The gallant INA girls, members of the Rani Jhansi Regiment, mere sixteen year old girls braving the battle, nay, waging war (World War II), to free their long-lost motherland from colonial-imperial occupation.
Raise the spirit up the spine
And free thyself superfine.
3. We must follow Swamiji in his original intent and not as per organisational suitability by editing content.
4. যেদিন মরে যাব, সেদিন বুঝবে এরা | আজ বোঝার সময় আসে নি |
5. The human species is perhaps the only one that preys on itself. Predator human, prey human.
6. Humanity is held in hurt. It is time to heal.
7. Dark ignorance which in classical terms is called 'tamas' only goes to hurt the interests of the nation.
8. Love breeds love, hate hate. The Law of Karma is inviolable.
The body becomes toxic when hurt is hurled at one. It takes a Subhas to override grief and love the motherland still. His Haripura address was prophetic. But it brought on him the tirade of Tripuri. Maligned, mistreated, cheated, outwitted in a wily manner and cast out of the Congress fold till he had none to lean on save a few devoted ones who dared with him the arduous journey of freedom, Subhas Chandra not once hit back below the belt as he had been done unto by the venerable ones of hallowed memory, the Mahatmas and the Pandits.
10. A poet expresses himself in lyrical lines to assuage his pain. His tears are shed in rhythms of love.
11. Barbarism abounds everywhere. Who will save the civilised?
12. যেদিন মরে যাব, সেদিন বুঝবে এরা | আজ বোঝার সময় আসে নি |
13. Netaji's statue will be unveiled at the India Gate to commemorate his 125th birth anniversary this year. What about the DNA Test of his alleged remains preserved at the Renkoji Temple in Tokyo?
14. This world is a mass of lies. Men lie, institutions lie, governments lie, godmen lie, prophets lie, all lie. Only truth does not lie.
15. God is mankind's biggest and most ingenious invention. And I am not an atheist at all. So, understand what I mean.
16. Cross-currents of thought are needed all the time for creative outflow. This is why harmonious diversity is a social blessing. But antithetical elements must be weeded out for such harmony to prevail in depth and not merely by way of surface pretension.
17. The country has been cheated. Netaji and his treasure chest -- where did they disappear?
Why do those who propagate the Taihoku aircrash theory, eminent historians and journalists, appear so unconvincing, even as if they are deliberately propagating a blatant falsity? Why does one get the scent of some terrible conspiracy in their very vehemence in affirmation of their unfounded theory without a shred of 'clinching evidence' to prove that Netaji died thus?
19. Modiji being an avowed devotee of Swamiji, he should promote Swamiji instead of Gandhiji throughout the world. That will do India and the world immense good. If Modiji does not do it now, some other future Prime Minister will do it and attain to glory.
20. আমার মনে হয় সারা ভারতবর্ষে শিক্ষার্থীদের স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ ও নেতাজী সুভাষচন্দ্র পড়ানো উচিত |
21. Continence and concentration raises the spiritual force up the spinal column till illumination is in the sacral plexus of the brain.
22. Gandhiji often surfaced as a chastising father to grown-up politicians like Subhas Bose. He was rather patronising in some of his remarks about Bose where he called him 'a spoilt child'. No wonder Bose paid him back due compliment by calling him 'Father of the Nation' with characteristic grace and unheeded humour. Father, indeed, for who else could have begotten us nincompoops, a nation of ignoramuses bent upon self-destruction?
To give birth to a Netaji we need a Prabhavati Devi. To give birth to a Swamiji we need a Bhuvaneshwari Devi.
জ়ান যায় রে, জ়ান যায় !
ঐ শোনো হাঁক মারে |
ধর্মদা লুপ্তপ্রায় |
25. India's biggest folly from pre-independence days was that her leaders sidelined Netaji. The legacy continues despite token gestures here and there in honouring him. The country is largely unaware of his contributions owing to poor literacy on the subject.
26. Is it possible that Netaji was Shivaji reborn? Both escaped from captivity in a dramatic way and waged war against the oppressive imperialist of the day to free the motherland.
