Thursday, 27 January 2022



Gandhi today has become less popular than Netaji all over the nation more or less. And the numbers in favour of Netaji are picking up. History is seeking its vengeance for wrongs done on Netaji and the revolutionaries by Gandhi, Nehru, Patel, Prasad, Pant and a plethora of Gandhians.

History spares none, however crafty the Machiavellians may be. The Law of Karma is ever on and with redoubled interest the politicians in perfidious alliance are being paid back their dues and are being reduced in stature to their deserving levels.

The sooner the nation honours the revolutionaries, the faster will the country rise to its manhood. The people of this country are dead against Gandhi, Nehru and their entire non-violent crafty brigade who have thus far ruled the roost with their false narrative of the freedom movement but are now being shown the door. Let them in absentia reflect on their misdeeds and let their protagonists on earth follow suit and atone for their mischievous false narration of the history of the freedom movement.

Vande Mataram!

Written by Sugata Bose



We should sideline those who malign Netaji by labelling him a fascist simple because out of exigencies of realpolitik he sought the assistance of Hitler to fight his war for India's independence. Churchill and Roosevelt-Truman likewise sought communist Soviet Union's alliance to defeat Hitler. Did they thereby become communists as well? Did Stalin in seeking alliance with capitalist Britain and USA become capitalist for good measure?

Written by Sugata Bose

Wednesday, 26 January 2022



Getting facts correct is an essential thing in disseminating information. Casual information-dispersal with inaccuracy in date and data has become the national characteristic, sometimes intentionally so and oftentimes out of ignorance coupled with the compulsion to speak on issues, nonetheless. The scientific attitude demands that one be well-versed in the subject one speaks on with facts and figures at one's fingertips or available as handy notes for ready reference. The audience, equally uniformed, feeds on this misinformation and disinformation or partial representation of truth, and comes to erroneous conceptions upon which it bases its future judgement on history gone by.

Where lies the solution then? It is in this. Laziness has to be shed. Information must be duly gleaned. Authentic books must be read. Online sources are either flawed or biased. Hence, any feature of history must be judged only after laborious study of it from a multiple of contrary sources. Only then a balanced conception will be arrived at and truth in totality can be known as approximating the absolute truth of events gone by. To sum it up, education of the teacher and of the student is necessary -- real, fact-based, unbiased education.

Written by Sugata Bose



The robust patriotism which Swamiji preached, none of his followers follow. Monks are singing songs at a time when the country is in deep danger. Effeminacy has its limits but it seems Bengal is off-limits. The manhood which Swamiji preached as the essence of his gospel is the call of the hour but the song and dance culture of impending oblivion continues. 

Netaji wanted us to give him blood and he promised us freedom. But we have chosen instead to make martyrs of our soldiers to secure our freedom which we shall use in engaging in antinational activities designed to break the country and destroy its civilisational heritage.

Hundreds of thousands of valorous followers of Swamiji and Netaji are necessary, true followers who live wholly by their life-giving message and not superficial ones that offer lip service alone while carefully crafting out personal programme, be they commerce out of religion and nationalism or seeking fame out of public pursuit of song sequence at the drop of a hat. We deserve neither Swamiji nor Netaji and it were best that we changed gears to make our deserving better.

Written by Sugata Bose

Tuesday, 25 January 2022



I feel ashamed of the intellectual culture of my countrymen in general and hope for its progressive improvement with passing years through better training of the faculties. Right now it is more of frothy emotionalism that goes on instead of considered conversation. The scope of an affirmation made by an author is so quickly limited by scanty understanding and its meaning and motive entirely misunderstood whereupon supercilious counter-remarks are made, certainly does not indicate good intellectual health of the polity.

Online journalism has made the commoner reduce lofty ideas to commonplace trash and it is a regrettable state of things. So often I think of quitting online writing because readers there are few and far between, and even of those that read, most fail to or care not to read the message intended to be conveyed and merely respond in a puerile manner not much removed from the innocence of infancy. Whether I shall continue to write on Facebook or not depends on my inspiration to do so, for to all intents and purposes it is a dead line of work producing a worthless froth and consuming my life in the process. Let my labour be reserved for a higher cause than engaging in such fruitless authoring of literary stuff before an incapable and unappreciative audience. This is to pondered now. Adieu!

Written by Sugata Bose



To you, my friend, my initial rejoinder is that you are much mistaken as to the motive of the post and, hence, I categorically say this unto you and to all those who are like you that I shall continue to make such posts with redoubled frequency. Now to the subject matter of my defence.

Stop your supercilious advice. How do you ordinarily think if not by comparing and contrasting by your intellectual faculties? How do you recognise yourself as distinct from others if not by the same process? To ascribe cheapness on me also you had to compare my standard with your ideal of a standard, did you not? So, comparisons are welcome just like your superior advice by the same mode is, barring its derogatory ascription of my motive. The legendary Don Bradman used to compare batsmen of different generations to arrive at relative estimations. This was his favourite mental occupation. All our knowledge in the world is derived by experimentation and deduction in the light of facts already known and by comparing the results with the established laws of science. Your every moment's cognition of the universe about you is through this mode of comparing and contrasting. Nobody is so sacrosanct as to be absolved from human scrutiny, for that would be the death of progressive knowledge. If you deem yourself to be that knowledgeable, then deign to enlighten us about Netaji and Swamiji in relative terms without constraining yourself by such arbitrary self-injunctions. And if you are incapable of doing so, then refrain from restricting others in expressing themselves their way and recognising greatness in seminal personalities in the light of relative understanding. A final word. Read 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' and the 'Netaji Collected Works' to find out if they refrained from making such comparisons about great men in their lives. One more thing. Hypersensitivity in discussing greats is not necessarily the sign of devotion to them and I, for one, can assure you that I have dedicated my entire life to the study of Swamiji and the practice of his precepts. Thank you.

Written by Sugata Bose



15,000 farmers have committed suicide in Maharashtra over the last six years of which 2,500 have done so in the first eleven months of 2021. An average rate of 2,500 deaths per year in Maharashtra alone due to inability to repay bank loans. One farmer took his life after being repeatedly urged by the bank to repay a debt of INR 55,000. In another family two brothers took poison to end the torture of indebtedness to the bank. Two of the school-going daughters of the family have left school now to tend the farms and feed the family.

This is the precarious state of our farmers and this has been the case for at least three decades now. P. Sainath was the first to bring it to public notice through his investigative journalism done in Maharashtra. Elsewhere in the country also the farmers face a pitiable debt ordeal. Now the question arises, if the makers of food for the nation cannot stay alive and must perish due to poverty, where are we headed as a nation? It becomes our duty then to keep raising this issue for greater awareness and for its rightful redress in the immediate future. The government and the capitalists who are responsible for this situation cannot sleep over it anymore. They must act and they must do so now without any further delay.

