Sugata Bose @Lawrence Tobias : Christianity ✝️ and Islam ☪️ should remember your enlightening message. Please preach it among proselytising Christians and Muslims instead of us, Hindus 🕉, who never convert that way, although, it is time we draw others to our fold by leading exemplary lives ourselves and looking upon our women in the reverential manner we look upon Mother. Sri Ma Sarada Devi stands as the exemplar of the best of womanhood before us and we should sccord our women such worshipful reverence as we do unto Ma. Hence, the use of her photograph by way of setting up the spiritual standard before us. I hope this amply clarifies confusion.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Arif Muhammad Khan, caught between the Qur'an and the country, between apology for Islam ☪️ and cultural allegiance to India, a pitiable position for a person who professes to be a patriot and is, perhaps, indeed so despite such equivocal statements that we see so often issuing from his lips. Nonetheless, his is, under the circumstances, a long step ahead for the 'reformist' Muslim ☪️ who must be in a future integrated India.
Sugata Bose @MD Sayful Islam : Yes, this tendency is evident from your profile itself. So, preach yourself peace before preaching it to others. Your very religious stance and doctrine are antithetical to peace and harmony, being violently intolerant of the infidel (kafir). I hope it is amply clear by now. History testifies to what I have said just now, the Partition of India being its latest gruesome instance.
Sugata Bose @MD Sayful Islam : You are seeing your image in your religious mirror when you say that. Have you forgotten your Hindu 🕉 roots?
Sugata Bose @MD Sayful Islam : Have you forgotten that you are at heart a Hindu 🕉 still for your racial roots are embedded in Hinduism? Conversion to Islam ☪️ could not have been more than skin-deep for what organic evolution had over ages done to render you Hindu, a sudden conversion could not have counteracted its overpowering influence and taken you dramatically backwards. It is against the law of evolution. Why adhere to Arab ideology? Return to your Indian (read, Hindu) roots.
Sugata Bose @MD Sayful Islam : Why? Return to your Hindu 🕉 roots.
Sugata Bose @Freedom Portal India : Who are you addressing, my free friend?
Sugata Bose @Freedom Portal : Read Swamiji well. Do you need his other quotes? I can supply them to refute some of his own statements, here quoted out of context by you to prove whatever superficially erroneous viewpoints you entertain, but certainly not to prove Swamiji wrong, the idea behind what I am here saying is that Swamiji spoke contradictory things in contrasting situations to highlight certain elements and ideas which when quoted out of context make a mockery of the intellectual discourse.
Sugata Bose @Freedom Portal India : Live in your perception paradise that we are opposed to everything that Belur Math does. We are opposed to where it dissociated itself from calling itself a Hindu 🕉 organisation which it did in the famous court case of the 1980s and 90s when it even won its way through the honourable Calcutta High Court before being told what it truly was by the honourable Supreme Court. Thereafter, the celebration of Nabi Dibas calls for much soul-searching by a Hindu 🕉 organisation when a history of atrocity perpetrated on the Hindus by Islamic aggressors needs to be taken into account before such insensitive celebrations are resorted to with whatever 'noble' intentions inspiring them.
Sugata Bose @Freedom Portal India :
Now, the Muslims are the crudest in this respect, and the most sectarian. Their watch-word is: there is one God (Allah), and Mohammed is His Prophet. Everything beyond that not only is bad, but must be destroyed forthwith, at a moment’s notice, every man or woman who does not exactly believe in that must be killed; everything that does not belong to this worship must be immediately broken; every book that teaches anything else must be burnt. From the Pacific to the Atlantic, for five hundred years blood ran all over the world. That is Mohammedanism.
The more selfish a man, the more immoral he is. And so also with the race. That race which is bound down to itself has been the most cruel and the most wicked in the whole world. There has not been a religion that has clung to this dualism more than that founded by the Prophet of Arabia, and there has not been a religion, which has shed so much blood and been so cruel to other men. In the Koran there is the doctrine that a man who does not believe these teachings should be killed, it is a mercy to kill him! And the surest way to get to heaven, where there are beautiful houris and all sorts of sense enjoyments, is by killing these unbelievers. Think of the bloodshed there has been in consequence of such beliefs!
