Sunday 18 October 2020



Today is Pandit Arvind Parikh's 93rd birth anniversary. He was born on this day in 1927 and has served the cause of music lifelong. A disciple of Ustad Vilayat Khan, Pt. Parikh has upheld the best traditions of his Etawah-Imdadkhani Gharana and, apart from performing for decades as a top sitarist, has trained a host of students in the sitarvaadan of his gharana. His latest venture dubbed 'Baithak' has drawn the attention of music lovers the world over as he has invited top-class artistes from across the spectrum of North Indian gharanas in both vocal and instrumental music to give lecture demonstrations of their art-form and answer pertinent questions raised by the host, Pt. Parikh. On this happy day of the anniversary of his birth, we wish this nonagenarian health and happiness and the energy to sustain his life's work, that of preserving and promoting all that is best in Hindustani classical music.

Written by Sugata Bose

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