Monday, 14 February 2022




You must earn money but never burn money.

2. We borrow bliss from the Atman but forget the Atman in identification of the bliss itself with material objects which, though, are not the source of it. When desires are largely satiated comes introspection. Then the source of bliss is sought within and the Atman in shining self-splendour reveals Itself to the seeking soul which dissolves in Its Presence and becomes one with It.


Commander-in-Chief of the Indian National Army, Netaji leads his men through suffering and sacrifice to the motherland's freedom.

4. What is death when there is love all around?

5. জাতিগতভাবে আমাদের আরো গভীর হতে হবে | বড় চপলতা, লঘুচিত্ততা আমাদের মানসিকতায় | জাতির উত্থানের পথে বাধাস্বরূপ এই অসারতা |

6. Like shadows we are lingering in this world. The substance is hidden beneath this facade of form.

7. Science is progressive, religion dated. The Vedic Dharma was science, its modern derivative largely religious.


Arrival in Singapore after a three month submarine journey through war-torn Europe and Asia, proclamation of independence with declaration of formation of the Provisional Government of Free India on 21 October, 1943, public address in Burma in 1944, and inspection of soldiers of the INA who had been promised the motherland's freedom at the cost of their ceaselessly flowing blood along the road to Delhi.

9. Swamiji said, "Unselfishness is spirituality." This then is the test of it, simple, the inviolable law of the 'life divine'.

10. যার যেমন ভাব, তার তেমন লাভ; যার যেমন মতি, তার তেমন গতি | এটি কর্মের দুর্লঘ্য নিয়ম | এইটি মনে রেখে অপকর্ম হতে বিরত থাকার বিধান শাস্ত্রের | নইলে বারে বারে সংসারদুঃখভোগ অনিবার্য |


There are two types of artistes -- those that present their art oblivious of self and those that present themselves obvious of art.

12. পৃথিবীতে অহেতুক যা কিছু, তার নাম প্রেম, আর হেতু নিয়ে যা কিছু, তার নাম বাণিজ্য |

13. Flood social media with posts on Ramakrishna-Vivekananda. It will conduce to the good of the nation. It will be a step towards saving the world from destruction at the hands of inhuman forces proliferating everywhere.


The one that never gives up Her child whatever be the child's karma.


In the hour of meditation, in the hour of stillness, Lord, be Thou my only repose.


Self-projection is everywhere. Alas, exteriorisation is the order of the day! What a contrasting picture is Sri Ramakrishna in absolute identification with the Self within with not an iota of material manifestation beyond what a descent into human clay enjoins!


This is yet another unresolved case. What happened to the INA treasure chest truly? Who appropriated the vast wealth post capitulation of the INA In WW II? Netaji was carrying the treasure chest with him when he mysteriously disappeared? What happened thereafter to the treasure chest? Multiple allegations abound against various parties but what is the truth after all?


The triumvirate in happy Haripura -- Gandhi, Bose, Patel.

19. Fear goes when love abides.

20. 'Yoga - chittavrittinirodha. योग चित्तवृत्तिनिरोध |' (Patanjali Yogasutra) Yoga is the restraint of the modifications of the mind unto cessation whereupon the ever unmodified Brahman is revealed.

21. Urban India's infatuation with the West continues. Born in India, how easy it has become for brilliant boys and girls to study in the US and the UK, and settle there! Mother's billion children struggling for sustenance, for survival, yet, how oblivious of their pain to seek personal pleasure and ephemeral establishment in a vanishing world! Patriotism indeed! Debt to motherland conveniently forgotten!

22. Sri Ramakrishna is the fountainhead of all wisdom, eternal India's spirituality congealed in a consolidated human form. Human, yet, totally divine -- the perfect fusion of God and Man.


Until you can see God in human beings, spirituality has not begun for you. You will have to be able to look through the cover of flesh and form to the shining Spirit within, seeking external expression in phenomenal play. You yourself are the very God who you in your ignorance worship. This is the ultimate realisation of the Vedanta. Man is God. Know this and deify your life, your relations, your attitudes, your aspirations, your very existence. 

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Swami Akhandananda, direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and the third President of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission.

