Thursday, 6 January 2022



1. মরব যদি, মায়ের মধ্যে মরব | আমরা মায়ের সন্তান, ভয় পাই না কাউকে |

2. যখন সব গেল, কেউ রইল না, তখনও দেখি মা রইলেন |

3. Have you not read in the Gita (VI. 40) the words of Shri Krishna, "न हि कल्याणकृत्कश्चिद्दुर्गतिं तात गच्छति — Never does a doer of good, O my beloved, come to grief"?

... Swami Vivekananda

These and like words of the Swami inflamed the boy Subhas and set him on the road to setting free the motherland from the colonising corruption of the British.

4. তাঁকেই আমি মহাপুরুষ বলি যিনি ধৃতবীর্য |

5. যিনি সকলের মধ্যে নিজেকে সমভাবে দেখেন তিনি মহাত্মা |

6. Commerce has made common cause with 'spiritual consciousness' and this is worrisome.

7. আজ যোগে আছে, কাল ভুলে যাবে - এই তো মানুষের সম্পর্কের হাল | সব অহংএর, প্রয়োজনের, ব্যবহারের, স্বার্থের দাস |

8. Make Sanskrit compulsory in Indian schools.

Comments : 

Sugata Bose@ Dibyajyoti Sinha : No, not Tamil but Sanskrit because it is the language in which our scriptures are written which hold us together as a nation and whose divine vibrations conduce to aiding the manifestation of spirituality within us. Sanskrit is the richest language of the land and the one that was recommended by Swamiji as the spiritual-cultural must for the whole of India, it being the civilisational basis for its entire landmass.

9. It is important to separate Hinduism from big business. Nowadays, marketed spirituality is the never-failing business that has no business cycles to fear.

10. Return to your Hindu 🕉 roots, O my countrymen who have been perverted from your age-old evolutionary course!


যন্ত্রে যদি না পায় তোমায়,

মন্ত্রে তোমায় পাবে |

ধর্ম ছেড়ে বিদেশ দীনে 

আর কতই বা আওড়াবে ?

12. 'A little act of virtue dispels great fear.' - Bhagavad Geeta

13. যত মায়ারাহিত্য, তত শক্তিসঞ্চার জাতিজীবনে |

14. নির্মম এ জগৎ | তাই মমতাময়ী মায়ের সন্তানের প্রতি এত দরদ |


নির্মম এ জগৎ | তাই মমতাময়ী মায়ের সন্তানের প্রতি এত দরদ | কিন্তু সন্তানেরও শক্তিমান হতে হবে | মায়ের সন্তান হবে বীর, ধর্মরক্ষা করতে সমর্থ হবে, শুধু নিজদুর্বলতাকে ভক্তিরূপ মোড়কে মুড়ে অজস্র বাণীযুক্ত প্রণতিযোগে সিদ্ধিলাভ হবে না | বিধর্মির চক্রান্তে ধর্ম, সভ্যতা, সংস্কৃতি, সব যাবে | তখন কোথায় থাকবেন মা ? দেহ চূর্ণ, প্রাণ ধর্মান্তরিত, মন ক্লীষ্ট, বুদ্ধি বিষাক্ত, চিত্ত চঞ্চল, বিপরীত স্রোতে প্রবহমান -- এমত অবস্থায় কিভাবে হবে মাতৃপূজা ? তাই, বলি চাই, সহস্রভক্তবলি | শুধু ধূপধুনোর দিন গেছে | এখন মাতৃপূজা হবে হৃদয়ের রুধিরে | যে বুকের রক্ত দিতে প্রস্তুত, সেই মায়ের সন্তান, মাতৃভক্ত, মাতৃসাধক |


The centre of my universe.

17. Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, all these together comprised undivided India (Akhanda Bharatvarsha).

18. Your love is your prayer, O devout one!


এই মাকে কেন্দ্র করেই আমাদের ভবিষ্যৎ জাতিগঠন করতে হবে | তাঁর আবির্ভাবে দেশমাতৃকা পুনর্জীবিতা |

20. In silence reigns the Supreme with none to reign over.


Gandhi's amplified figure in the Indian imagination owes much to its manipulated enhancement by vested political interests, national and international.


Peace on earth cannot be achieved by compromising with doctrinaire toxicity. Evil manifests from evil source which needs uprooting despite its reverential reference.

23. দেশ জাগছে, তাই শত্রুও বাড়ছে |

24. The Mughals were peaceful refugees in India who with full cooperation of the Hindus 🕉 peacefully ruled over them. Agreed?

25. Hinduism 🕉 and Islam ☪️ are diametrically opposed religions. To seek points of union among them is to attempt commonality between black and white.