Why religions should claim that they are not bound to abide by the standpoint of reason, no one knows. If one does not take the standard of reason, there cannot be any true judgement, even in the case of religions. One religion may ordain something very hideous. For instance, the Mohammedan religion allows Mohammedans to kill all who are not of their religion. It is clearly stated in the Koran, Kill the infidels if they do not become Mohammedans. They must be put to fire and sword. Now if we tell a Mohammedan that this is wrong, he will naturally ask, "How do you know that? How do you know it is not good? My book says it is." []
Mohammedans talk of universal brotherhood, but what comes out of that in reality? Why, anybody who is not a Mohammedan will not be admitted into the brotherhood; he will more likely have his throat cut. Christians talk of universal brotherhood; but anyone who is not a Christian must go to that place where he will be eternally barbecued. []
Sugata Bose @Subhash Basu : তিনি তো ঢাকি | প্রশ্ন হল এখন কি দিয়ে সে লজ্জা ঢাকি ? ঠিক, ঠিক, জোড় শব্দ দিয়ে ঢাকি |
Sugata Bose @Sandip Halder : Kindly continue your deliberations with respected Sri Alok Sarkar. It is a feast of information for us.
Sugata Bose @Alok Sarkar : Please continue the discussion. It is highly enlightening. Each of your posts throws fresh light on our philosophy.
Sugata Bose @Subhash Basu : মশাই, আপনি রসিক বটে !
Sugata Bose @Vaibhav Kumar : Book the tickets unless you are inviting us to undertake the journey on foot as in classical times. Then order some wooden sandals as well so that we may sound our way through to our ancient homelands. Also carry some wreaths which we will require to offer as reverential tribute to the memory of our martyred mothers and sisters, forefathers and brothers ❤ who have laid down their lives fighting for our dharma, culture, civilisation and freedom before the brutal hand of the enemy snuffed their breath out.
Sugata Bose @Sandip Halder : Thank you for this enlightening conversation. Wish that it could have continued giving us the joy of rapier-sharp reasoning and flashes of intellectual brilliance thereof.
Sugata Bose @Sankarshan Dev Das : And how do you suppose you have such a faith? Is that faith in faith then? And how do you suppose you exist so that you may have faith? Is that faith, too? Then must it be supposed that you owe your existence to impersonal faith -- an oxymoron, of course -- before your existence reposes faith in something else which exists in faith as idea materialised which then suffers a crash in faithbound atmosphere, killing faith-boarded Netaji in the faith-flown aeroplane?
Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik : Did you delete the earlier post to the selfsame effect?
Sugata Bose @Angshuman Gangopadhyay : Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet, may be. I am not sure of their history. The rest of Asia in parts were culturally Indian in colonised terms but not geographically so.
Sugata Bose @Pranav Gour : What is your God's address? I will have to communicate it to them so that they can board the next bus to reach Him/Her/It.
Sugata Bose @Debraj Dxm Mondal : Are you suggesting that we must sit quietly and keep getting converted en masse as in so many parts of India this is the proselytising Christian ✝️ programme with regard to Hindus 🕉? Is the extinction of Hinduism and with it the Christianisation of India your cherished dream? Come clean please.
Sugata Bose @Pranav Gour : This write-up deserves an honoured place in a museum of marvels, it being such a unique approach to appreciation of our history and culture. I, for one, recommend it for wider public perusal much like your saptabhumi/sharachakra photograph for Muslim yoga aspirants. You are, indeed, doing yeoman service to the cause of spreading the Sanatan Dharma in all your wondrous culpability. May the Mother bless you with increased error till they all resolve to nought making you in the Sahasraar a true Shunyavaadi!
Sugata Bose @Pranav Gour : I am not a blood relation of Netaji, to begin with, myself merely being the namesake of the eminent historian of such lineage. The rest of my observations are better kept within the sanctum of my mind as I keep learning from your creative analysis of Hinduism and Hindu sages and saints.
Sugata Bose @Angshuman Gangopadhyay : If India's civilisational influence spreads, it will be great for the world.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : This gentleman proudly says that Muslims ☪️ have ruled India for eight hundred years. This itself is proof of the historical Islamic agenda of expansionism and dominance with full Islamic scriptural sanction as revealed by the Islamic God to the Islamic Prophet.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Defence of Islam ☪️ is difficult if one is honest. The Islamic scriptures eloquently speak of certain principles and practices which are indefensible in humanistic terms.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : 'Adharm' means vicious crime, not disbelief in scripture or philosophical principle. Hence, the analogy of 'adharm' as used in Hinduism with reference to 'kuffar' in Islam ☪️ is incorrect. Disbelief is not even punishable in Hinduism, forget about the dictate to murder the disbeliever. This punishment is specific to Islam as dictated by Allah to be inflicted on the infidel (kafir).
