Thursday 20 January 2022



Sugata Bose @YouTube: Anuj Dhar unnecessarily digresses with vilification of others. He should concentrate only on content. This way he loses credibility owing to exhibition of poor culture. It is credibility that is important and that is gained best by a cultured exposition of facts presented in concise rational language without undue digression that bespeaks of personal preference or prejudice. A delightful dissertation in distasteful dialect! Despite unseemly gesticulations and indiscreet linguistic use, a dazzling disposition, nonetheless, with an array of facts brought to the fore in an uncesing flow of spontaneous oration at an incredible speed without a pause or a stutter. Anuj Dhar has been so immersed in the subject of his lifelong research that his mastery of its intricacies shows up in his brilliant oration. We are indeed fortunate to be enlightened in this regard without expending any labour thanks to his lifelong labour of love.

Sugata Bose @Dhyan Maneesha : That is another matter. It is as much our oblivion as their design. I would say it is more our ignorance and cultural decline that is to be attributed to bringing about this national amnesia. We can, if we wish to, reverse the trend with individual and collective effort at education.

Sugata Bose @Chandra Bose : We last saw Netaji on 17 August, 1945 and not 18 August, 1945. On 17 August he was last photographed disemplanjng in Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City. Then he simply vanished from sight. The mystery continues.

Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik : Done. Thanks a lot for informing and rectifying a long held wrong notion.

Sugata Bose @Dyutimay Banerjee : I owe you for this piece of data detection. Thanks a lot.

Sugata Bose @Dyutimay Banerjee : Thanks. Checked it and rectified it.

Sugata Bose @YouTube - Prasar Bharati Archives : Vajpayee's speech maliciously clipped short in the video at a point when he had just embarked on due criticism of the proceedings at Tripuri.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Who is her Baba? Is she the daughter of Netaji for sure? She is a great intellectual, though, one of the very best that I have come across. But there are grave doubts about her claim to being Netaji's daughter.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : That's my question, too. Netaji researchers of repute like Dr. Jayanta Choudhuri, Dr. Madhusudan Pal, Advocate Keshab Bhattacherjee, Sri Bijoy Nag and a host of others dispute it and on the basis of credible grounds based on information gleaned from Netaji files and from personal interaction with relevant individuals reject it.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Not quite. A large section has not. The ones that have are the ones you see visible online and in the media. But they represent only a fraction of Netaji's large extended family. I personally love the way Dr. Anita Pfaff speaks. She is a brilliant intellectual, rational nonpareil, balanced in affirmation that is so very European of the highest intellectual tradition there and she speaks with such a lovely diction. But as to her lineage linked directly to Netaji I have grave doubts. My interactions with concerned people has planted this seed of doubt in my mind as to whether she is after all Netaji's daughter or not. Netaji in all likelihood was a lifelong celibate and never strayed into such a profane, illicit, amoural engagement at a time when a world of activity was pressing down on him.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : It is doubtful whether Sarat Chandra Bose had accepted her as Netaji's daughter, although, it is said that he did so. But there are contrary accounts which say that Sarat Bose had rejected this entire episode as concocted. There are no written records barring those that were produced before the public after Sarat Bose's death that go to prove that Sarat Bose had accepted Emilie Schenkl as Netaji's wife/partner and Anita as his daughter. Suresh Chandra Bose, Netaji's another elder brother, had categorically rejected this entire affair as a conspiracy hatched to malign his brother Subhas.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Anita Brigette Pfaff, say. Yes, she has visited India a few times. Her documents do not mention anywhere her maiden surname as Bose.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Even before marriage her documented name has been Brigette and has never been Bose, so I gather from what Netaji researchers say. And the Bose family has never contradicted this assertion of the reaserchers. On the contrary they bypass the matter and never address each allegation of the researchers head on. Now, if Anita, indeed, is Netaji's daughter, why on earth do the Bose family members keep a mum when contradicted on that count by doubting researchers? Why do they (the Bose family nembers) never come into an open debate with them (the researchers) even when thrown the challenge to do so? Assuming that she is Netaji's daughter, a plausible reason for her not bearing Bose as surname in her official papers is that Netaji, an Indian, was not eligible to marry a German citizen (Emilie Schenkl) as per Nazi law and hence could not get his marriage registered officially. It is said that their marriage rites were solemnised by a German indologist as per Hindu 🕉 rites. But these are all suppositions and, therefore, the issue remains unresolved, giving rise to speculations, allegations and what not. Netaji's life is so shrouded in mystery, so many aspects of it.