Written by Sugata Bose



This is a tragedy. Those who clamour so much about rewriting history and restoring Netaji to his pride of place, do not even bother to go thoroughly through the Collected Works of Netaji. Another tragedy has been that the legacy of Netaji has been in the keeping of compromised people, men sold to the ruling dispensation of the day who did the jobs their political masters expected them to do.

Hired historians can hardly do justice to the one who stood out as one who could never be hired, either by the British for their civil service or by any particular ideology like communism or capitalism. Living a renunciate's life Netaji battled on for our motherland's freedom which, once it was achieved, was laid waste by his political colleagues and opponents within the Congress and by opportunists from kith and kin.

Making money out of Netaji is a common occupation these days as is making money out of Hinduism by all and sundry. It is tragic that this should be the fate of freedom when so many martyrs to the motherland have been freed from their mortal coil in achieving it.

Shame on kith and kin who cannot live lives that will be exemplary for all but rather make every gain out of the name that Netaji is! And shame on the political parties who are making Netaji and temple visits their electoral game plan! Shame on us all who are lazy and do not expend our energy in knowing more about the exploits of revolutionaries like Netaji, Rash Behari Bose, Bahia Jatin, Masterda Surjya Sen and a host of others when there is so much material on them already available to us!

Written by Sugata Bose



Why do we say that the Left Front Government had oppressed the Ramakrishna Mission? We should say that millions of Bengali Marxists had tormented them. That will show up the character of these betraying Bengalis in the right light. Earlier they had called Netaji Tojo's dog. Therafter the Bengali Muslims led by Suhrawardy and Mujibur Rahman had betrayed the motherland and partitioned India. We ought to know that we are dealing with a host of anti-Hindus, Hinduphobes, as they now term it.

Written by Sugata Bose

Monday, 24 January 2022



If Churchill could go to communist Stalin seeking wartime alliance, Netaji could have gone as well to fascist Hitler for the same. This is realpolitik and has been in vogue in military situations throughout history. Neither did Churchill thereby become communist nor did Netaji become fascist in the process. Each retained his identity still -- Churchill that of a genocidal, racist British war hero and Netaji that of an enlightened, compassionate liberator of oppressed Asia from dastardly European colonial subjugation. 

Written by Sugata Bose



The British were kicked out of India by the INA armed assault on India's borders and the insurrection in the British Indian armed forces in its wake. Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and the like padded up for the British and made the kick soft. Jinnah betrayed and broke India, with the British and the Congress readily complying. The wicked masters left but colonised India in a new way by persuading Nehru to keep India within the Commonwealth where India still is, meekly submitting to British dominance in the name of being politically free. After all, the world is a marketplace for these politicians and the perpetual price of freedom must be paid!

Written by Sugata Bose

Sunday, 23 January 2022



Netaji seems to be acceptable to all of India. No other leader can claim such universal national acceptance. He has caught the pulse-beat of the nation like none else has. Netaji truly represents India in all its multifarious manifestations. From the civilian to the military man, all love and honour him. All others like Gandhi and Nehru were lopsided characters, one-track in their thinking on national issues. Netaji alone stood tall representing India's best traditions of civilian culture and martial glory, secular principles and high spirituality, all wedded together in a wonderful bouquet which he presented to his motherland as she made her way to self-expression and freedom. In fact, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh -- the entire Indian subcontinent owes its emancipation from colonial servitude to Netaji. Netaji fought for the liberation of an undivided India but circumstances deemed India's fate otherwise. Historical forces are hard to beat unless a united effort be made to do so. India, terribly divided along ideological lines and devoid of a unifying dictatorial hand forging unity, fell apart. A fractured independence is all that Netaji's valiant efforts led to but by then the hero had flown to an unknown destination and an shrouded destiny that awaited him.

Written by Sugata Bose

তথ্য তো তাই বলে


তথ্য তো তাই বলে


কেন মানুষ বলেন যে নেতাজীকে ১৮ অগস্ট, ১৯৪৫ এর পর আর দেখা যায় নি ? ঘটনা তো তা নয় | ১৭ অগস্ট, ১৯৪৫ এর পর তাঁকে আর দেখা যায় নি যদি প্রমাণসাপেক্ষ কথা বলতে হয় | সাইগন বিমানবন্দরে হাওয়াই জাহাজ থেকে অবতরণকালে তাঁর শেষ আলোকচিত্র তোলা হয় এবং সেটিই শেষ প্রমাণ তাঁর পার্থিব অস্তিত্বের | তারপর সবই ধোঁয়াসা | 

রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)

আলোকচিত্র : সাইগন বিমানবন্দরে হাওয়াই জাহাজ থেকে অবতরণরত নেতাজী, সম্ভবতঃ কোনও উচ্চপগস্থ জাপানী সামরিক বাহিনীর অধিকর্তাকে (জেনেরাল ইসোদা?) প্রতিসলুউটরত |



Netaji identified Britain as enemy and they also returned compliment. The other Congress leaders and Gandhi made some sort of a common cause with the British, a compromise of sorts that eventually mutilated the motherland. Jinnah outright betrayed India. Rash Behari Bose from distant Japan manouevred Britain out of Asia by doing the spadework for Netaji to do the finishing job. But these revolutionaries never compromised India's cause which the nonviolent brigade led by Gandhi did. And we paid the price for our woeful lack of manhood in giving the British stooges so much leverage over our fate.

Even today this false narrative in the name of Gandhi goes on from the highest offices of the State. It is upto us, common citizens of this country, to reclaim our rightful history by en masse debunking this dubious theory of satyagraha and ahimsa winning us independence. But for this to happen we must shed indolence and intelligently take to reading the relevant material on Netaji and the INA and the revolutionary struggle for freedom. Else, this nuisance of a narrative will continue to breed lies and weaken our polity for it is devoid of both manhood and self-respect, two attributes essential for kindling national pride and strength thereof.

Written by Sugata Bose

Saturday, 22 January 2022



My mother, Smt. Geeta Bose, passed away on Saturday, 19 Jan, 2019, at dawn. She was 86 years 6 months and 16 days old. Her final rites will be performed as per the Brahmo spiritual tradition on Sunday, 27 Jan, 2019. There will be the traditional prayer service conducted by the Acharya, two memorial speeches by kith and kin and devotional music. These will be followed by partaking of food for lunch.

Born on 3 July, 1932 in Rajshahi of erstwhile East Bengal (now, Bangladesh), she grew up in Rajshahi, Baharampur, Kolkata, Jalpaiguri, Dhaka and then again Kolkata. At the age of 15 she left her Dhaka home on 14 August, 1947 following the Partition of India. She flew in a Dakota aeroplane along with her family on the 14th afternoon to Kolkata to witness the epic scenes of celebration of the Independence of India. That night, she has recounted it to me, no one slept. Everybody was on the streets of Kolkata hugging each other and distributing sweets.

