Wednesday 2 February 2022



The freer you are, the happier you are. Cut off all traditional trappings, stand clear of all snares of Maya, and be free. Happiest is the man who has broken free of all dualistic bondage and beholds himself as the shining Self within, the solitary Being without bounds, self-brooding for all eternity. The God whom he has worshipped thus far through countless lives, now stands revealed as his very Self, as himself in his deepest essence. Wonder of wonders is the revelation of this, the only God that exists, all other Gods being cast aside as shadowy superstition of the ignorant mind. The universe floats like an inverted phenomenon, a la Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The universe melts like shadow and forms from shadow again to continue the spectral magic, but no more is the liberated one trapped in its contours. He beholds it all as his very Self in magical projection.

Written by Sugata Bose 

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