Tuesday 11 January 2022



In our immediate greater family our progeny have dropped from 47 of our generation to 29 in the next generation. This is the terrible demographic decline of us, Hindus 🕉. It threatens our future existence as a race as counter-culture grows to potentially eliminate it unless we as a whole can rationalise the entire polity through modern thinking whereby we will banish for good all impulses of medieval doctrinaire destruction of human rights and freedom. Our country faces real demographic challenges which will inevitably destroy it unless the bull is now caught by the horns and tamed. This is of vital consequence to our existence as a living ancient tradition which has failed to convert alien ideology in its ranks as yet, a fact that forever threatens its very life.

So, spiritualise the entire race with Vivekananda's ideas without watering it down to suit present political exigencies as the Ramakrishna Mission does in its apolitical posturing which has deep, adverse political consequences for the Hindus 🕉, nonetheless. Arise, O youth of India, from this induced slumber and execute Vivekananda's plans for saving the motherland and the world. Do not compromise him. Swamiji wants lions out of men, not sheep which we are used to seeing all around, no less among his followers. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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