Friday 21 January 2022



Hindu-Muslim unity? A contradiction in terms, an Islamic theological impossibility unless all Hindus convert to Islam. Willing, are you? Yes, it is possible if the Sanatan Dharma is practised by all Indians -- Hindus, Muslims, Christians et al. Only under the banner of the Sanatan Dharma can India unite where all exclusive alien religions are forsaken, all exclusive alien ideology given up, humanity in its widest sense and deepest intent practised, where inclusion means abolition of exclusiveness of all sorts, sacred or profane both, and equality before the law for all, no special privileges afforded indefinitely, no minority-majority card played for citizens of the same land.

The Sanatan Dharma alone can unite India, make her flourish and carry her forward. This is what Swamiji meant when he said that future India was to rise through all this conflict and chaos, more glorious than ever before, with Vedanta brain and Islam body. By 'Vedanta brain' he implied that the philosophical and ideological basis of future India was to be the Vedanta, and by 'Islam body' he meant that India would thus achieve a solidarity of her polity on the basis of socioeconomic and cultural equality with privilege a thing of the past, cast away in the wastebin of history. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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