My mother had seen Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose at the age of 4 in Baharampur where Netaji had gone on some political campaign. She has described to me how fair, snow-white Netaji looked in his all-white attire -- white kurta, white dhoti, white cap, white chadar, white shoe --, matched as it was with his fair complexion and pure looks. Even in her death-bed the very mention of Netaji used to make my mother weep spontaneously.

Another remarkable event of history that left an indelible impression on my mother was the Great Famine of Bengal of 1943 when nearly 5 million people died of starvation caused by human hand, by barbaric British wartime policy masterminded by Winston Churchill. She used to weep at the very mention of the famine for she had witnessed the following terrible incident first-hand.

My mother was standing at the doorway of her Dhaka house when this young starving skeleton of a woman came over to her with the words, "Phyan dao Ma, phyan dao,'' (Give me starch, mother, give me starch) and before my mother could run to fetch food, fell dead near her. My mother was then 11 years old. The episode left such a lasting impression on her that she used to tell me tales in childhood of how people suffered in the famine and would give me a tin can full of rice grains with which I would have to stand near the gate of our house in Kolkata and give it away by way of alms to the first beggar who would come by begging food at our doorway.

Another episode of horrific consequence which deeply injured my young mother's heart was when a man by the name of Kader Mian, being chased by an angry mob during the Dhaka riots, ran through her courtyard into Amartya Sen's courtyard to be stabbed to death there. The celebrated economist lived next door to my mother's Dhaka house. 

All these events of epic proportions amid the tumultuous times that prevailed in her years of growing up cemented in her a resoluteness of purpose in so far as catering to social good was concerned. She served all without exception with her exceptional talents and her overflowing motherly heart that endeared her to all. 

As she stepped into her fifties, my mother took to studying deeply the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda literature and eventually was graced with initiation by Srimat Swami Gahananandaji Maharaj on 12 July, 2005 when she was 73. She did her spiritual practices unfailingly and was visited by several monks of the Ramakrishna Order. Their blessings are on her and they will guide her through to her blessed abode.

In this regard may I also state that my mother used to say that when she was 13 years old she was selected to sing a song in 1946 at a function of her school, the Dhaka Ananda Ashrama, before an exalted big-bearded Swami of the Ramakrishna Order and received his blessings after her rendition. This Swami was accompanied by many other Swamis of the Order and was being given exceptional honours which remained etched in her memory for life. I had suggested that it could have been the then President of the Order, Srimat Swami Virajanandaji Maharaj, or was it Swami Premeshananda which was more unlikely to my mind. If the former, then it must have been through his blessings that my mother received the spiritual grace of initiation from his disciple, Swami Gahanananda, 60 years later. 

My mother had an exquisite singing voice and was proficient in music, dance, theatre, literary skills in that she composed poems and wrote beautiful prose, and art. But her finest achievement was in the domain of designing woollen garments where she acquired considerable fame in being a pioneer of sorts in exclusive designing. For three decades she along with her co-workers served society with her exquisite pieces of woollens at an absurdly economical price so that all could afford. And to boot it, she would then frequently out of motherly love gift extra pieces to the children and countless such to those that were in need of protection from the cold. The quality of these woollens everybody who has worn them will vouch for. When I saw that she was ageing, I got three such made by her for my son and three more for myself. They remain my mother's touch on my self. 

On 20 Nov, 2013 my mother suffered a massive cerebral haemorrhage which paralysed her right side completely and took away her power of speech. However, by the grace of Guru and God, she rallied fine to greatly recover and with her right brain activated herself to a great degree of normalcy in debility in her Fowler Bed. She was very alive to all the happenings around her, although, confined entirely to her bed. Her spiritual acceptance of her incapacitated state was remarkable and her great devotion to Thakur-Ma-Swamiji-Gurudev saw her through these years of terrible trial. Her positive attitude and her surrender to Thakur-Ma, her broadening vision, expanding heart, forgiving nature and her all-encompassing love has made her last illness the final pilgrimage of her life which will take her to the blessed feet of Thakur-Ma, so we wish to believe. May our prayers be fulfilled ! 

The help we received from my sister and her husband in every possible way and even from my niece we will never forget. Two more devotees and a cousin of mine also gave their support in these days of terrible trial. The ayahs, Rekha, Tasleema, Razia and Tinku, worked tirelessly in phases to keep the breath of my dying mother alive. I shall never forget them.  

A final word and that is for the doctors who treated her. We are indebted to all of them but in especial to one such who through his treatment helped lengthen my mother's failing life by several years and kept her in especial good health despite it all.

Written by Sugata Bose



Enough is enough. Netaji must no more be made to play second fiddle to Gandhiji in popular conception about the Indian freedom struggle. Let truth come out in bold terms on this the 125th birth anniversary of Netaji that he was the numero uno of our independence movement and not Gandhiji. Verily, but for him the Mahatma would have to keep spinning the yarn with his Congress colleagues for the rest of his life and the British would have remained firmly entrenched in India. Who would have left the treasure trove that India was had they not been forced out of India by the INA's armed assault and its subsequent impact on the British Indian armed forces? Netaji undermined the loyalty of the Indian troops that held the British bastion and the result was that the British beat a hasty retreat to their northern homeland while still a graceful exit was possible.

We are today on a day of epic significance. Let us commemorate this day by raising a toast to all our dead INA heroes, our revolutionaries and our countless Netaji activists who have made today truly memorable. A special thanks to Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi for ceaselessly pursuing the case for the installation of the statue of Netaji at India Gate. Jai Hind!

Written by Sugata Bose



The Netaji disappearance mystery remains as yet unresolved. The Union Government is rendering all sorts of token service to Netaji's memory by here declaring his birthday as 'Parakram Divas' and there erecting his statie at India Gate. But the real service that it ought to do by way of pursuing the Netaji mystery to a successful closure, it is not doing. Token service cannot do justice to his cause. The IB files on Netaji must be declassified, the Russian and the Japanese Governments must be made to disclose all files on Netaji and a new Commission must be set up to conclude the unfinished work of the Mukherjee Commission whose work had got impeded and whose report had finally unduly and unceremoniously got rejected by the then Union Governments. This must be redressed and the Government must by way of remembering Netaji on his 125th birth anniversary set up a fourth Inquiry Commission on Netaji to do it.

Written by Sugata Bose

Friday, 21 January 2022



Psychological forces are subtle but strong. Combination of wills can produce a mighty power. This is the secret of organisation. The great nations of the world are living examples of this coordination of wills, this activation of the national mind. Great civilisations have borne testimony to this truth historically. They rose when men united wills and they fell when they collided with each other that resolved to cipher gain or a regression in resolved terms. 