24. Truth does not flatter its way through. Compromise is never a part of it. Truth advances by its sheer might through the mist of material maladjustments. The contradictions of Nature must eventually bow down to Truth. Pleasure-seeking is never privy to this Truth which rides the chariot of selflessness. 

25. ওঃ! জাগো, ভারত, জাগো!

26. I detest personal ambition. Aspiration for the country I am all out for, especially for fulfilment of the projects of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission.

27. Blessed are they who love the Lord in the bloom of their lives.

28. ব্রহ্মচর্য নেই, অনুভূতি নেই, কিছু নেই, বক্তৃতা দিচ্ছে ঠাকুরের ওপর | আলুনি লাগে শুনলে |

29. আজ আধ্যাত্মিক জগতের এক বড় সংকট হল যে ঠাকুরের জীবন ও বাণী প্রচারের উপযুক্ত, উন্নত মার্গের, প্রত্যক্ষ অনুভূতিপ্রাপ্ত সুবক্তা নেই যাঁর বজ্রনির্ঘোষে মানুষ মহৎ জীবনের প্রতি আকৃষ্ট হবেন, অনুপ্রাণিত হবেন সেই জীবনযাপনে | যাঁরা ভাষণ দেন তাঁরা নিজেরাই পূর্ণ গঠিতচরিত্র নন -- অনুপ্রাণিত করবেন কি করে ?

30. The public speakers on religion today are indeed providing for men with a critical eye like me a sad spectacle.

31. Charity has virtually gone from our land. We need to cultivate this spirit of charity once more so that our masses are well looked after. But money cannot be the goal. It is the cause of grief if pursued wrongly. Money is but the means to serve man and no more.

32. Existence is. Desires are not. The world flows on, floats on a turbulent ocean. Witness am I of this panoramic spectacle seen through unitary eyes.

33. ত্যাগ শুধু সাধু করেন না, অনেক গৃহীও করেন | এমন গৃহীর ত্যাগের কথা জানি যা সাধুকে হার মানায় |

34. মিতব্যয়ীতা অভ্যাস করুন | স্বামীজী এমনটিই চেয়েছিলেন | অর্থ ঈশ্বরের, আপনার নয় | আপনার কাছে তা গচ্ছিতমাত্র আছে | ঈশ্বরের অছিরূপে যৎসামান্য আত্মসংরক্ষণার্থে ব্যয় ও উপযুক্ত পরিমান সঞ্চয় করার পর বাকিটা মানবকল্যাণপ্রকল্পে বিচারপূর্বক সদ্ব্যয় করুন | দেখবেন যেন ব্যয়ে ও দানে (সেবায়) ঈশ্বরের ধনের অপচয় না হয় | তেলা মাথায় তেল দেবেন না | রিক্তের পাশে দাঁড়ান, দেশগঠনে ব্যয় করুন |

35. Spring has set in; the cuckoo sings. How totally to tune with that lovely meend!

36. এই ঘরের মধ্যে আমরা এখন আছি | তারপর মা যখন ডাকবেন তখন চলে যাব |

37. মানুষ মানুষকে যদি সম্মান না করতে পারে তো তাকে মানুষ না বলে আর কিছু বলা উচিত |

38. যতক্ষণ তুমি অপরকে কষ্ট দিয়ে আত্মপ্রবোধ লাভ কর ততক্ষণ তুমি মানুষ পদবাচ্য নও |

39. Slipshodness is not compatible with spirituality. It betokens carelessness and lapse in concentration.

40. Strength must manifest in every movement of life. No effeminacy must mar it. That is spirituality.


Is China on the way to becoming the world's next hegemon then? Will US influence last another three decades? Will China supercede it by 2049 in its 100th anniversary of liberation? What do you say?

42. US complicates matters everywhere to serve its self-interest, deeming itself as the world as it were. Then chaos follows as US leaves the course midway for conflicting countries to suffer the consequence. Would it were that US were rid of its nefarious capitalist big bosses who rule the roost.

43. প্রণাম পেতে হলে প্রণাম দিতে হবে, নমস্কার নয় |

44. It is not charity but discharge of due duty.

45. Frightening people with eternal hell-fire is no way to religion. All these archaic ideas must be stripped of significance.