26. Islamic mercy on the kafir is exemplary which is why traces of non-Muslim ☪️ culture are still there in Muslim-majority countries. Such a high level of divine justice! No wonder the Hindus 🕉 were so happy to be ruled for a thousand years (712 CE -- 1757 CE) by Muslim monarchs administering the Sharia.

27. One religion is purely spiritual, the other through and through materialistic. Where can they meet? And yet you talk of inter-faith harmony? What sort of harmony? Between alchemistry and chemistry?

28. Quiz :

Which is the only perfect religion?

29. Perfection is round the corner but you must be cornered to feel the need to come to it. The Hindu 🕉 today is in that state.


In a rut you have fallen, now rot you must unless you return to roots. The Ancient Mother calls, "Come back, my children, I am longing to hold you, hold you in my arms."

31. O Hindus, those of you who have been converted, perverted from the fold of the Sanatan Dharma yesterday or generations back, I offer you this pure mantra, 🕉. Chant it once and return to roots. The Mother awaits to hold you in Her arms. Keep chanting 🕉 🕉 🕉 blissfully ad infinitum and you are reinforced Hindus 🕉 again. Welcome home, my sisters, my brothers, my children et al.

32. Be not just nominal Hindus but be practising Hindus as well. Yoga in pure pursuit will preserve us as a race.


If academic qualification makes you vain and bitter enemies of everything Hindu 🕉, give up such a perverted course of intellectual training and return to your spiritual roots.


অর্থের লালসা না গেলে, ভিখারীর বৃত্তি না গেলে, ধর্ম নিয়ে ব্যবসা না গেলে, ঠাকুরের বিখ্যাত উক্তি, সেই কামিনীকাঞ্চনের কাঞ্চনাসক্তি না গেলে হিন্দুজাতির বলবীর্য লাভ হবে না, উত্থানও হবে না | অতএব, ভাবগত কোনওরকম সমঝোতা না করে আদি আদর্শ রক্ষা করতে পারলেই হিন্দু শক্তিমান হবে | এ ছাড়া উপায় নেই |

35. If the Christians ✝️ convert us, Hindus 🕉, which they do, we must also massively convert them to Hinduism. Hinduism must go aggressively proselytising. 

36. The first you need is to deepen yourself. Other things will follow. Be less scattered and more concentrated. That's all.

37. ওঃ, কি ভ্যারাইটিস্ লোক সব ফেসবুকে !

38. Why do secularists so support non-secular Islam ☪️ and Christianity ✝️, and speak against all-inclusive secular Hinduism 🕉? Baffling!


Our National Anthem clearly mentions Sindhu (Sindh) as part of India. Even the Punjab (Indian and Pakistani parts of it together) and Banga (West Bengal and Bangladesh together) are mentioned as integral to India. That sums up the future of integrated India (Akhanda Bharatvarsha).

40. Humour has its expiry moment. You cannot can it and preserve. It must always be served steaming.

41. হে মানব, তুমি তোমার ইষ্টের চেয়ে বড় |

42. The universe is the grand myth and its history the great mythology.

43. God stands in submission before Me. He is born of Me and dies in Me.

44. ওঃ ! আজানের চোটে জান যায় | লাউডস্পিকার বিভ্রাট |

45. সব মায়া | মায়াও মায়া | ঠিকই বলেছেন স্বামীজী, "শূণ্যে শূণ্য মিলাইল |"

46. Duty is dischargeable only through detachment. The moment attachment comes, it is desire.

47. Individuals, however good they may be, if the doctrine they hollow is toxic, such adherence in the mass will cause harm to our society.

48. We must root out doctrinaire intolerant creeds from our democratic polity. Otherwise, demographic changes will destroy democracy. The only way is to literally rationalise the polity with an eye to positive long-term social consequences. Civilisation will face ruination if medieval monstrosities are allowed free rein.

49. Shankaracharya declares -- Brahman alone is true, the universe is false, a mere appearance, a delusive manifestation on the ground reality that is Brahman. Swamiji corroborates, adding that even Maya is one, multiplicity being in split-count, each count still remaining one. One can never escape this eternal oneness but it is clear only when once the Truth has been seen in the Self.