Sugata Bose @Swarnava Malakar : I know. There is a debate raging over this which is why I am placing all available material at the disposal of the public for their perusal. Let us examine this issue in-depth instead of going by hearsay or sheer misconception based on propaganda either way. Let data divulge details for people to be persuaded into reasoned judgement. (Refer: Anita Pfaff being Netaji's daughter.)

Sugata Bose @Swarnava Malakar : I know about it, too. The pictures are drastically different, quite different individuals it seems. Dr. Jayanta Choudhuri has furnished one frame in which the photographs radically differ. These photographs are gleaned from different publications of the Netaji Research Bureau.

Sugata Bose @Debjit Banerjee : Wonderful new light on the subject, Debjit. A very original way of looking at it. Indeed, rajas of a high order will integrate India.

Sugata Bose @DrMrityunjoy Mahato : Raise your voice for stopping this periodic sonic nuisance. Write on your profile like I do.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Read Swami Vivekananda. He has said that by 'mamekang' is meant the Atman, the real 'I' and not what you are referring to. Only in the Sanatan Dharma this conception of Brahman/Atman is there, nowhere else. Your understanding of the Geeta is flawed to that extent or you may have derived it from the dualistic version of Srila Prabhupad of ISKCON. There is an oceanic gulf between the Brahman and Allah, between the Rishis and the Prophet, the former being all-inclusive and transcendental while the latter is an imposition by force, doctrinaire, divisive, exclusive and murderous in intent and in practice. It is materialism and politics cloaked in the garb of religion. Moreover, does the Geeta say that only Krishna is God and none else ought to be worshipped? 'Yeh yatha maang prapadyantey taangs tathaiva bhajaamyaham.' (Whosoever worships me in whatever form, I reach him that way.) But my utterances may not mean much to a communist/materialistic humanist/Hinduphobe as such and are, perhaps, being wasted like water showered in a desert or tears shed in the forest. So, dialogues in diversion from the main task of nation-building along the line laid down by the Rishis of yore and of such modern ones as Swamiji, Netaji and Sri Aurobindo, and, hence, they are better refrained from to avoid dissipation of energy, otherwise vitally necessary for the aforementioned service to the motherland. People who are born into the culture of the country but fail to comprehend its core spiritual ethos must try better pastures than rejoinders from patriots who genuinely care for the preservation of the country's civilisational heritage and its furtherance thereof.

Sugata Bose @Nachhirul Hoque : Because Partition has given Muslims their land, the pound of flesh that they wanted by murdering the motherland. Now no more Islamisation of India will be allowed. It is sound pollution of the worst kind, especially in the pre-dawn hours when citizens are forcefully disturbed in their sleep. And it goes on 365 days a year five times a day preaching that Allah is the greatest and that there is none at par or above Him/It who ought to be worshipped. This is Arab culture and not essentially Indian, an infiltration through invasion and political pandering for electoral benefit which is patently antinational in its truest sense, for Islam declares all other religions including supposedly polytheistic Hinduism as flawed and inferior. This is Arab racism that cannot be allowed in a democratic polity. In the Qur'an there is the doctrine that the kafir must be aggressively challenged to convert or to fight and that it is a mercy unto him to be murdered if he does not submit, an act for which the murderer will be granted guaranteed heaven/jannat. Hence.

Sugata Bose @Nachhirul Hoque Typical response of an apologist for Islam. Not worth regarding. Read the Medina portion of the Qur'an and find out its intent on the kafir. You will ashamed of it if humanity reigns a bit within you. Islam decrees what jihadis do and Islamisation of India will not be tolerated anymore. Partition, Islamic genocides on Hindus to the tune of 80 to 100 million over a thousand year period, its acts throughout the world today and historically, beginning with its founder and continuing thereon, are testimony to the lie that it is a peaceful religion. Partition has the sanction of Islam. Do not forget how Islam divides the world into two sections, namely, Dar-ul-lslam and Dar-ul-Harb. It is this attempt to convert Dar-ul-Harb to Dar-ul-lslam that prompted Islamic efforts at partitioning India. I do not believe in such superstition as jannat and if heaven be there it should be universally open to all irrespective of allegiance to Muhammad or Allah. This sort of dangerous divisiveness that Islam preaches fuels fanaticism and has resulted historically in terrible genocides and cultural obliteration of races invaded by Islamic hordes. As fas as waking up early is concerned, it is one's personal choice which in no way is to be enforced by loudspeaker azan. May your inner light waken you to what I am saying and not your communal affiliation! And there goes the azan again for the umpteenth time.

