rise. Civilisation is the crystallised expression of thought.
39. If man cannot value man, where will humanity be?
40. Humdrum day-to-day existence must not throttle the life of thought.
41. Keep up hope to remove the despair of suffering humanity.
42. Do not belittle man. He is all that is there to God so long as you are man.
43. Maturity comes way into the afternoon. Those that blossom in the dewy morn are the precursors of progress.
44. God is delicate in His dispensation even as He is crushing in its effect.
45. In this world traders are all around. All life is transaction, even such dealings as are deemed spiritual. Real love, real spirituality is rare, rare indeed.
46. To serve is a great opportunity of cutting through the bonds of karma.
47. There is great pain in beholding the pitiful state of the poor of our beloved motherland and there is great joy in serving them to alleviate their misery. Swamiji must enter into the heart of the nation for its rise to material and spiritual maturity.
48. Citing this world as Maya and refusing to do good to it is the very antithesis of the Vedanta. So long as we persist in doing good to ourselves, we are beholden to the world to do good to it for interdependence is the law of life. Heartlessness cannot be at the heart of the Vedanta.
49. Thakur-Ma-Swamiji must be presented before the audience during lectures more creatively. Listening to the same hackneyed expressions, one feels fatigued. There must a training institute for prospective preachers where diction, content and creativity will be catered to and pupils (monks) prepared for preaching from the podium.
50. ধরিত্রী শিব আর তার ওপর জলধির জলধারা বয়ে চলেছে, এই শিবপূজা |
51. Almost everybody is bound by ignorance and acts accordingly. Hence, it is no one's fault for what happens on earth. Things happen by the will of the Mother. She dispenses as She pleases. Ours but to serve and surrender to Her mighty will. She knows best.
52. যাঁদের আমরা বুদ্ধিজীবি বলে জানি, তাঁরা অধিকাংশই বদ্ধজীব |
53. Ideas go far deeper into the psyche of society than is commonly apprehended. Therefore, strong, positive ideas must be preached, ideas that arouse the latent strength in man. Society may thus be galvanised into the moral, spiritual mode through effective preaching of the ethical code, the spiritual essence of things. But the preachers must be sincere and not men who use fellow men for their selfish ends however couched in grand scriptural terms.
তথ্য কিছু তত্ত্ব নয়,
তথ্য তত্ত্বে পূর্ণ হয় |
55. To do work that is worship we have to be spiritually alive which is where renunciation of 'woman and gold' (lust and greed) comes in.
56. The poor are the living temples of God. Where else must we go to offer our worship when the palpable form of God in all its denuded degradation demands every moment our heart's devotion?
57. Purity is the precondition to all fruitful engagement in welfare activity which may be deemed spiritual. Purity itself is the highest charity.
58. নরনারায়ণ পূজাই যুগধর্ম |
59. দিকে দিকে ছড়িয়ে পড়ুক ঠাকুর-মা-স্বামীজীর ভাব -- কথায় নয়, কাজে; ভক্তিভানে নয়, স্বার্থত্যাগে |
60. উচ্চনীচ ভেদবুদ্ধি যত কমে ততই সাধু |
61. As a race we have to be quality-conscious, especially since it is an age of progressively declining culture.
62. Merely sharing my posts on Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj will not do. Much greater participation and self-sacrifice is called for for the flourishing of Thakur's cause which lies in amelioration of the abysmal condition of the poor. After all are the poor doomed to live like beasts of burden? Is that fair play? Is that justice? Is that what they deserve at our exploiting hands?
63. The earnestness and spirit of sacrifice of a young man today moved me. He was hungry, yet he kept on engaging in spiritual conversation with me over the phone for nearly two hours before I realised that he was on empty belly for far too long. Blessed are they who can thus suppress hunger even as they hunger for God!
64. Is there a way out for man out of this terrible network of Maya? There is in man's very heart, devotion to the living, moving gods and goddesses which can save him and render him free.
65. Let not intelligence get the upper hand over the heart that feels for the feeble, the poor, the destitute and the living corpses daily dying despicable deaths through human callousness and neglect.
66. Christs galore are crucified each day. Who cares for them? Who says a kind word? Who suffers their suffering in sympathetic bond?
67. Peace is omnipresent, like air, like God.
68. সমস্ত ভারত যে দেবভূমি ঠাকুরের দিব্য দর্শনসকলই তার প্রকৃষ্ট প্রমাণস্থল |
69. On this auspicious day let us remember our less fortunate brethren and assist them in their hard battle for earthly survival. May we be inspired by the ideal of service to them!
70. অহংবুদ্ধিই সংসারবুদ্ধি |
নিজের ভক্তি-মুক্তি তো সবাই চায় | পরের দুঃখে কাতর ক'জন ?
আলোকচিত্র : রামকৃষ্ণ মঠ, মেখলীগঞ্জ, কোচবিহারের আদিবাসীদের মাঝে সেবাকর্ম | চিত্রে স্বামী ওঁকারাত্মানন্দ (সুধাংশু মহারাজ), অধ্যক্ষ, রামকৃষ্ণ মঠ, মেখলাগঞ্জ | আপনারা সাহায্যের হাত নিয়ে এগিয়ে আসুন |
72. Those who serve the poor, serve Thakur-Ma-Swamiji best.
73. বক্রবুদ্ধি হতে ঈশ্বর বহুদূর | সরলতার দ্বারা তাঁকে পাওয়া যায় |
74. Myth is not reality. Do not make a myth out of reality even in phenomenal spiritual terms.
75. There is no New Year for the dispossessed, no festive joy for them. Do something to better their lot but refrain from toying with their pain by dishing out a dole to stifle the conscience pricks in your heart.