50. Reason and your singular Greatest God disappears like mist before the morning sun.

51. Self-empowerment is spirituality.

52. যিনি ভাবমুখে থাকেন, তিনি ভগবান | তাই শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ ভগবান | ভাবমুখ দ্বৈত-অদ্বৈত ও অন্তর-বাহিরের যোগস্থল (junction point), সমস্ত ভাবের উৎসমুখ | তাই ভাবমুখে থেকে জগৎ সন্বন্ধে সিদ্বান্ত নির্ভুল হয় | জন ওয়েল (John Yale/Swami Vidyatmananda) এমনই মন্তব্য করেছেন শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ সম্বন্ধে |


Quiz :

Jaggeryson = ? = Patna

Answer : Pataliputra

54. Lead us from blind belief to reason and realisation.

55. There is no harm in doubting divine doctrine. In fact it is the best way to modernise thinking and move ahead.

56. The same consciousness manifests through a myriad minds, becomes sculpted into a billion bodies. Seek the source if you wish to avoid dogmatism and consequent sectarian conflict. 

57. Do not set so much store on the afterlife. Value your life here and now. Live it.

58. The Creator created the atheist but the atheist destroyed the Creator. See the latter's power.

59. What is spirituality? To know that you are God and then to realise it.

60. Born brahmin or by character and attributes brahmin? Or, is there a correlation there as well?

61. Propagation of the principles of the Sanatan Dharma will produce its own proselytising pressure on those perverted from it.

62. Five times a day I am terribly disturbed in my work or in my rest by the Azaan blaring over the loudspeaker. Our country has no future if the present scenario continues. We are going back to the Middle Ages.

63. 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda', full of dots and gaps, maps on thus: ...Swami Vivekananda...Swami Vivekananda...

64. To be at peace with oneself is no mean achievement. This world is so full of hate. Let us spread pulsations of love.

65. Who was Lakshmanan?

[Ans: Ramanujan]

66. Concentration reveals.

67. Concentration is progressive filtration of thought, a continuous refinement of the faculties that lead eventually to illumination.

68. Concise, symmetric, elegant and simple. The composite construct of these features is called beauty, the 'sundaram' principle.


Come out of your structured thinking to view the elegance of Nature. It is not good enough to speak of transcendence but once must break free to transcend.

70. Regimentation stifles creativity. A fluid discipline would do better.

71. Love is the universal tendency towards freedom.

72. Knowledge is to be sought if the Sanatan Dharma is to be established in India in its true intent and scope.

73. The shudra is to be raised to the brahmin, not the other way. Brahmanical culture of high study and ascetic excellence must be preserved.

74. It is work that builds a civilisation and it is work that sustains it. Labour, detached and deified, is the highest evolving force.

75. Persistence pays.

76. হাসব না, হাসব না, হাসব না | হাসলে যদি বাবা ধরা পড়ে যাই যে আমার ব্যক্তিত্ব নেই ?

77. Are we to judge God by the character of His devotees en masse? Then He will show up in very poor light.

78. The rise of Islam in Arabia had deep, destructive consequences in India. It marked the decline of civilisation in India.

79. Christianity ✝️ and Islam ☪️ convert. Judaism ✡ does not.

80. Do not believe that you are being tested in life by God and that you will go to hell if you fail the test.

81. Which God can reward you with heaven or damn you with hell when you give birth to that God in your fearful imagination imposed and reinforced by tradition, by doctrinaire transmission through generations?

82. Focus on this life and not on the afterlife. Give up vain ideas that are a figment of imagination.

83. Embrace the Sanatan Dharma. Start living it. Return to the mother of all religions. Do it now.

84. Embrace the Sanatan Dharma. Start living it. Return to the mother faith where you rightfully belong. Do it now.

85. Pakistan under Imran Khan is a sold proposition. Never sold his cricket so cheap.

86. Pakistan will rue one day that it partitioned India. China will be no merciful master.

87. Will secular Bangladesh be secure Bangladesh as well for minority communities?

88. What is the root cause of persecution of minorities in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan?

89. Many do not want India to be a Hindu Rashtra. How about India becoming an Islamic state which it will be in time with altered demography?

90. As education in the Hindu 🕉 scriptures spreads throughout the world, more and more people will start living the Hindu way.

91. It is better to be ex-religious than to live within the fold of an imposing faith. Revolt against superstition and be scientific.

92. The Vedanta must show scientific humanity the future way. Agnosticism is but the prelude to apprehending the subtleties of the inner world.

93. Lawmakers must be literate.

94. Demography is the real danger, remember. Remember, Ramakrishna Mission has been evicted from Islamic Pakistan. When India with altered demography becomes Islamic, where will the Ramakrishna Mission reside? To avert such a catastrophe should India not be declared a Hindu Rashtra?

95. Become practising Hindus 🕉 and not mere titular ones.

96. Why do people seek name and fame? Because their self-esteem is low. They want to boost it through receiving recognition from others.