Sugata Bose @Abhisek Metya : But truth must be told. Satyameva jayatey. Cowardice has no place in life. Civic discomfiture has to be discussed and disclosed for democratic rights to be upheld. Democracy is not a one-way traffic. This cowardice of the commoner is consuming the country and they pride themselves as followers of Netaji and Swamiji! Strange are the ways of the Lord. And the very fact that you mention what you do is proof enough that there is no democracy left for us to voice ample protest against civic inconveniences thus placed by political parties with electoral motivations. Please practice greater valour instead of this cowardly cowering before coarse communalism.

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : Is it so? I also was a bit bewildered on hearing it. I must accept your word as honest confession. Today, I heard on Republic TV the other version of the Pakistan flag's fluttering on Lal Chowk thus far which astonished me. Now I am in a quandary as to the veracity of the information thus conveyed. Indeed, these are the days of abounding fake news and one must learn to discern fact from fiction.

Sugata Bose @Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi : True, but Justice Manoj Kumar Mukherjee informally said to Amlan Kusum Ghosh that Gumnami Baba was Netaji. This is not my view as such. I am merely stating proceedings.

Sugata Bose @Tanusree Chakraborty : And the maligning by those stooges of erstwhile political dispensations continues which needs combating as well.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Prof. Sugata Bose is losing his composure and resorting to insulting his copanellists, film director Srijit Mukherjee and star actor Prasenjit. Why? How is it that an erudite person like him, a scholar-historian of international repute, is getting hyper-excited and indulging in personal attacks, irrelevant to the debate, instead of sticking to scholarly refuting of the Gumnami Baba angle which he is opposed to?

Sugata Bose @Monojit Dutta : It will spread culture. A nation oblivious of its heritage cannot rise to self-consciousness. And the teaching of Sanskrit is not the singular thing that must be done. But it is an essential ingredient in the whole process of national regeneration.

Sugata Bose @Surabhi Jha Munshi : Grand. All the best for the future. Feel proud of the fact that our country has one more PhD, so very necessary for the resurrection of the nation. Israel produces a surfeit of PhD scholars which is why it has progressed so very much despite seemingly insurmountable odds and determined enemies trying to snuff life out of it. We as a nation also need a great many PhDs who can contribute to its rise, and you are one of them. Feel proud of your achievement on that count. Serve the nation and be blessed. God bless you!

Sugata Bose @Anal Hajra: To be uncompromising in one's pursuit of truth in all its aspects and to unhesitatingly implement it in one's life, personal and civic.

Sugata Bose @Jnanojjwal Saha : Your observations are always incisive and original, sometimes simply brilliant.

Sugata Bose @Surya Sarathi Roy : Hindus must unite. You, Surya, are doing good work to that effect. The more awareness spreads, the more social cohesion will come among Hindus 🕉.

Sugata Bose @Ashis Rooj : You are mistaken. My name is Sugata Bose, true, as given by my parents, but I am unrelated to the Bose family to which Netaji belonged.

Sugata Bose @Abhijeet Anand : But you ought to apologize for your impertinence and ought to remember to be more circumspect in your judgement and pronouncement thereof in future. Shame on you that you thus cast aspersions on another on a groundless basis!

Sugata Bose @Manabendra Guha Roy : Right you are but I am not that Sugata Bose which your imagination deems me to be. I am another one out of the countless Sugata Boses that don the planet. Hence, your humour falls flat on the floor, and the floor, tickled by such humorous contact, giggles in consequence.

Sugata Bose @Bhoorewala Gurmeet : No, I implied that we must be like these lions who silently worked without publicizing it unlike many of the descendants of great revolutionaries like Netaji who use their names for self-promotion.

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : There has never been another photograph of his after the disemplaning at Saigon on 17 August, 1945 unless one believes that the Tashkent Man and the Paris Man were he.

Sugata Bose @Abhijeet Anand : Your casual ignorance about someone's identity despite his profile and cover picture etc. being apparent does not allow you to cast aspersions on him by saying what you did in your initial comment as to the authenticity of his writing. Calling one's words half-baked and implying his identity as having been stolen from someone else's hardly befits civic discourse. If this simple fact of expected civility in a person is not understood, then civic culture has plummeted indeed. Apology is the least one expects in such cases and those that fail to render it are apt to making similar remarks on others in future, for their refusal to see their fault and making easy excuse by way of gaining reprieve is proof of their unabashed stance. Hope my comments have proved to you the veracity of my status by now.

Sugata Bose @

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