Saturday, 1 January 2022



Let not roguish religion hypnotise you. Just as the senses delude by enticing you with frivolous pleasures that cover core consciousness, so does fanatical faith deal death unto believers and unbelievers alike in its dual deal, for delusion pervades it all in the name of singular revelation, absolute and inviolable, divinely articulated and, hence, irrevocable and binding on all for all time to come till end-times be.

Refute scriptural assertions with reasoned arguments, relinquish the hold of arbitrary authority, override inviolable injunctions and set yourself free.

I wish you all well on this New Year Day with an invitation to join me in this struggle for the emancipation of enslaved humanity, enchained for millenia by a tyrant God and His tyrannical representatives. Just break free and announce your freedom.

Atheism, if self-believing, is better than slavish living under an extra-cosmic tyrant God. But best is to live luminous in the realisation of your own divinity, free of both traditional trappings and totalitarian ideology, be they religious or political, economic or social. Just break free and see how it feels.

I invite you all into the mansion of freedom whose chambers are all slices within the realm of the infinite, inconsistent though it may logically seem. Enter, exit as you will with none to prescribe or proscribe you anything. You are independent. You have none to fear, none to be influenced by, none to fight save your own shadow that looms superstitiously large in your vision.

Just release your hold on to age-old doctrine, decadent and degenerate, that is eating into your vitals and enervating you. Breathe for once this theme, "I am free, free as the air, free as sunshine, free as the skylark in its flight through limpid spaces in delight. I am free in bounds and free beyond. I am the everfree, never-bound, limitless luminous Self whose pale shadow this frightful God is. I am the Father of the Universe, I am the Mother of God. I am freedom itself."

Happy New Year! Freedom beckons you all.

Written by Sugata Bose

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