Saturday 31 October 2020



Sometimes I feel that too much time is lost in unnecessary talk when such moments could be better spent sensing the spirit of the subject talked about. Music is one such subject where the spirit comes through best in the rendition of quality rather than in fruitless preliminary talk followed by a lacklustre performance. Even in spiritual matters I find people asking too many questions instead of engaging themselves in the pure pursuit of the instructions already given by the preceptor and holding one's patience till God blesses them with vision, either now or in a hundred lifetimes.
Talk, talk and talk -- too much talk spoils the show wherever I set my eyes on and words cover up the essence which is unreachable by the clever assemblage of syllables. Now, I am of a different temperament and like to wait on a lifetime for the Lord to reveal Himself out of His infinite grace if it so pleases Him. Who am I to keep asking Him this or that question and bother Him while I have even till now failed to discharge my allotted duties coming from Him?

Written by Sugata Bose

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