Sugata Bose @YouTube : To distinguish thus between the believer and the disbeliever as is done in Islam ☪️ is itself antihumanistic.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Rampant takiya. Lies, deception, deflection and evasiveness.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : The moderators Sahilji and Sachwalaji must be less talkative and more focussed on questioning the interviewee with pinpoint precision and then must remain silent, thus allowing the latter to answer freely without undue interruption or taking recourse to conversational deflection that often arises when such undue interventions are made.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Hindu 🕉 women committed self-immolation by fire (Jauhar) to escape molestation and enslavement by victorious Muslim ☪️ rulers in war against Hindu 🕉 rulers. This practice was in self-defence of women, in preservation of self-dignity against the barbaric practice of these Islam-inspired rulers.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Why did the Islamic invaders invade India? Were they defensive wars? The Islamic conquest of much of Asia, Europe and Africa, were they all achieved through defensive wars conducted against the sufferers of such conquest? And this puerile proposition that such conquests were conducted to save the conquered from local oppression by its existent rulers is in contradiction to historically chronicled fact. Moreover, who had given Islamic invaders the right to conquer and oppress others thus except their own distinctive 'divine' dictate that mandated such wars as legal and incumbent upon the Muslims ☪️ to conduct against the disbeliever (kafir)?
Sugata Bose @Khalid Umar: Happy birthday, Khalid Umar ji! You are doing yeoman service to the cause of humanity with your bold humanistic assertions and your intrepid exposing of fanatical falsities that oppress humans and suppress humanity. May Thakur grant you health, happiness and wisdom to continue with your crusade against the cruditites of this oppressive religious tradition! We are all there to support your exemplary endeavour, for such enterprise is born of and bred in reason, character and superb courage of conviction as opposed to that of blind belief. Happy birthday once again!
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Jaggi Vasudev says that the more you know, the more you feel your ignorance increasing in the sense that you become aware of how much more there is to know. And yet so often he says that he knows everything about himself, pointing to his physical form. This is either a contradiction in terms or a blatant assertion of falsity which in being so evident puts him in his true place in the eyes of the discerning even as the common man is fooled by his articulate gibberish in regard to certain issues. Overall, though, he has great clarity and is doing wonderful work in making people think and think clearly except when commercial considerations and political compulsions bind him to state untruths and half-truths which is rather unfortunate but expected from such people who are not entirely honest in their bearings and dispositions.
Sugata Bose @Kanchan Gogate Sapre : Wonderfully stated. Very perceptive and pertinent, too. Original thinking.
Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : One is a brahmin truly by character and attributes only. However, heredity, profession, habits, environment, education all play their due roles as well in manifesting attributes. Hence, people who by birth are brahmins are oftener seen to manifest brahmanical attributes than others born into other varnas. Likewise, people tend to show up kshatriya and vaishya attributes more often when born into those specific varnas. This is a complex socioevolutionary process which works both ways and we have not yet come to that stage where a perfect fluidity of attributes and action transiting both ways is possible. For this our age-old social rigidity must gradually give way before the advancing tide of specialisation in the wake of growing global capitalism. Nonetheless, genetic tendencies set up over millenia take time to readjust and access to higher education overtime will be the great leveller, initially in individuals but with the passage of time en masse. Then the original intent of the varnashrama and the jatidharma will in its modern derivative come alive. So, you see, it is a complex phenomenon, indeed, which is why Mahatma Gandhi did not want to interfere with it and Swamiji also advocated a slow natural change impelled by circumstance and existential need, not by violent reform which ever is counterproductive.
Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : He may himself repudiate being called a brahmin, especially if he is a communist, say, for instance. But if he has no such compunctions of conscience, he may strut about as a titular brahmin although he is patently devoid of such deserving. It is for society to ignore such ignoble birth-brahmins by refusing to recognise them as such or offering them the reverence people are used to showing otherwise. But, truly speaking, pretence and privilege go together and for that those who habitually accord these ones such respect are equally culpable.
Sugata Bose @Tanumoy Bose : Then we are almost a brahminless country and have historically been so, for knowledge of Brahman has always been few and far between.
Sugata Bose @YouTube Sheldon Pollock : What a shameless person! He will never be graced by Mother Sarasvati. Blasphemous statement he has the temerity to make. Utterly devoid of sraddhaa, he will roam about in the periphery of knowledge till he evolves enough to regain seaddhaa which is so very necessary for entry into the precincts of transcendental knowledge.
Sugata Bose @Narendra Singh : Lakshmanan = Lakshman + an = Ram's anuj (younger brother) + an = Ramanuj + an = Ramanujan
Sugata Bose @Sujit Sanyal : Swami Vivekananda is worshipped in RKM as divinity. There is the Vivekananda temple in Belur Math. Besides that in every branch centre the Holy Trinity is worshipped of which Swamiji is one of the trinity.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Tipu Sultan was dead long before 1850. He died in 1799. So, how could he convert the interviewee's (Ramasimhan's) forefathers then? He should check the relevant dates before making a public statement like this, especially where it concerns his forefathers. Otherwise, he will lose data credibility.
