Wednesday, 12 January 2022



The appended image reveals not the image but the underlying truth. It is the guideline for future humanity. Follow it and the world is saved.

In this living for others is everlasting life itself, for it calls for abnegation of the self, awakening of the great Self-consciousness, perception of the deathless essential solidarity of existence and the continuity of life perishable as well in the life of the human race. The one who lives for others sees not others as others but as one's own self multiplied in myriad forms, a vast organic whole in which individuals serve as units, like cells in a body, in a cooperative network advancing through the consciousness field towards liberation. Indeed, such a one often does not seek personal liberation but works for collective human emancipation which appears before his revealing eyes as the greater imperative. Philosophical debate centring this point notwithstanding, he moves on as a mass of light and love through the dark corridors of benighted humanity, shedding spectral beams of ethereal rays streaming through his being. Such a one was Swamiji, the embodiment of the principle he preaches here. Let us also be like him, unselfish, serving, loving, learning, living for oneself by living for all. In expanding awareness let fulfilment of life be, in oblivion of the puny self let such larger Self-awareness be, in the collective life let individual life be. As Swamiji had said, "Man, thou art the sea." So let it be.

Written by Sugata Bose

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