We are faced with such a predicament. We need a national ideology, a national narrative that defines us in essential terms where we can discover our roots, our heritage, our cultural moorings, our life's sustenance, our very identity as a civilisation. This has to be worked out if we are to survive as a people and progress. Our history, mauled and marred by more than a millenium of invasion and cultural intrusion, must be reassessed and rewritten. We are right now a bewildered nation with contrary conceptions confusing the commoner and rendering our national life reactionary and regressive. This, of course, is a temporary phase where the rising consciousness of the people post mass education is combating historically implanted antinational forces. But with higher education this will pass as the ignorant will give up their invidious ideology or will have to be made to give it up to secure national integration.

Written by Sugata Bose



Hindu-Muslim unity? A contradiction in terms, an Islamic theological impossibility unless all Hindus convert to Islam. Willing, are you? Yes, it is possible if the Sanatan Dharma is practised by all Indians -- Hindus, Muslims, Christians et al. Only under the banner of the Sanatan Dharma can India unite where all exclusive alien religions are forsaken, all exclusive alien ideology given up, humanity in its widest sense and deepest intent practised, where inclusion means abolition of exclusiveness of all sorts, sacred or profane both, and equality before the law for all, no special privileges afforded indefinitely, no minority-majority card played for citizens of the same land.

The Sanatan Dharma alone can unite India, make her flourish and carry her forward. This is what Swamiji meant when he said that future India was to rise through all this conflict and chaos, more glorious than ever before, with Vedanta brain and Islam body. By 'Vedanta brain' he implied that the philosophical and ideological basis of future India was to be the Vedanta, and by 'Islam body' he meant that India would thus achieve a solidarity of her polity on the basis of socioeconomic and cultural equality with privilege a thing of the past, cast away in the wastebin of history. 

Written by Sugata Bose



The numerals the world uses were invented by Indian mathematicians which is why they are called Hindu-Arabic numerals, the Arabs merely being accredited thus because they carried the news of the numbers to the West, having earlier accepted it from the Hindus 🕉 and adapted it to their language to convenience. Trigonometry, geometry, theories of gravitation, medicine, surgery and a host of other disciplines were born independently in India or developed in conjunction with other ancient civilisations like the Chinese, the Sumerians, the Persians, the Babylonians and the Egyptians. India discovered the time cycles and conjectured to an astonishing degree of speculative accuracy the age of the universe, missing the mark only by two billion years as per modern estimates. Indian Rishis stated that the universe was 15.5 billion years old whereas modern estimates held it at 15.6 billion years old, now modified to 13.5 billion years. The Bible holds the age of the universe at 6000 years only. Susruta and Charak were ancient surgeons, performing eye operations and others too among which even plastic surgery figured. Ayurveda is the famous instance of Vedic medicine. Pingala, Aryabhatta, Bhaskaracharya, Shreedharacharya, Brahmagupta, Varahamihira, Kshana, Leelavati, Ubhaybharati, Hemchandra and a host of others have contributed seminally to the fields of mathematics and astronomy. Our entire early civilisation was built on indigenously developed science whose earliest and finest fruition was the urban civilisation of the Indus Valley. Agriculture and industry both required science and India was independently proficient in both.

However, you are right that there came a time when, realising the futility of this objective search for ultimate truth, India reversed direction unto the sole search of the laws of the internal world and, so, abandoned further progression into comprehending the external universe. However, even here India developed the science of psychology, philology and logic to an astonishing degree. The Sanskrit language stands testimony to this scientific development. In modern computer systems it is today accepted as the ideal language for data programming. 

One can write reams on Indian objective and subjective science alone, leave aside her many marvellous achievements in so many other disciplines of academic excellence.

And I just remembered. What about music and dance? The intricate systems of musical scales (ragas) and of beats (talas), of tempo (layakari), the dance forms, all of which were at once artistic as scientific. Bharata's Natyashastra for instance. The Sun dials that marked the movement of time by the casting of shadows. Metallurgy is another one. The famous iron pillar at Qut'b Minar which for millenia has been resistive to rusting remains a wonder even today. Rocket science was developed in India first in Mysore during Tipu Sultan's reign. Indian swords were made of an alloy of iron which was so far ahead of the iron made in the West that British soldiers after killing Indian soldiers in combat rushed for the swords of the slain. Like this and so much more that I cannot instantly recall forms the body of India's contribution to world science alone, leave aside other fields.

In conclusion just reflect where the world would have been had it not been for the Indians inventing ingeniously the number system to the base ten and the decimal system thereof.

In physics the theory of the oscillating universe with its endless series of Big Bangs and Big Crunches are easily traceable in the discussions of macrocosm and microcosm in our scriptures. You can refer to Swami Vivekananda's lecture on the subject in his Complete Works. Endless, simply endless are the wonders of Indian objective science itself where philosophy, art, mathematics and physics have blended to produce an astonishing array of cultural marvels.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Aryabhatta, the great Indian mathematician.

Thursday, 20 January 2022



Sugata Bose @YouTube: Anuj Dhar unnecessarily digresses with vilification of others. He should concentrate only on content. This way he loses credibility owing to exhibition of poor culture. It is credibility that is important and that is gained best by a cultured exposition of facts presented in concise rational language without undue digression that bespeaks of personal preference or prejudice. A delightful dissertation in distasteful dialect! Despite unseemly gesticulations and indiscreet linguistic use, a dazzling disposition, nonetheless, with an array of facts brought to the fore in an uncesing flow of spontaneous oration at an incredible speed without a pause or a stutter. Anuj Dhar has been so immersed in the subject of his lifelong research that his mastery of its intricacies shows up in his brilliant oration. We are indeed fortunate to be enlightened in this regard without expending any labour thanks to his lifelong labour of love.

Sugata Bose @Dhyan Maneesha : That is another matter. It is as much our oblivion as their design. I would say it is more our ignorance and cultural decline that is to be attributed to bringing about this national amnesia. We can, if we wish to, reverse the trend with individual and collective effort at education.

Sugata Bose @Chandra Bose : We last saw Netaji on 17 August, 1945 and not 18 August, 1945. On 17 August he was last photographed disemplanjng in Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City. Then he simply vanished from sight. The mystery continues.

Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik : Done. Thanks a lot for informing and rectifying a long held wrong notion.

Sugata Bose @Dyutimay Banerjee : I owe you for this piece of data detection. Thanks a lot.

Sugata Bose @Dyutimay Banerjee : Thanks. Checked it and rectified it.

