It saddens me to think that even Mother Teresa could have converted 29,000 dying patients in their final moments to Christianity ✝️. Here she admits it herself with a sense of sanctified satisfaction saying that barring the ticket of baptism Saint Peter would not admit them into heaven to live there in bliss in blessed proximity to God. These patients, abandoned by family and society, did not object, nor did they have the power to do so when so near to death, and died in peace with such a great soul receiving them into the realm of divine grace as it were. The blessing certainly flowed from no God or apostle of Christ in heaven but from one of the great saints of all time, superstitious though she was terribly, following a creed that hardly matched her divine bearings. Indeed, it is ironic how such an extraordinary soul with palpable holiness and mighty purity that sent an electric current through one's form when she blessed should have been so backward in her thinking, so full of sublime fanatical zeal for proselytising, with love of humanity mixed up in queer proportion with infantile ideas and dark superstition. This is Christianity ✝️ at its best in its original intent, although, such last minute conversion of the dying ones did not effectively add numbers to the fold of the Catholic Church. Essentially it was an expression of Mother Teresa's love in her own unique Christian way. But the doctrine is, nonetheless, seen here in its sullied and sublime form, much like that of the original Christ of mighty spirit and dark superstition.
Foreword written by Sugata Bose
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