I feel saddened to see growing arrogance among Hindutvavaadis. Their manner of speech and demeanour in general is poor advertisement for Hinduism 🕉 and is not representative of the restraint required of adherents of the Sanatan Dharma at all. This is happening because of the sudden spurt in propagation of the faith by political Hindus who have assumed centre-stage despite being not rooted in its pure practice to any appreciable degree.
Verbal Hindus are galore but practising ones rare. Hence, this perverse predicament. It would be meet if Hindutvavaadis practised the pristine principles of the Sanatan Dharma they so hoarsely preach. That would be seminal service to the Sanatan Dharma, indeed. Humility and not hoarseness wins over hearts.
Hinduism 🕉 must not be traded for money as mercenaries are doing, neither should it be in preaching rendered ugly through behavioural flaw that will drive away potential devotees from its orbit. Let us understand that a supremacist attitude could be our political pitfall and our religious regression which can only undermine our interests. Needless verbal vitriol manifests one's weakness and not strength. A quiet confidence exudes that strength better and inspires in others confidence in us as well. This we must cultivate through the pursuit of knowledge, enrichment of culture and, above all, by expansion of the heart. May we succeed in being right representatives of our Dharma in true adherence to its principles!
Two more things we must remember. Pretence is not piety and hooliganism is not holiness. 🕉
Written by Sugata Bose
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