27. Gandhiji should have been honest enough to admit that his non-violence had failed to win independence and that it was Netaji's armed struggle that had effectively freed India. But he lacked that transparency of vision or of character.
28. Why was 'Desh Prem Divas' changed to 'Parakram Divas'? In 1997 during the centenary celebration of Netaji, before the President of India 23 January was addressed as Desh Prem Divas. Why the change then?
We do not need Gandhi's certification of Netaji's patriotism. Netaji shines in stellar glory without such artificial aids. A wily politician who mischievously manouevres India's noblest patriot out of mainstream Congress politics need not pass patronising comments on the premier patriot to install him as such. Since he has made such comments, good and bad both, we can neglect them as belated, insincere, inconsequential gestures that matter least to us.
30. Bapu, Bapu and Bapu! The country knows nothing else.
31. দেশে মিত্রের সংখ্যা বাড়ানো প্রয়োজন | শত্রুতে দেশ ভরে গেছে | তাই স্বামীজী আর নেতাজীকে আদর্শ করা চাই |
32. Men are caught in little whirlpools of Maya. The object is to free oneself through discrimination of the impermanence of the terrestrial situation and reflection on the real Self.
33. The mistreatment of the INA soldiers by the Nehru government and thereon by successive Congress governments is a singular instance of treason towards the revolutionary cause for freedom. Who were the traitors then -- the INA or the Congress leaders who did them this dastardly damage to livelihood, rank and reputation?
34. India, leave the British Commonwealth of Nations! It is demeaning for us to be there.
35. Stop this loudspeaker Azaan.
A dead nation comes alive again with Netaji, with the installation of his hologram image under the canopy at India Gate. The reclamation of India begins.
Bengalis, awaken within yourself a mighty martial spirit. This sort of debilitating song and dance, poetry and prose movement that you so exhibit is not the call of the hour. Return to your revolutionaries of yore and awaken the lion, the lioness within your being.
38. What we need is manhood. Not the constitutional compulsion to cry but the courage to combat and die.
39. There are more enemies within the Hindus 🕉 working against Hindu interests than there are beyond the pale of Hindu society.
40. Service to the country is possible only when service to the self has stopped.
41. There seems a force which is driving evolution but it seems for all its omnipotence this force is rather blind.
42. This is a tragedy. Those who clamour so much about rewriting history and restoring Netaji to his pride of place, do not even bother to go thoroughly through the Collected Works of Netaji.
43. Why is that when our leaders speak they fail to inspire us but Netaji and Swamiji could so soar our spirits to heights of inspiration?
44. As I read more and more of Netaji's exploits, I am set wondering as to who was greater - Guru or shishya? Swamiji or Netaji?
45. We need the rehabilitation of Rash Behari Bose in the national consciousness.
46. Ranganathanandaji used to say, "Bahubalam, buddhibalam, atmabalam." Bahubalam stands for military strength, buddhibalam for academic or intellectual strength and atmabalam for spiritual strength. These three in conjunction will make for a powerful, renascent India 🇮🇳.
47. Be a fan, not a fanatic.
Q. Who is the king of West Bengal?
A. Aurangzeb Alamgir.
Q. Proof?
A. 5.00 a.m. loudspeaker Azaan, disturbing subjects' sleep.
49. A refreshing Republic Day! 26 January, 2022.
50. Brutality is not strength. It is insensitivity to the higher forces born out of a savage deadening of nerves.
Narendra Modi has changed the very narrative of India. At last patriotism in its full flow abounds. Lal Chowk, Srinagar, sees the Indian tricolor fluttering in place of the usual Pakistani flag. Patriotism replaces perfidy. Abrogation of Article 370 is integrating India.
Photo : internet
52. You do not destroy the doctrine but keep fighting the terrorists and lose your army personnel every other day. This will not work. The war must be ideologically fought as well and the enemy destroyed in bud. That is the way.
53. Marooned on an island with none to interact with, a gregarious being loses his mind. Hence we live in an interactive society, our best interaction being when we communicate in mutual love.