Sugata Bose @Goutam Ghosh : Terrific. This is called monumental revolution in the affirmative sense as opposed to that of the Leninist destructive sense that was enacted in the early Soviet Union when all Czarist statues were brought down. A like instance followed by way of karmic retribution when the post-Communist regime saw the immediate destruction of the statues of Lenin and Stalin throughout the Soviet Union. But Modiji's monumental initiative will be entirely positive in terms of affirmation of our Hindu 🕉 heritage in Hyderabad, erased by Islamic occupation for centuries.
Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : Much more. The Hinduisation of the Indian subcontinent and the spiritualisation (along Vedantic lines) of the world. That is how I read it. The immediate goal then was also the decolonisation of India, that is, the winning of political independence. Ultimately, of course, the goal Swamiji set out before humanity was the forging of a unified humanity based on science and the Vedanta with its progressive course of the spiritual liberation of vast numbers of people. All could not be led to liberation at once because, as Swamiji said, the boiler would boil off vast masses of water but fresh water would ever be added to keep up the process. In other words, Swamiji set before man the goal to live along lines of the Sanatan Dharma en route to eventual individual liberation. But he wanted the spiritual message to reach the whole of humanity and all of it to have access to the divine within so that life on earth became spiritually harmonious and the goal of liberation from its phenomenal transmigratory cycle could also be reached by aspirants. Swamiji had aspired for a spiritual civilisation for the whole of humanity.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Madam moderator (Madhu Kishwar) pretends to be more knowledgeable than she is, the classic Antonio case of 'The Merchant of Venice' where each time she makes an utterance it becomes patent proof of her pretension before such an erudite as Sushil Pandit is. Would it were that people pretended less and allowed the spontaneous flow of their real status in life and its bearings! Anyhow, it isn't easy to measure up to such a scholar as Sushilji is, but why even attempt to do so? Humility serves better in an intellectual discourse where you happen to be no match as interviewer with respect to your interviewee. A simple submission as a seeker of knowledge serves better than all this elaborate prerence couched in strained verbosity which, nonetheless, reveals your intellectual destitution. Shakespeare was right in making his affirmations about Antonio, and it has been yet proved here explicitly.
Sugata Bose @Smita Mukerji : Very critical. This simple word, self-awareness, carries a lot of intent that Swamiji wished to convey to his would be perceptive followers. It is awareness of who we were, are and what we have to be, both in the then colonial context and in the millenium-old cultural context of Islamic conquest, a fact that his followers seem to gloss over by remaining, so to say, apolitical and politically correct. Liberals try to use Swamiji to their timely advantage by quoteding him selectively and with superficial interpretation, and the dull devotees take only the surface meaning of his subtle messages, their depth eluding them as the deeps elude the frothy waves. But there has been the other section of his followers who have seen in his messages the clear hint of a Hindu 🕉 renaissance in its comprehensive spiritual and social sweep, and inspired by such leadership they found in the seminal Swami, have proceeded in their own way to bring about this religiocultural revival of the land, a call to which in narrower but in more articulate and forthright terms was sounded by the great Dayananda Saraswati as well. Self-awareness, indeed, and not just its Vedantic exposition from the podium and in practical service to suffering humanity but in a radical reclamation of the Hindu heritage that has long been buried under the sociocultural architecture of Islamic invasion.
Sugata Bose @Utpal Aich : Good one. A fitting reply to indolent ones who are galore in this hyper-critical hypocritical society.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Unfortunately, these lectures are only provided in bits and parts for lazy onliners to read while the vast storehouse of knowledge contained in their full form lies unread forever. Swamiji 2.0 is his encapsulated version, fit for modern morons masquerading as his followers. Were Swamiji to be born again, he would have devoured his 1.0 works with an appetite the boy Subhas exhibited. Indeed, it is a pointer to the declining standards of education and intellectual prowess thereof and to the increasing sense of superficiality among today's polity that such indifference to his works should be the norm now. Online representations are a lot of pseudosmartness, surface pretension with utter hollowness beneath. Study, deep and thorough, is the crying call of the hour. Then and then alone will power accumulate in the system. Else, Swamiji will remain a poster boy as posts on him abound with scant study supplementing them.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Pal, Mukul Roy : Islam ☪️ will collapse from within itself by the spread of scientific education. A scientific culture must permeate the polity. Then by the sheer pressure of reason unscientific religious ideology will cave in. Political Islam ☪️ must be combated by withdrawing government patronage, removing special privileges, reframing minority laws to exclude communities with more than 5% representation in the polity from minority status, banning madrassas, monitoring mosque activities, stopping the funding of Islamic institutions, abolishing the civil Sharia law and installing the Uniform Civil Code, introducing population control etc.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : I am yet to see anyone practising it. Posts are fine but only that much. There is no follow-up work done on it. Sermonising comes easy these days, sincere adherence to such sermons rare.
Sugata Bose @
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