46. We must offer ourselves at the feet of the Lord without expecting that He will receive us, for even such expectation is tinged with desire, however suffused with sublimity of the Spirit, and the least bit of desire sullies the offering, renders it sterile and unworthy of the giving. We may only offer and witness. That is all.

47. Money many have but have not the spiritual sense to dispense with it along divine channels.

48. This world is a marketplace. Here commodities are sold and men sold cheaper than commodity.

49. দান? কাকে দান? গঙ্গার জল তুলে গঙ্গায় দান?

50. If you truly care for yourself, care for your fellow beings.

51. Worldly life is eventually inconsequential. Death snatches all earthly attainments away.

52. Obliteration of the self is spirituality. No hankering for name and fame, no sense of security in ephemeral things must be there. Pure independence requires pure dependence on the Lord who never forsakes the one who has offered his all unto Him and resigned his fate at His lotus feet.

53. Infatuation is the mother of folly and is far removed from spirituality.

54. মানুষ বুদ্বুদের ন্যায় জন্মায়, বুদ্বুদের ন্যায় মরে | তার মধ্যে যেটুকু বায়ু সঞ্চালন হল, তাই জীবন | পালে হাওয়া লেগেছে | এখন জীবনতরী কোনদিকে যায়, তাই দ্রষ্টব্য |

55. The more you are sense-bound, the less will your devotion be to the spiritual ideal of life.

56. ঈশ্বরের সাথে দূরত্ব বাড়িও না | এ মায়ার সংসারে ভেসে থাকো, জড়িয়ে যেও না |

57. The firewood must be dry for it to ignite. So must the human soul be devoid of desire that it may quicken to the Word of God.

58. Secondary souls go for academic letters. The primary ones go to source, Nature itself, both in its external and internal phases. And the tertiary ones ramble about in the periphery of the affections of the aforesaid categories.

59. We waste a lot of energy fruitlessly in life while the world around us suffers abysmal poverty, deprivation and the horrors of war born out of senseless greed. Would it were that we focussed far more in seeking solutions to the problems and applying them to eradicate the latter for the well-being of our fellow beings! Concentration is the key.


স্থান : বেলুড় মঠ, প্রেসিডেন্ট মহারাজের কক্ষ |

ভক্ত : মহারাজ, আমার ছেলেটাকে কি করে মানুষ করব ?

স্বামী ভূতেশানন্দ : ছেলের সামনে জ্বলন্ত দৃষ্টান্তস্বরূপ হও |

61. The one thing necessary is feeling and that is highly deficient in the well-to-do. Seeking financial self-security above the philanthropic impulse is antithetical to self-establishment in the Truth. Resignation unto the Lord is the one thing needful with concern for others overriding the desire for self-preservation at any cost. Selfishness comes in various garbs and ruins spiritual possibilities.

62. Purity is power.

63. Negative patriotism engenders hate; positive patriotism does acts of love and service.

64. The motherland is my Goddess. What care I if I live or die when I have found salvation in loving my mother, my India of dearest dreams that traces her roots to my inmost Self?

65. Feel more, spend less, save more, give more.

66. To be busy is good, to pretend to be so unnecessary. True workers seldom exhibit undue busyness.

67. Whole day I write but all that I get is neglect. What a sorry state of affairs! The busyness of women and the business of men!

68. We need idealistic, educated, intelligent young people well-versed in Vivekananda to activate the Swami's action plans for the regeneration of the nation.

69. Ego acts as the stumbling block between failure on this side and success on the other. The obstacle of ego overcome, life's race is won.

70. অহংকার থেকেই নাস্তিকতা, প্রজ্ঞা থেকে নয় |


Elaborate traps are laid all around, Mother plays within its network. And Mother lies motionless beyond.

72. আত্মাই আত্মাকে জানেন |


শরীরের প্রতি মোহ থাকতে আধ্যাত্মিকতা সম্ভব নয় | ভক্তের শরীর সুস্থ রাখা কাম্য, দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণের জন্য প্রসাধিত করা নয় | পবিত্রতাই ভূষণ, কৃত্রিম পরিচর্যা নয় |

74. The loving one is the charitable one. Charity is love of the heart seeking manifestation in diverse ways. We must give freely even as God gives us freely. To serve the Daridranarayan is a great privilege.

