Dear Parnika,
In a few years' time you will be free enough to do work and earn enough to amass a fortune which you can then spend in building welfare works in India. True. But where will the money come from? Can you mint it? manufacture it? Can you magically produce it? No. You will have to beg it of the people of India and, perhaps, of the world. They will be induced by you to buy your services or products at a premium which will furnish you a share of their wealth in the form of profit which you will proceed to call your own. But whose wealth is it after all? The Lord's in temporary trust with His children, to be continuously circulated among them to help advance their earthly evolution. Remember this very well. Grasp the idea for good. Commit it to your memory in a manner that it strikes roots in your consciousness and kindles genuine love for your earthly siblings, your Mother's offsprings who grovel in the dark, bereft of education, of bare means of earthly survival, of health, habitation and hope. Arise! Awake! Strike off all vain personal desire and live for India.
Yours in high hope and benediction, Gurudev.
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