54. I was amazed to hear that this is the first Republic Day that India's tricolour 🇮🇳 has fluttered over Lal Chowk, Srinagar, and that earlier it was Pakistan's flag that did so.
55. Stop electoral opportunism and practise genuine patriotism.
56. কাপুরুষ কখনও ভগবান লাভ করতে পারে না |
57. Individual concentration and the resolve to do well also builds the nation for the individual is a unit of the nation. Pursue excellence. Your contribution will count.
58. মানুষের বায়ু চঞ্চল বলে জীবনে এত বিপত্তি | গোটা দেশ যদি ধ্যানজপ করে তো এই সংকট অনেকাংশে প্রশমিত হবে |
59. We are not a knowledge-based nation today despite the internet. We are sensation-based.
60. Was Netaji murdered in Russia by Stalin or post-Stalin as Dr. Subramanian Swamy, Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi and Purabi Roy emphatically claim?
We should sideline those who malign Netaji by labelling him a fascist simple because out of exigencies of realpolitik he sought the assistance of Hitler to fight his war for India's independence. Churchill and Roosevelt-Truman likewise sought communist Soviet Union's alliance to defeat Hitler. Did they thereby become communists as well? Did Stalin in seeking alliance with capitalist Britain and USA become capitalist for good measure?
Written by Sugata Bose
62. এই প্রার্থনা করুন -- "হে ঠাকুর, আমার সর্বস্য তুমি, আমার ভালবাসা নাও |"
63. 🕉 is the sacred symbol of God. Chant it.
64. ছবি তো তারই তোলা যাবে যার অবয়ব আছে | যার অবয়ব নেই তার ছবি তুলবে কি করে?
65. শুধু এইটুকু ভালবেসে বলবেন -- 'ঠাকুর-মা-স্বামীজী' -- তাহলেই হবে |
66. সবাই নেতাজী নেতাজী করেন কিন্তু কম মানুষই রাসবিহারী বসুর উল্লেখ করেন বিশেষ |
67. Those who judge the Guru are not worthy disciples. In fact they are failed disciples and, hence, not disciples at all. The Guru's Guru will judge him. If not, God, the supreme Guru, will judge. But the disciple must never contemplate any of these judgements.
68. The revolutionaries have suffered the maximum. Yet, they are remembered the least.
69. আজকাল হয়েছে যা -- সবই দেখি কল্যাণদা আর কল্যাণীদি চারিদিকে, মানে, আত্মকল্যাণকার্যেই রত সব | যত সব !
Behold the girl that walketh down the field.
I have incarnated in her.
I am the womb of whom I am born,
I am the mother of myself.
71. India will not rise to her feet till Sanskrit is taught to every child through school and college curricula.
72. Wealth is what you accumulate out of the savings of others when you profit by selling your products or services. It is public money held in trust with yourself. Hence, the sense of ownership of it must be discarded. It should never be spent for personal pleasure beyond basic subsistence but must be disbursed for public welfare.
73. The reasoning (by Chandrachur Ghose in his YouTube video) is convoluted in thrusting marriage on Netaji despite Bhagavanji's repudiation of the entire romantic/marital affair. Strange are the ways of preferred perceptions!
74. নেতাজীকে নিয়ে এত মিথ্যাচার কেন? কেন জোর করে বিয়ে দেওয়া হচ্ছে? কেন মহানিষ্ক্রমণের ব্যাখানে এত অসঙ্গতি? কেন আজও বিমান দুর্ঘটনায় মৃত্যু হয়েছে বলে সরব পরিবারের একাংশ?
