Saturday 8 January 2022



You cannot appease the intolerant and make him tolerant. You must show him the mirror and enlighten him. But the indoctrinated ones will refuse to look into the mirror. Because of their doctrinaire intransigence the larger society must suffer unless the bull is caught by the horns and tamed for good. Else, the ruddy hue will ever attract it unto shedding the like sap of suffering humanity under its unhindered roguish reign masking as merciful. 

Civilisation this is not, hence, the civilised must suffer. But, alas, how long? So long as this ideological insanity in the name of civilisation is tolerated. The day resistance is en masse put up, it will disappear like morning mist, for it was born in ignorance, has been bred in ignorance, been fuel-fed by fanatical adherence through generational transmission of the indoctrinated ones under duress, but it shall die in recognition of its essential contradictions. This will not spontaneously happen but must be made to happen through active human participation in this grand campaign to defeat this viral toxicity in global civic life.

Written by Sugata Bose

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