97. In this world there is no peace. Peace, O Lord, lies with Thee. Seek refuge in the Lord and be peaceful.

98. The Lord God lives within thee in the very midst of thy heart. Seek Him and ye shall find.

99. The Lord ye worship is thy very Self. O man, look within.

100. The one God appears to you as the many. Bow before all, knowing the many to be the One.

101. Heaven is not elsewhere, elsewhen -- it is here and now.

102. In the moment seek the Eternal, in the present the Presence.

103. Consciousness is an undivided whole. Fracturing is in Maya. Seek the Real in this world of ephemeral dreams.

104. You pray unto yourself; you pray unto your Self.

105. The Self surpasses all. That is the one Lord. Know thyself to be the Self.


In vain they seek the Lord in temples,

In churches, mosques in vain they pray.

Know they not 'tis the Lord who seeks

Himself each moment, yet, ever astray.

107. Each breath is an offering, each thought an oblation unto the great sacrifice that is on where the Universe is the scaffold and Time the great executioner.

108. As birth increases at the base of the social pyramid, civilisation will go backwards. Harmonious demography will preserve culture.

109. It is progressively a bottom-heavy society now and culture necessarily is low and declining deeper.


স্বামীজী ভারতবর্ষে বৌদ্ধিক সাড়া কমই পেয়েছিলেন | তাই তাঁর শ্রেষ্ঠ বত্তৃতাবলী সবই পাশ্চাত্যে দিয়েছিলেন | আজও অবস্থা অনুরূপ | আজ এলেও উনি এ দেশে বৌদ্ধিক সাড়া পাবেন না | ওই পাশ্চাত্যেই যেতে হবে তাঁকে | আমরা তাঁর  চিত্র নিয়েই চঞ্চল হব, এইমাত্র | হা স্বামীজী! বৃথা আপনার আসা, বৃথা পণ্ডশ্রম! দেশ আজও জাগল না | গতবার সিস্টার ক্রিস্টীনকে বলেছিলেন, "দেশটা পচে গেছে |" এবার কি বলবেন?

111. মানুষ তত্ত্ব ভালবাসে না -- শুধু ছবি আর গল্প | সমাজ তার শৈশবে আছে আজও | বয়ঃপ্রাপ্তি বহুদূর | দেশের দুর্গতি তাই এত | চলুক পূরাণ | উপনিষদ তোলা থাক আপাততঃ | জ্ঞান-বিজ্ঞান-দর্শনচর্চা পরে হবে না হয় | অবতারপুরুষ আসবেন, যাবেন -- কাজ হবে না বিশেষ |

112. We must fight jihad ☪️. Else, it will destroy us. And there are so many forms of jihad you may not even be quite suspecting.

113. If Hindus 🕉 do not wake up now, there may be no more time left to do so.

114. So many Hindus 🕉 hate Hinduism. What a shame!


The rising Ramanujacharya. Coming up in Hyderabad. Hyderabad's complexion will change. Author of the Shree Bhashya, founder of Vishishtadvaitavaad, Shree Ramanujacharya was the one who is fabled to have chanted aloud his Ishtamantra to the public, moments after formal initiation, out of the desire to free all and sundry from the bondage of material ignorance.


Hinduism 🕉 must become aggressively proselytising. Else, there is no hope of its survival. I exhort all Hindus 🕉 to join in this dharmayuddha for the spiritual conquest of the world. Stop pandering to Abrahamic symbols, modes and means. 


এত ছবি ভালবাসলে শেষে বিধর্মির হাতে ছবি হয়ে যেতে হবে কিন্তু | বুদ্ধিমান, জাগো ! তত্ত্বচিন্তা করে শক্তিমান হও | ধর্মরক্ষার জন্য প্রস্তুত হও | নইলে, ঐ যে পরিণামের কথা বললাম, তা অবশ্যম্ভাবী |

118. The sun does not shine for the earth but the earth benefits nonetheless.

119. Courage and concentration -- these two attributes must be ours if we are to rise as a nation.

120. Stray bits of information will not do. Depth-reading is necessary.

121. ঐ আবার হাঁক দিচ্ছে আজ়ান | আর কি, এবার পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বাঙালীর ধর্ম আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে ইসলাম ঘোষণা করলেই হয় |

122. আমি ব্রাহ্ম সমাজ থেকে এসে পূর্ণাঙ্গ হিন্দু হয়েছি কিনা, তাই এই মহান ধর্মের পূর্ণ মাহাত্ম্য অধিক অনুভব করি | আপনারা যাঁরা হিন্দু সমাজেই জন্মেছেন, তাঁরা এ বিষয়ে উদাসীন |


আজও সমাধান হল না নেতাজীর অন্তর্ধান রহস্য ও তিনি বিবাহিত না অবিবাহিত, কন্যার পিতা না চিরব্রহ্মচারী |


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