Sugata Bose @YouTube - Prasar Bharati Archives : Vajpayee's speech maliciously clipped short in the video at a point when he had just embarked on due criticism of the proceedings at Tripuri.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Who is her Baba? Is she the daughter of Netaji for sure? She is a great intellectual, though, one of the very best that I have come across. But there are grave doubts about her claim to being Netaji's daughter.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : That's my question, too. Netaji researchers of repute like Dr. Jayanta Choudhuri, Dr. Madhusudan Pal, Advocate Keshab Bhattacherjee, Sri Bijoy Nag and a host of others dispute it and on the basis of credible grounds based on information gleaned from Netaji files and from personal interaction with relevant individuals reject it.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Not quite. A large section has not. The ones that have are the ones you see visible online and in the media. But they represent only a fraction of Netaji's large extended family. I personally love the way Dr. Anita Pfaff speaks. She is a brilliant intellectual, rational nonpareil, balanced in affirmation that is so very European of the highest intellectual tradition there and she speaks with such a lovely diction. But as to her lineage linked directly to Netaji I have grave doubts. My interactions with concerned people has planted this seed of doubt in my mind as to whether she is after all Netaji's daughter or not. Netaji in all likelihood was a lifelong celibate and never strayed into such a profane, illicit, amoural engagement at a time when a world of activity was pressing down on him.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : It is doubtful whether Sarat Chandra Bose had accepted her as Netaji's daughter, although, it is said that he did so. But there are contrary accounts which say that Sarat Bose had rejected this entire episode as concocted. There are no written records barring those that were produced before the public after Sarat Bose's death that go to prove that Sarat Bose had accepted Emilie Schenkl as Netaji's wife/partner and Anita as his daughter. Suresh Chandra Bose, Netaji's another elder brother, had categorically rejected this entire affair as a conspiracy hatched to malign his brother Subhas.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Anita Brigette Pfaff, say. Yes, she has visited India a few times. Her documents do not mention anywhere her maiden surname as Bose.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Even before marriage her documented name has been Brigette and has never been Bose, so I gather from what Netaji researchers say. And the Bose family has never contradicted this assertion of the reaserchers. On the contrary they bypass the matter and never address each allegation of the researchers head on. Now, if Anita, indeed, is Netaji's daughter, why on earth do the Bose family members keep a mum when contradicted on that count by doubting researchers? Why do they (the Bose family nembers) never come into an open debate with them (the researchers) even when thrown the challenge to do so? Assuming that she is Netaji's daughter, a plausible reason for her not bearing Bose as surname in her official papers is that Netaji, an Indian, was not eligible to marry a German citizen (Emilie Schenkl) as per Nazi law and hence could not get his marriage registered officially. It is said that their marriage rites were solemnised by a German indologist as per Hindu 🕉 rites. But these are all suppositions and, therefore, the issue remains unresolved, giving rise to speculations, allegations and what not. Netaji's life is so shrouded in mystery, so many aspects of it.

Sugata Bose @Swarnava Malakar : I know. There is a debate raging over this which is why I am placing all available material at the disposal of the public for their perusal. Let us examine this issue in-depth instead of going by hearsay or sheer misconception based on propaganda either way. Let data divulge details for people to be persuaded into reasoned judgement. (Refer: Anita Pfaff being Netaji's daughter.)

Sugata Bose @Swarnava Malakar : I know about it, too. The pictures are drastically different, quite different individuals it seems. Dr. Jayanta Choudhuri has furnished one frame in which the photographs radically differ. These photographs are gleaned from different publications of the Netaji Research Bureau.

Sugata Bose @Debjit Banerjee : Wonderful new light on the subject, Debjit. A very original way of looking at it. Indeed, rajas of a high order will integrate India.

Sugata Bose @DrMrityunjoy Mahato : Raise your voice for stopping this periodic sonic nuisance. Write on your profile like I do.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Read Swami Vivekananda. He has said that by 'mamekang' is meant the Atman, the real 'I' and not what you are referring to. Only in the Sanatan Dharma this conception of Brahman/Atman is there, nowhere else. Your understanding of the Geeta is flawed to that extent or you may have derived it from the dualistic version of Srila Prabhupad of ISKCON. There is an oceanic gulf between the Brahman and Allah, between the Rishis and the Prophet, the former being all-inclusive and transcendental while the latter is an imposition by force, doctrinaire, divisive, exclusive and murderous in intent and in practice. It is materialism and politics cloaked in the garb of religion. Moreover, does the Geeta say that only Krishna is God and none else ought to be worshipped? 'Yeh yatha maang prapadyantey taangs tathaiva bhajaamyaham.' (Whosoever worships me in whatever form, I reach him that way.) But my utterances may not mean much to a communist/materialistic humanist/Hinduphobe as such and are, perhaps, being wasted like water showered in a desert or tears shed in the forest. So, dialogues in diversion from the main task of nation-building along the line laid down by the Rishis of yore and of such modern ones as Swamiji, Netaji and Sri Aurobindo, and, hence, they are better refrained from to avoid dissipation of energy, otherwise vitally necessary for the aforementioned service to the motherland. People who are born into the culture of the country but fail to comprehend its core spiritual ethos must try better pastures than rejoinders from patriots who genuinely care for the preservation of the country's civilisational heritage and its furtherance thereof.

Sugata Bose @Nachhirul Hoque : Because Partition has given Muslims their land, the pound of flesh that they wanted by murdering the motherland. Now no more Islamisation of India will be allowed. It is sound pollution of the worst kind, especially in the pre-dawn hours when citizens are forcefully disturbed in their sleep. And it goes on 365 days a year five times a day preaching that Allah is the greatest and that there is none at par or above Him/It who ought to be worshipped. This is Arab culture and not essentially Indian, an infiltration through invasion and political pandering for electoral benefit which is patently antinational in its truest sense, for Islam declares all other religions including supposedly polytheistic Hinduism as flawed and inferior. This is Arab racism that cannot be allowed in a democratic polity. In the Qur'an there is the doctrine that the kafir must be aggressively challenged to convert or to fight and that it is a mercy unto him to be murdered if he does not submit, an act for which the murderer will be granted guaranteed heaven/jannat. Hence.

Sugata Bose @Nachhirul Hoque Typical response of an apologist for Islam. Not worth regarding. Read the Medina portion of the Qur'an and find out its intent on the kafir. You will ashamed of it if humanity reigns a bit within you. Islam decrees what jihadis do and Islamisation of India will not be tolerated anymore. Partition, Islamic genocides on Hindus to the tune of 80 to 100 million over a thousand year period, its acts throughout the world today and historically, beginning with its founder and continuing thereon, are testimony to the lie that it is a peaceful religion. Partition has the sanction of Islam. Do not forget how Islam divides the world into two sections, namely, Dar-ul-lslam and Dar-ul-Harb. It is this attempt to convert Dar-ul-Harb to Dar-ul-lslam that prompted Islamic efforts at partitioning India. I do not believe in such superstition as jannat and if heaven be there it should be universally open to all irrespective of allegiance to Muhammad or Allah. This sort of dangerous divisiveness that Islam preaches fuels fanaticism and has resulted historically in terrible genocides and cultural obliteration of races invaded by Islamic hordes. As fas as waking up early is concerned, it is one's personal choice which in no way is to be enforced by loudspeaker azan. May your inner light waken you to what I am saying and not your communal affiliation! And there goes the azan again for the umpteenth time.