75. আজ অপচয় বন্ধ করুন, আগামীকাল অভাবের মুখ নাও দেখতে হতে পারে | আজকের কর্মের ওপর নির্ভরশীল ভবিষ্যৎভাগ্য | মিতব্যয়িতা শুধু বাস্তবিক প্রয়োজনীয়তা নয়, মিতব্যয়িতা চারিত্রিক ভূষণও বটে | সর্বোপরি, মিতব্যয়িতা নৈতিক দায়িত্ব কারণ যে ধন আপনি নিজের বলে ভ্রমবশতঃ গণ্য করেন, তা আদপেই আপনার নয় | তা ঈশ্বরের, প্রকৃতির সম্পদ | সমস্ত মানবসমাজের সেবাকল্পে তা আপনার কাছে গচ্ছিত আছে এইমাত্র | তাই আত্মরক্ষার্থে ও সমাজরক্ষার্থে মিতব্যয়ী হ'ন |
76. Let work work out work, Thou be the Witness.
77. She was strikingly beautiful in her simplicity.
Dipak Gupta is no more. The great grandson of 'M', Mahendranath Gupta, the chronicler of 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita', the one who for half a century enchanted audiences with his unique style of presentation of the Master's recorded words, has passed away. A great vacuum has been created and someone must step in to fill the vacant post of bringing home the Master's words to the devotees.
সর্বদিক যখন অন্ধকার, নিঃসহায় বোধ করি আমরা, তখনও সাথে থাকেন মা | এই বিশ্বাস, এই বোধ অভ্যাসের দ্বারা জাগরুক রাখাই সাধনা | এই আশ্বাস মা স্বয়ং দিয়ে গেছেন |
80. ব্রহ্মচর্য ছাড়া যথার্থ পুরুষ হওয়া যায় না |
81. Concentration, constancy and consciousness characterise the integrated personality.
82. Man is chained to limitation by as much his own sensory cravings as by cultural conditions thrust on his civic existence. But man can with effort break free. And that is the object of spiritual life, to break beyond sensory bounds.
The blossoming bud. The nightingale in bud, in bloom and in blessedness.
Lata Mangeshkar at her daily devotions. Marked on the photograph in yellow is where reign Thakur-Ma-Swamiji in her life. She has testified that her father Dinanath Mangeshkar was devoted to Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and so is she, her brother Hridaynath Mangeshkar and the entire Mangeshkar family.
Lata Mangeshkar's father, Master Dinanath Mangeshkar, the great Marathi Natyasangeet exponent.
He holds the destiny of India in his hands even at this distance in time. India is not extinguished as yet. She shall rise to eminence and greatness. Jai Hind!
87. ব্রহ্মচর্যের মধ্যে নিহিত আস্তিক্যবুদ্ধি, ধুনুচি নাচে নয় |
Will their martyrdom go in vain?
Photo: Bagha Jatin after being mortally wounded in the Battle of Buribalam, Balasore.
Sachindranath Sanyal, twice incarcerated in the dreaded Cellular Jail, Andamans for revolutionary activities, author of 'Bandi Jeevan', waged a four year long war of words with M.K.Gandhi in 'Young India' over the fruitfulness or futility of Gandhian passive resistance. The rest read from his gripping narrative of the rigours of prison life in British India. Deputy to Rash Behari Bose early on, he was a devout Hindu and was patriotism personified.
আমি অনাথ নই | আমার মা আছেন |
91. I am the Light. When I descend into the body, it becomes illuminated.
The Machiavellian who starved 5 million Bengalis to death in 1943 to suit colonial-imperial compulsions born out of racial bigotry and a callous attitude thus towards Indians of supposedly uncivilized status, fit to be ruled or eliminated. Winston Churchill of colonial notoriety.
Jatin Das passes away after his 63 day hunger-strike. Gandhiji several times threatened fast unto death but called it off midway but Jatin Das proved true to his word and carried it out. This is the difference between blazoned truthfulness and genuine observance of it.
Who was he? Not many people care to know. His sacrifices are hardly highlighted. [Rajendranath Lahiri]
95. What is religion? Oneness. What is politics? Separateness. What is God? Pure consciousness, indivisible, whole. What is life? Experience.
India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will one day unite to become the ancient Bharatvarsha, glorious than ever before.
97. People should learn to think. That is the fundamental feature of education.
98. Punctuate your write-ups and comments well. It is awful to see small letters instead of capital letters in places, absence of fullstop at the end of a sentence, unnecessary spaces between word and punctuating mark such as comma, the beginning of a sentence with small letter etc. Please consider this.
99. Self-publicity, self-promotion and self-propagation are not patriotism.
100. I may fail but my word will not.
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