76. Here's a Swami of the Ramakrishna Order (Swami Samarpanananda) who dares speak the truth. He is not compromised into pleading apologies for the intolerant Semitic religions, Christianity and Islam.
77. রামের হাতে অস্ত্র, ভক্তের হাতে চরকা !
78. Carelessness must not become central characteristic of personality.
79. Swamiji was neglected during his lifetime. Now his message is being neglected.
80. Once more must Acharyas rise from the South to rescue the Sanatan Dharma from desecration by its enemies. Once more a Shankaracharya, a Ramanujacharya, a Madhvacharya, a Nimbarkacharya rise to resurrect Hinduism.
81. Money that is spent only for oneself and one's family becomes toxic in the end.
82. Unless selfishness is rooted out no amount of pilgrimage will help.
83. My motherland is my root, my shoot, my stem, my leaf, my capillary, my life, myself -- everything.
84. God is Here and Now, not there and then.
85. Through the vast infatuation of Maya the soul proceeds to Truth.
86. প্যাঁচ কষে কি হবে? সরলতায় তাঁকে পাওয়া যাবে |
87. Forget not your debt to your motherland. Whosoever serves India, serves God.
88. The life of a nation is in the masses. They must be fed well, clothed well, housed well, educated well and employed well. This is how a nation progresses. Study Swamiji, follow him, implement his ideas. India will then rise to material and spiritual eminence once more.
89. People are too self-involved. And that complicates matters for them. If selflessness is practised, the self will be served better. Hence, Thakur's formulation: 'Shivjnaney jeevseva'.
90. Does one leave one's mother in distress and settle abroad? Yes, selfish children do so. They leave their motherland in distress and settle in the U.S. They then make it a permanent settlement by taking up U.S. citizenship and merge in the ocean of asuric living.
91. Do not flaunt your ill-begotten wealth earned at the expense of the poor. Your 100 crore worth of jewellery counts for little. It only writes in bold letters your heartlessness in a world where billions suffer grinding poverty because of exploiters like you.
92. স্বামীজী চলে যাওয়ার পর দেশ অনাথ হয়ে গেছিল | এরপর গান্ধীজী জাতির জনকরূপে দিঙমণ্ডলে আবির্ভূত হন | তাঁর অভিভাবকত্ব না পেলে যে কি হত দেশের হাল, তাই ভাবি |
93. গান্ধীজীকে যে জাতি সম্মান করতে পারে না, তার ভবিষ্যৎ কি?
94. কী সুন্দর মানুষ সব! মুক্ত হস্তে গান্ধীজীকে গালি দান করছেন | এদিকে এ যাবৎ যে এত আহ্বান করছি সকলকে দরিদ্রনারায়ণের সেবার জন্য অভাবক্লিষ্ট রামকৃষ্ণ মঠ, মেখলীগঞ্জের সহায়তা করতে, এই গালি-ব্রিগেডের কিন্তু তাতে কোন আগ্রহ নেই | এমনকি গালি দিতে গেলে যদি অর্থ ব্যয় করতে হত, তাহলে এঁরা সত্বর বাকসংযমি হয়ে উঠতেন | স্বাদেশিকতার কী বিচিত্র পরিহাস!
The due details as mentioned below must be sent through whatsapp/email to Maharaj (Swami Omkaratmananda).
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N.B. Those who wish to donate through PhonePE, kindly tag the mobile whatsapp number of Swami Omkaratmananda, Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj, Cooch Behar, which is as follows :
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95. গান্ধীজী সত্যবাদী ছিলেন | যারা তাঁর নামে গালিগালাজ করেন, তারা নিজজীবনে কতটা সত্যবাদী?
96. কী ঘৃণাই পোষণ করে লোকে গান্ধীজীর প্রতি ! দুশ্চিন্তার বিষয় |
97. এত গালি খেয়েও গান্ধীজী আজও স্বমহিমায় দণ্ডায়মান | এটাই আশ্চর্য | কী চারিত্রমাধুর্য্য ছিল তাঁর যে হিমালয়সম আত্মগৌরবে আজও বিদ্যমান তিনি !
98. স্বামীজীর স্বদেশমন্ত্রটি তো গান্ধীজীই পালন করেছিলেন | "তুমিও কটিমাত্র বস্ত্রাবৃত হইয়া সদর্পে বল 'ভারতবাসী আমার ভাই ... ভারতের দেবদেবী আমার ঈশ্বর ... ' |" গান্ধীজীর পরিধান, বিশ্বাস, আচরণ ও ভাব তো এই স্বদেশমন্ত্রেরই মূর্ত প্রতীক |
99. The intellectual depth of the average educated person is abysmally low. Causes distress to behold it. Online observations of people are disconcerting in their low cultural content so often that one is left in utter despair. And, mind you, many of these are well educated people.
100. শিক্ষিত মানুষের গান্ধীবিদ্বেষ দেখে বিস্মিত হতে হয় |
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