75. There is too much of self in aspiration, too little of thought for others. Possession is not personal, delusion makes it so. Hold not. Let go of the air over your palm and it will ever be yours, floating free.

76. দক্ষ কর্মীর ব্যস্ততা থাকে না; অদক্ষ কর্মী সদা কর্মব্যস্ত |

77. Love to be love must be devoid of self. Contradictory it may seem to most but it is nothing but the truth. Self gone, love reigns pure, detached, supreme.


Read Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, serve the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, chant the holy name of Thakur and be illumined. Let the colour of God brighten your heart and soul and make you a blessing unto yourself and humanity. Love God and life's problems are solved. 

79. We labour with little support but we labour never in vain. Our spirit is tinged with love and love can never fail.

80. Give if you can. Hold not in your clenched fist what if let go in service to the poor can save lives. Mother says, "He who has, let him give; he who does not, let him chant."

81. If every festival makes us more aware of the plight of the poor and makes us active in alleviating their misery, our devotion will have been well served. Else, it degenerates into mere mirth of an inconsequential kind.

82. Sri Ramakrishna is not limited to India. He is universal in scope for He is the Universal Being, the Master of all sentience. Unlimited He is and unlimited is His Mission on earth. Serve the Great Cause.

83. অজিত মহারাজের (স্বামী স্বতন্ত্রানন্দজীর) পর আবার মন ভরে যাচ্ছে সুভাষ মহারাজের (স্বামী বিশ্বনাথানন্দজীর) ঠাকুরের প্রসঙ্গকথা শুনে |


ঠাকুরের ভাব গ্রহণ করা ছাড়া তো মানবজাতির আর পথ দেখিনা | এই বিরাট সহমর্মিতার ভাব গ্রহণেই মানবসমাজ রক্ষা পাবে | হিন্দু, মুসলমান, খ্রীষ্টান ও অন্যান্য মতাবলম্বীরা সকলেই ঠাকুরের উদার ভাব কালে গ্রহণ করে ধন্য হবে | সেই দিশায় কাজ করে চলেছেন রামকৃষ্ণ মিশন | আসুন, সকলে মিলে সেবা করি ঠাকুরের এই সংঘকে |

85. It is our privilege to serve Thakur. If he chooses us as his instrument we ought to revel at it and plunge headlong into his service. It is our merit of many lives and the Master's grace that he should give us this opportunity. Let us give ourselves wholly to his cause of the regeneration of mankind. Serve the Ramakrishna Mission.

86. Do not fall at the feet of others. Fall at your own feet in reverence of your own grandeur stemming from the Atman.

87. Do an act of charity today and be a blessing unto yourself for it.

88. The life of the nation is in the huts and the hovels, in the hills and the dales, in the forests and the groves whence new India will yet arise. Serve these fallen children of the Lord and usher in the new India. Unto you lies the burden of this national raising up.

89. Simplify living and you will find resources enough to share with the hapless ones, the Daridranarayans.

90. God lives in flowers, in children and in the intoxicated ones seeking Him.

91. The scriptures are a guide but the principles enshrined therein must be translated into living acts of love and service. Vedanta must become practical through intense sympathy for the poor and the dispossessed.

92. You are worthy in as much as you give, not in as much as you hold. All wealth is God's. You are merely His favoured trustee. Dispense well with riches. Save the poor.

93. The poor suffer mutely. The rich enjoy life. What a waste of humanity in a life of infinite possibilities where want of real education stifles human hopes!

94. Men will be men only when they outgrow themselves. The organic being is selfish. It must be transcended, selfishness sublimated and life itself offered as oblation in the divine sacrificial fire.

95. You are God. Never forget it.

96. Be unselfish. Do not bother too much about yourself. Look around. Gods and Goddesses are suffering the grinding pain of poverty. Help ease them in their living. Serve for 'they' are all 'you'.

97. To maintain one body what care we take but oblivious we are to our billion bodies all around. And this is the handiwork of the ego. Shed it and serve.

98. Mother's children must not suffer through our neglect. They are us in so many 'distressing disguises'.

99. Devotion must translate to deed. Else, it is empty emotion.

100. Mother's children must not suffer through our neglect. They are us in so many 'distressing disguises'.

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