Sugata Bose @Abhisek Metya : But truth must be told. Satyameva jayatey. Cowardice has no place in life. Civic discomfiture has to be discussed and disclosed for democratic rights to be upheld. Democracy is not a one-way traffic. This cowardice of the commoner is consuming the country and they pride themselves as followers of Netaji and Swamiji! Strange are the ways of the Lord. And the very fact that you mention what you do is proof enough that there is no democracy left for us to voice ample protest against civic inconveniences thus placed by political parties with electoral motivations. Please practice greater valour instead of this cowardly cowering before coarse communalism.

Sugata Bose @RN Singh : Is it so? I also was a bit bewildered on hearing it. I must accept your word as honest confession. Today, I heard on Republic TV the other version of the Pakistan flag's fluttering on Lal Chowk thus far which astonished me. Now I am in a quandary as to the veracity of the information thus conveyed. Indeed, these are the days of abounding fake news and one must learn to discern fact from fiction.

Sugata Bose @Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi : True, but Justice Manoj Kumar Mukherjee informally said to Amlan Kusum Ghosh that Gumnami Baba was Netaji. This is not my view as such. I am merely stating proceedings.

Sugata Bose @Tanusree Chakraborty : And the maligning by those stooges of erstwhile political dispensations continues which needs combating as well.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Prof. Sugata Bose is losing his composure and resorting to insulting his copanellists, film director Srijit Mukherjee and star actor Prasenjit. Why? How is it that an erudite person like him, a scholar-historian of international repute, is getting hyper-excited and indulging in personal attacks, irrelevant to the debate, instead of sticking to scholarly refuting of the Gumnami Baba angle which he is opposed to?

Sugata Bose @Monojit Dutta : It will spread culture. A nation oblivious of its heritage cannot rise to self-consciousness. And the teaching of Sanskrit is not the singular thing that must be done. But it is an essential ingredient in the whole process of national regeneration.

Sugata Bose @Surabhi Jha Munshi : Grand. All the best for the future. Feel proud of the fact that our country has one more PhD, so very necessary for the resurrection of the nation. Israel produces a surfeit of PhD scholars which is why it has progressed so very much despite seemingly insurmountable odds and determined enemies trying to snuff life out of it. We as a nation also need a great many PhDs who can contribute to its rise, and you are one of them. Feel proud of your achievement on that count. Serve the nation and be blessed. God bless you!

Sugata Bose @Anal Hajra: To be uncompromising in one's pursuit of truth in all its aspects and to unhesitatingly implement it in one's life, personal and civic.

Sugata Bose @Jnanojjwal Saha : Your observations are always incisive and original, sometimes simply brilliant.

Sugata Bose @Surya Sarathi Roy : Hindus must unite. You, Surya, are doing good work to that effect. The more awareness spreads, the more social cohesion will come among Hindus 🕉.

Sugata Bose @Ashis Rooj : You are mistaken. My name is Sugata Bose, true, as given by my parents, but I am unrelated to the Bose family to which Netaji belonged.

Sugata Bose @Abhijeet Anand : But you ought to apologize for your impertinence and ought to remember to be more circumspect in your judgement and pronouncement thereof in future. Shame on you that you thus cast aspersions on another on a groundless basis!

Sugata Bose @Manabendra Guha Roy : Right you are but I am not that Sugata Bose which your imagination deems me to be. I am another one out of the countless Sugata Boses that don the planet. Hence, your humour falls flat on the floor, and the floor, tickled by such humorous contact, giggles in consequence.

Sugata Bose @Bhoorewala Gurmeet : No, I implied that we must be like these lions who silently worked without publicizing it unlike many of the descendants of great revolutionaries like Netaji who use their names for self-promotion.

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : There has never been another photograph of his after the disemplaning at Saigon on 17 August, 1945 unless one believes that the Tashkent Man and the Paris Man were he.

Sugata Bose @Abhijeet Anand : Your casual ignorance about someone's identity despite his profile and cover picture etc. being apparent does not allow you to cast aspersions on him by saying what you did in your initial comment as to the authenticity of his writing. Calling one's words half-baked and implying his identity as having been stolen from someone else's hardly befits civic discourse. If this simple fact of expected civility in a person is not understood, then civic culture has plummeted indeed. Apology is the least one expects in such cases and those that fail to render it are apt to making similar remarks on others in future, for their refusal to see their fault and making easy excuse by way of gaining reprieve is proof of their unabashed stance. Hope my comments have proved to you the veracity of my status by now.

Sugata Bose @




The gallant INA girls, members of the Rani Jhansi Regiment, mere sixteen year old girls braving the battle, nay, waging war (World War II), to free their long-lost motherland from colonial-imperial occupation.


Raise the spirit up the spine

And free thyself superfine.

3. We must follow Swamiji in his original intent and not as per organisational suitability by editing content.

4. যেদিন মরে যাব, সেদিন বুঝবে এরা | আজ বোঝার সময় আসে নি |

5. The human species is perhaps the only one that preys on itself. Predator human, prey human.

6. Humanity is held in hurt. It is time to heal.

7. Dark ignorance which in classical terms is called 'tamas' only goes to hurt the interests of the nation.

8. Love breeds love, hate hate. The Law of Karma is inviolable.


The body becomes toxic when hurt is hurled at one. It takes a Subhas to override grief and love the motherland still. His Haripura address was prophetic. But it brought on him the tirade of Tripuri. Maligned, mistreated, cheated, outwitted in a wily manner and cast out of the Congress fold till he had none to lean on save a few devoted ones who dared with him the arduous journey of freedom, Subhas Chandra not once hit back below the belt as he had been done unto by the venerable ones of hallowed memory, the Mahatmas and the Pandits.

10. A poet expresses himself in lyrical lines to assuage his pain. His tears are shed in rhythms of love.

11. Barbarism abounds everywhere. Who will save the civilised?

12. যেদিন মরে যাব, সেদিন বুঝবে এরা | আজ বোঝার সময় আসে নি |

13. Netaji's statue will be unveiled at the India Gate to commemorate his 125th birth anniversary this year. What about the DNA Test of his alleged remains preserved at the Renkoji Temple in Tokyo?

14. This world is a mass of lies. Men lie, institutions lie, governments lie, godmen lie, prophets lie, all lie. Only truth does not lie.

15. God is mankind's biggest and most ingenious invention. And I am not an atheist at all. So, understand what I mean.

16. Cross-currents of thought are needed all the time for creative outflow. This is why harmonious diversity is a social blessing. But antithetical elements must be weeded out for such harmony to prevail in depth and not merely by way of surface pretension.

17. The country has been cheated. Netaji and his treasure chest -- where did they disappear?


Why do those who propagate the Taihoku aircrash theory, eminent historians and journalists, appear so unconvincing, even as if they are deliberately propagating a blatant falsity? Why does one get the scent of some terrible conspiracy in their very vehemence in affirmation of their unfounded theory without a shred of 'clinching evidence' to prove that Netaji died thus?

19. Modiji being an avowed devotee of Swamiji, he should promote Swamiji instead of Gandhiji throughout the world. That will do India and the world immense good. If Modiji does not do it now, some other future Prime Minister will do it and attain to glory.

20. আমার মনে হয় সারা ভারতবর্ষে শিক্ষার্থীদের স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ ও নেতাজী সুভাষচন্দ্র পড়ানো উচিত |

21. Continence and concentration raises the spiritual force up the spinal column till illumination is in the sacral plexus of the brain.

22. Gandhiji often surfaced as a chastising father to grown-up politicians like Subhas Bose. He was rather patronising in some of his remarks about Bose where he called him 'a spoilt child'. No wonder Bose paid him back due compliment by calling him 'Father of the Nation' with characteristic grace and unheeded humour. Father, indeed, for who else could have begotten us nincompoops, a nation of ignoramuses bent upon self-destruction?


To give birth to a Netaji we need a Prabhavati Devi. To give birth to a Swamiji we need a Bhuvaneshwari Devi.


জ়ান যায় রে, জ়ান যায় !

ঐ শোনো হাঁক মারে |

ধর্মদা লুপ্তপ্রায় |

25. India's biggest folly from pre-independence days was that her leaders sidelined Netaji. The legacy continues despite token gestures here and there in honouring him. The country is largely unaware of his contributions owing to poor literacy on the subject.

26. Is it possible that Netaji was Shivaji reborn? Both escaped from captivity in a dramatic way and waged war against the oppressive imperialist of the day to free the motherland.

27. Gandhiji should have been honest enough to admit that his non-violence had failed to win independence and that it was Netaji's armed struggle that had effectively freed India. But he lacked that transparency of vision or of character.

28. Why was 'Desh Prem Divas' changed to 'Parakram Divas'? In 1997 during the centenary celebration of Netaji, before the President of India 23 January was addressed as Desh Prem Divas. Why the change then?


We do not need Gandhi's certification of Netaji's patriotism. Netaji shines in stellar glory without such artificial aids. A wily politician who mischievously manouevres India's noblest patriot out of mainstream Congress politics need not pass patronising comments on the premier patriot to install him as such. Since he has made such comments, good and bad both, we can neglect them as belated, insincere, inconsequential gestures that matter least to us.

30. Bapu, Bapu and Bapu! The country knows nothing else.

31. দেশে মিত্রের সংখ্যা বাড়ানো প্রয়োজন | শত্রুতে দেশ ভরে গেছে | তাই স্বামীজী আর নেতাজীকে আদর্শ করা চাই |

32. Men are caught in little whirlpools of Maya. The object is to free oneself through discrimination of the impermanence of the terrestrial situation and reflection on the real Self.

33. The mistreatment of the INA soldiers by the Nehru government and thereon by successive Congress governments is a singular instance of treason towards the revolutionary cause for freedom. Who were the traitors then -- the INA or the Congress leaders who did them this dastardly damage to livelihood, rank and reputation?

34. India, leave the British Commonwealth of Nations! It is demeaning for us to be there.

35. Stop this loudspeaker Azaan.


A dead nation comes alive again with Netaji, with the installation of his hologram image under the canopy at India Gate. The reclamation of India begins.


Bengalis, awaken within yourself a mighty martial spirit. This sort of debilitating song and dance, poetry and prose movement that you so exhibit is not the call of the hour. Return to your revolutionaries of yore and awaken the lion, the lioness within your being.

38. What we need is manhood. Not the constitutional compulsion to cry but the courage to combat and die.

39. There are more enemies within the Hindus 🕉 working against Hindu interests than there are beyond the pale of Hindu society.

40. Service to the country is possible only when service to the self has stopped.

41. There seems a force which is driving evolution but it seems for all its omnipotence this force is rather blind.

42. This is a tragedy. Those who clamour so much about rewriting history and restoring Netaji to his pride of place, do not even bother to go thoroughly through the Collected Works of Netaji.

43. Why is that when our leaders speak they fail to inspire us but Netaji and Swamiji could so soar our spirits to heights of inspiration?

44. As I read more and more of Netaji's exploits, I am set wondering as to who was greater - Guru or shishya? Swamiji or Netaji?

45. We need the rehabilitation of Rash Behari Bose in the national consciousness.

46. Ranganathanandaji used to say, "Bahubalam, buddhibalam, atmabalam." Bahubalam stands for military strength, buddhibalam for academic or intellectual strength and atmabalam for spiritual strength. These three in conjunction will make for a powerful, renascent  India 🇮🇳.

47. Be a fan, not a fanatic.


Q. Who is the king of West Bengal?

A. Aurangzeb Alamgir.

Q. Proof?

A. 5.00 a.m. loudspeaker Azaan, disturbing subjects' sleep.

49. A refreshing Republic Day! 26 January, 2022.

50. Brutality is not strength. It is insensitivity to the higher forces born out of a savage deadening of nerves.


Narendra Modi has changed the very narrative of India. At last patriotism in its full flow abounds. Lal Chowk, Srinagar, sees the Indian tricolor fluttering in place of the usual Pakistani flag. Patriotism replaces perfidy. Abrogation of Article 370 is integrating India.

Photo : internet

52. You do not destroy the doctrine but keep fighting the terrorists and lose your army personnel every other day. This will not work. The war must be ideologically fought as well and the enemy destroyed in bud. That is the way.

53. Marooned on an island with none to interact with, a gregarious being loses his mind. Hence we live in an interactive society, our best interaction being when we communicate in mutual love.

54. I was amazed to hear that this is the first Republic Day that India's tricolour 🇮🇳 has fluttered over Lal Chowk, Srinagar, and that earlier it was Pakistan's flag that did so.

55. Stop electoral opportunism and practise genuine patriotism.

56. কাপুরুষ কখনও ভগবান লাভ করতে পারে না |

57. Individual concentration and the resolve to do well also builds the nation for the individual is a unit of the nation. Pursue excellence. Your contribution will count.

58. মানুষের বায়ু চঞ্চল বলে জীবনে এত বিপত্তি | গোটা দেশ যদি ধ্যানজপ করে তো এই সংকট অনেকাংশে প্রশমিত হবে |

59. We are not a knowledge-based nation today despite the internet. We are sensation-based.

60. Was Netaji murdered in Russia by Stalin or post-Stalin as Dr. Subramanian Swamy, Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi and Purabi Roy emphatically claim?


We should sideline those who malign Netaji by labelling him a fascist simple because out of exigencies of realpolitik he sought the assistance of Hitler to fight his war for India's independence. Churchill and Roosevelt-Truman likewise sought communist Soviet Union's alliance to defeat Hitler. Did they thereby become communists as well? Did Stalin in seeking alliance with capitalist Britain and USA become capitalist for good measure?

Written by Sugata Bose 

62. এই প্রার্থনা করুন -- "হে ঠাকুর, আমার সর্বস্য তুমি, আমার ভালবাসা নাও |"

63. 🕉 is the sacred symbol of God. Chant it.

64. ছবি তো তারই তোলা যাবে যার অবয়ব আছে | যার অবয়ব নেই তার ছবি তুলবে কি করে?

65. শুধু এইটুকু ভালবেসে বলবেন -- 'ঠাকুর-মা-স্বামীজী' -- তাহলেই হবে |

66. সবাই নেতাজী নেতাজী করেন কিন্তু কম মানুষই রাসবিহারী বসুর উল্লেখ করেন বিশেষ |

67. Those who judge the Guru are not worthy disciples. In fact they are failed disciples and, hence, not disciples at all. The Guru's Guru will judge him. If not, God, the supreme Guru, will judge. But the disciple must never contemplate any of these judgements.

68. The revolutionaries have suffered the maximum. Yet, they are remembered the least.

69. আজকাল হয়েছে যা -- সবই দেখি কল্যাণদা আর কল্যাণীদি চারিদিকে, মানে, আত্মকল্যাণকার্যেই রত সব | যত সব !


Behold the girl that walketh down the field.

I have incarnated in her.

I am the womb of whom I am born,

I am the mother of myself.

71. India will not rise to her feet till Sanskrit is taught to every child through school and college curricula.

72. Wealth is what you accumulate out of the savings of others when you profit by selling your products or services. It is public money held in trust with yourself. Hence, the sense of ownership of it must be discarded. It should never be spent for personal pleasure beyond basic subsistence but must be disbursed for public welfare. 

73. The reasoning (by Chandrachur Ghose in his YouTube video) is convoluted in thrusting marriage on Netaji despite Bhagavanji's repudiation of the entire romantic/marital affair. Strange are the ways of preferred perceptions!

74. নেতাজীকে নিয়ে এত মিথ্যাচার কেন? কেন জোর করে বিয়ে দেওয়া হচ্ছে? কেন মহানিষ্ক্রমণের ব্যাখানে এত অসঙ্গতি? কেন আজও বিমান দুর্ঘটনায় মৃত্যু হয়েছে বলে সরব পরিবারের একাংশ?

75. আজ অপচয় বন্ধ করুন, আগামীকাল অভাবের মুখ নাও দেখতে হতে পারে | আজকের কর্মের ওপর নির্ভরশীল ভবিষ্যৎভাগ্য | মিতব্যয়িতা শুধু বাস্তবিক প্রয়োজনীয়তা নয়, মিতব্যয়িতা চারিত্রিক ভূষণও বটে | সর্বোপরি, মিতব্যয়িতা নৈতিক দায়িত্ব কারণ যে ধন আপনি নিজের বলে ভ্রমবশতঃ গণ্য করেন, তা আদপেই আপনার নয় | তা ঈশ্বরের, প্রকৃতির সম্পদ | সমস্ত মানবসমাজের সেবাকল্পে তা আপনার কাছে গচ্ছিত আছে এইমাত্র | তাই আত্মরক্ষার্থে ও সমাজরক্ষার্থে মিতব্যয়ী হ'ন |

76. Let work work out work, Thou be the Witness.

77. She was strikingly beautiful in her simplicity.


Dipak Gupta is no more. The great grandson of 'M', Mahendranath Gupta, the chronicler of 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita', the one who for half a century enchanted audiences with his unique style of presentation of the Master's recorded words, has passed away. A great vacuum has been created and someone must step in to fill the vacant post of bringing home the Master's words to the devotees.


সর্বদিক যখন অন্ধকার, নিঃসহায় বোধ করি আমরা, তখনও সাথে থাকেন মা | এই বিশ্বাস, এই বোধ অভ্যাসের দ্বারা জাগরুক রাখাই সাধনা | এই আশ্বাস মা স্বয়ং দিয়ে গেছেন |

80. ব্রহ্মচর্য ছাড়া যথার্থ পুরুষ হওয়া যায় না |

81. Concentration, constancy and consciousness characterise the integrated personality.

82. Man is chained to limitation by as much his own sensory cravings as by cultural conditions thrust on his civic existence. But man can with effort break free. And that is the object of spiritual life, to break beyond sensory bounds.


The blossoming bud. The nightingale in bud, in bloom and in blessedness.


Lata Mangeshkar at her daily devotions. Marked on the photograph in yellow is where reign Thakur-Ma-Swamiji in her life. She has testified that her father Dinanath Mangeshkar was devoted to Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and so is she, her brother Hridaynath Mangeshkar and the entire Mangeshkar family.


Lata Mangeshkar's father, Master Dinanath Mangeshkar, the great Marathi Natyasangeet exponent.


He holds the destiny of India in his hands even at this distance in time. India is not extinguished as yet. She shall rise to eminence and greatness. Jai Hind!

87. ব্রহ্মচর্যের মধ্যে নিহিত আস্তিক্যবুদ্ধি, ধুনুচি নাচে নয় |


Will their martyrdom go in vain?

Photo: Bagha Jatin after being mortally wounded in the Battle of Buribalam, Balasore.


Sachindranath Sanyal, twice incarcerated in the dreaded Cellular Jail, Andamans for revolutionary activities, author of 'Bandi Jeevan', waged a four year long war of words with M.K.Gandhi in 'Young India' over the fruitfulness or futility of Gandhian passive resistance. The rest read from his gripping narrative of the rigours of prison life in British India. Deputy to Rash Behari Bose early on, he was a devout Hindu and was patriotism personified.


আমি অনাথ নই | আমার মা আছেন |

91. I am the Light. When I descend into the body, it becomes illuminated.


The Machiavellian who starved 5 million Bengalis to death in 1943 to suit colonial-imperial compulsions born out of racial bigotry and a callous attitude thus towards Indians of supposedly uncivilized status, fit to be ruled or eliminated. Winston Churchill of colonial notoriety.


Jatin Das passes away after his 63 day hunger-strike. Gandhiji several times threatened fast unto death but called it off midway but Jatin Das proved true to his word and carried it out. This is the difference between blazoned truthfulness and genuine observance of it.


Who was he? Not many people care to know. His sacrifices are hardly highlighted. [Rajendranath Lahiri]

95. What is religion? Oneness. What is politics? Separateness. What is God? Pure consciousness, indivisible, whole. What is life? Experience.


India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will one day unite to become the ancient Bharatvarsha, glorious than ever before.

97. People should learn to think. That is the fundamental feature of education.

98. Punctuate your write-ups and comments well. It is awful to see small letters instead of capital letters in places, absence of fullstop at the end of a sentence, unnecessary spaces between word and punctuating mark such as comma, the beginning of a sentence with small letter etc. Please consider this.

99. Self-publicity, self-promotion and self-propagation are not patriotism.

100. I may fail but my word will not.